How many people take out their anger on people who never hurt them? How many women who have been mistreated by men 10 you did by men take out their anger and their mistrust and various ways on people who mean them no harm? How many people mistrust the entire world because of a few bad apples? It must really suck going through life like that. A lot of people don’t know the good guys from the bad guy so they just lump us all in together.
Why can’t we get a break on our credit card debt by being good samaritan’s? Why don’t we only get a break when we pay the debt off in full or in part? Because money doesn’t give a d*** about the character of an individual that’s why.
People are so stupid-what’s the difference between a black man calling a black man and n***** and a white man calling the black man a n*****? Answer: Nothing!!!
This morning I was at my aunt and Uncle’s and the news was on as usual and they were talking about how the abortion law had been reversed. For an hour I heard nothing but people on there going on and on and on about how they’re constitutional rights had been violate. It didn’t have 2 sides of the story. That’s my 1st point. What’s happening to this country? The other is that getting an abortion isn’t a constitutional right, simply put it’s human beings and human will that is taking place with no regard for God’s laws. That’s what’s going on. I heard everything on there from the violation of our constitutional rights to calling the Supreme Court Justice is racist…. How many contradictions would join in on this conversation from people with regard to their constitutional rights being violated? They’ve only been a ride for 40 some years. They haven’t been right from the beginning when this country was established. Some of the hypocrisies.