Perhaps the most important thing to a society or to a species species is the protection and the development of of its ensuing generation. America has lost touch with this great and grave fact.
It’s a real issue how adults in adults in a family where there are previously children from the previous relationship or marriage do not take the same amount of concern for for their partner’s children as for their own. God knows I suffered from this as a child. The parents between their children and the new partner is the hub between all of them. They have an incredible responsibility.
It’s a good thing not to be good at something that is either bad or wrong. Most men would have trouble with this concept with regard to an ability to get any woman into bed simply by turning on a light bulb 💡 at will.
GOD gives us a talent and we decide how to use it, or whether to use it. You see, there is merit in not using certain abilities we have been endowed with [or that have morphed into something less than originally specified].