Some people would rather die before hurting or exploiting another human being – Most wouldn’t.
I estimate I have to make a $43 payment towards the principal on my credit card in order for the payment to drop a dollar -that’s ridiculous. You can put a lot of money on a card and pay a low payment resumably. But 75% of what they take is for themselves out of the payment. Is there an upside of this?
The ccc make it sound like they’re doing you a favor. “Good news, it’s free through our automatic system”. Manipulation and power balance. People [the older generation] are letting things slip away in this country -the new generations are not going to know the difference between the rights and greed of the corporations. Another thing I love is when the prompt says “Now you can even use your debit card it’s free”. For now it’s free? What else are you suppose to pay with IDIOT? Read on Wikipedia about capitalism it’s not a happy ending.
It’s against the law to commit murder but is it against the law to commit suicide? It’s not against the law to be homeless but it’s against the law not to buy insurance for your car. It’s against the law to screw other people over but it’s not against the law to screw yourself over? It’s not against the law to be responsible with regard to your own needs but where other people are concerned it is?
If you restrict people to the amount of money they can earn then you’re marked as a Communist government. It’s okay to restrict people in other ways you just can’t restrict how much they can rape and pillage the system huh? You cannot restrict people to how much money they can rape and pillage from the system, you leave that to their own good graces and conscience -and yet, and how many people moderate themselves? It’s okay to abuse the system as long as you do it through legal channels? THIS IS F-ING RIDICULES MAN! What would happen if we took away the right of people to get up every morning and take as much as they can possibly take with little regard for the system itself or other people? Some people live in breed for the “MORE” of their existence. It’s the people running things that are as guilty of this as anyone and that’s why it’ll never be corrected. They’re the ones with a greater ability to get more -so why would they want to “CUT OFF THEIR OWN 👃”. SOB’s