Business – Entertainment has to get gorier and gorier and gorier in order to keep the sales going. Sounds like an addiction to me. No sir -what man needs to do is curb his appetite not increasingly satisfy it. Of course there’s no money in this or is there? Man always flips and finds a way to capitalize.

The model of addiction I believe is being used in my modern day America.

Kill 2 birds with one stone. Weakening American society by bringing disunity. While at the same time creating a void with that disunity which causes people to go out and spend money to fill the void. Humans are social creatures, take away the social structure and they will gravitate to something else and pursue it and bond with it.

In politics why put your own guy in there when you can have someone on both sides and completely eliminate any risk of your outcome not coming to fruition. This is what we see going on.

Oftentimes people will have an agenda below the surface while acting on an agenda above the surface for all to see and support.

Everything stated thus far in this particular publishing is underhanded and orchestrated by the scum of the Earth.

All these businesses find these products at a cheap price and then sell them to us why can’t we get in on the cheaper price at the beginning? Many of the laws in this country are designed to protect link to protect the system and the people working on the side of the system rather than the general public. My cousin had a business and there were so many loopholes for him to slide through it was ridiculous. So was the amount of power that he had forcing the public to have to trust him whether they knew him or not whether he was trustworthy or not.

Some of man’s laws aren’t very realistic. They use the excuse of some people being able to abide by them as an excuse for all of us when in fact these people aren’t necessarily all there either.

Nothing like 7.5 billion people trying to survive -a fair percentage who have an odd [arrogant] idea of what the definition of survive is.

Most of the people in this country are lacking in self worth because they’ve been taught it’s about what they covet rather than how they conduct themselves. We have to have a society that is strong and connected based upon self esteem or self esteem based upon the aforementioned which we do not have in this country.

Self worth should be based on how we live our lives not on how people treat us.

If certain people can’t use them [that is use the people who have talents in order to profit for example] then what good are the talents of the world? From a self serving perspective I’m saying.

Why not artificially or biologically change man through Covid so that he can not destroy himself. Gee πŸ€” why didn’t God think of that?

You see human behavior among the rich and the famous and it’s so d*** predictable. Their relationships… The relationship choices… Money and power always get the same thing over and over and over.

You know it’s incredible to me is that for the first time in my life I’m looking at Society, and they are the ones’ all screwed up rather than me. THEY ARE THE ONES’ HEADING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION NOT ME -SCARY!!!!!!! And there’s not a damn thing could be done in either instance. I don’t think most gave a damn about me. Do I give a damn about them -JUDGE FOR YOURSELF!


The majority of people in 12 step programs such as AA and NA suffer from severe lack of self worth coupled with egomania on varying levels. If I’m not that different from other people then the fact would be this, most people in these programs never quite get there self worth up to full parr.

It’s pathetic watching humanity in this country gravitate towards full blown materialism. Deflecting any kind of interest in one’s self over interest for one’s self. Things and knowledge outside one’s self! MANKIND HAS GIVEN UP ON ITSELF.

You could bankrupt a country making threats all day long.

If you base your gratitude on what the world does for you… you’re gonna have a lot of ups and downs.

What principles are you operating from? What point of reference are you going by?

If there is no paradise in The Bible. If it’s just a fable then why does man spend so much energy trying to get back to paradise here on Earth?

God sees both people in conflict as his children wear as the 2 people in conflict see each other as nothing.

We want GOD to accept us unconditionally but we don’t accept HIM unconditionally.

If GOD is a punishing GOD then why are so many bad people running around unpunished?

People who are other centered verses self centered. When it comes to people who are different -people who are other- centered tend to be more open whereas people who are self centered tend to be less open.

You were warned Rick, you were warned very early on that if you were to choose the path Jesus that you would suffer, and in the most likely of places -that of your greatest vulnerabilities.

A lot of people you think are going to heaven are not -and a lot of people you think are going to h*** are going to Heaven.

My suggestion:Stop relying on people <——————————> and stop giving them power. WE GIVE PEOPLE POWER, WE CAN TAKE IT AWAY -INCLUDING MONEY.

Dont flinch! Someone in a relationship always flinches 1st.


It’s just my opinion but in this country we often fall prey to the Americanization of romance, of love. We have so many things on our list that come before love itself. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

“Avoid paying a fee??????” “Really?????? AS IF WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!!!!!” YOU’RE FULL OF SHIT!

I’m not sure how to put a butt most men appear to be content with their strengths as well as their weaknesses. This may be a bit of an over statement as well as a bit of an understatement. One thing is for certain, most men it appears go to their grave with their weaknesses intact.

How many things about the moon have I written about through the years?

In the interest of saving money people have lowered their standards as far as what they expect from the entertainment industry among other things. If you think this has happened by accident or by sheer luck you’re mistaken. Man finds more and more devious ways of increasing his profit while lowering his cost to include affecting this fellow man’s mind or expectation or reasoning or understanding or perspectives.

I’ve always done things backwards, mistakenly, maybe that’s why I have such a clear understanding of so many things.

Some men are able to see things other men are unable to see. Some men are willing to see things other men are unwilling to see. The man who is endowed with both is both tortured and estranged/alienated.

Men do the same thing over and over and over and over using women to is busy women to snare men. JESUS CHRIST CAN THIS LEOPARD NOT CHANGE IT’S SPOTS -THIS IS SO OLD! When something is ingrained deeply in us or an addiction takes hold -a person can endure it for years without even realizing what it is they’re enduring. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Man can choose to do something and be right or wrong in his [or her] motive.

What’s amazing to me is how sexual we human beings are and how many people walk the Earth who will seldom, or never be afforded an opportunity to experience it. What is this tell us about human beings? That they are as selective as they are sexual. Unless of course you discount human beings settling for something other than the female of our species.

How many people now as well as throughout history can see what the rest of the world is unwilling or unable to see?

HELL is not knowing where you belong nor what your purpose is. What you were placed on this Earth to do. I SUPPOSE WE JUST ACCEPT THAT WE DON’T BELONG ANYWHERE πŸ€” NOR TO ANYONE!

To have found the ability to love in an other wise loveless surrounding… One should deem themselves fortunate.

It’s not always the people are thoughtless or selfish – Sometimes it’s that we have no choice but to do the best we can to reconcile [with] the reality placed before us. And you and I don’t always end up on the long end of that stick. If only certain realities favorite you and I. But what would be the consequence -life is just that way. None of us ever really get what we desire without paying dearly for it. As for the rest of us, we are relieved of those consequences by not getting what we desire most πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ …or the consequence of not getting what we desire most. You think it is easy to be aware of things which escape most of us? Or to be aware of so many things that take hundreds of people in a group to be aware of as a whole? Awareness can be an elusive thing.

I got off track with these writings for the past several months delving into human affairs. Just think what might have been if I were to have stayed on track these past 31+ years.

As a young boy one of the things I did not understand was the care of my teeth and its limitations. Chewing on jaw breakers for one thing. Going to sleep without brushing my teeth affords decay a full 8 to 10 hours free reign. Whereas for just a couple of minutes you can spare those 8 to 10 hours.

You can tell [for example] who’s gonna win a match between 2 teams but you need to know where and what to look for prior to the game/during the game. Most people of course do not know what to look for or where to find it. But it’s right there.

Think about it, money is the only thing you can get to get people to do things for you because they’re not gonna do it out of love. That’s a pretty pathetic statement. The difference between people sitting in their s***** a** apartment and a s***** part of town and taking a wonderful trip triple trip to Morocco or Monte Carlo is money. This little piece of s*** green dollar bill holds the key to our lives. Unless you can get creative. Unless you can go inside yourself and forget about whereever the h*** you happen to be. Since most people can’t seem to do either they need money.

I’ve treated people I’ve just met better than people have treated me who have known me all my life. Figure that 1 out.

Is taking your clothes off in front of a crowd as a woman any less dignified because you’re being paid?. It may be even less dignified because you are being paid.

You don’t want everything linked or accessible it’s too much power for for any human being.

You don’t want one store or chain or organization supplying food to the masses because then 1 person can push a button and Kapoots

Right now companies are becoming filthy rich off of things WE DON’T NEED. Once they reach a certain level of power they will buy and control the things we do need. Human beings are so ignorant and trusting. People are gearing up for an overpopulated world while we’re pretending like it’s not gonna happen.

If people were truly acting on your own behalf rather than their own they would go more out of their way. It’s quite simple

When I was younger my body was too strong from my mind and now that I’m older my mind is too strong for my body.

And there will be a new set of circumstances man has managed and has managed to invoke through his behavior that the current generation will use to convince the previous generation that we need to move the line even more towards encroaching further and further on man’s privacy and rights….. Until it never ends. Until we’re all just a bunch of f****** puppets being watched continually. Man doesn’t deal well with his emotions or others emotions so that will also be eliminated to where only thought insofar as it doesn’t threaten the system… -YOU SICK S.O.A.B.

People no longer know how to simply be in this country they have to do. Alcoholics are not the only ones looking for ways to distract or avoid. Human beings learn from each other good ways and bad ways thinking there useful ways.

Many of the things that were useful and good have been discarded and lost throughout the sands of time. That’s one reason why human beings never seem to progress in certain areas. We still screw each other over; we still have bad habits and flaws; and do things in a less than perfect or efficient manner because of the will. Why do you think we encounter the same problems generation after generation after generation? Because we refuse to overcome the hurdles of self indulgence and lack of faith. We refuse to embrace sacrifice for our fellow human beings and accept the suffering that goes along with being spiritual and emotional beings first and foremost. We refuse to be equal. We refuse to humble ourselves before one another. We refuse to accept rather than expect. We know nothing of unconditional love. Even with our children in many instances. We’re always looking for what we can take rather than what we can contribute. We’re slow to forgive and quick to demand Justice. We’re quick to ask for mercy for ourselves and those we love but slow to grant mercy to our enemies. We’re quick to ask for Justice for ourselves but not for those we deem as enemies or obstacles or threats. We refuse to love others children as we love our own. And lastly, we refuse to subordinate our will to the common good -let alone to a higher being. We refuse to agree as to what made us and created this universe. Should we dare such an attempt -we might actually have to learn to get along with each other. Is there anything humanity as a whole agrees with? When you discover it let me know.

When a well which has been used for hundreds of years begins to run dry there’s only one solution, begin to put water back in it. People do not take of their excess and give back often enough. We’re quick to take and slow to give back. We’re quick to take in our need and slow to give back in our excess. What would happen if the man with 100 billion dollars decided to return 99 billion? What would happen if the man with 100 million dollars decided to return 99 million? What would happen if the man with 2 pieces of bread decided to return one? The answer might surprise you. What would happen to the world around us and more importantly what would happen inside of us? Perhaps even more important question is what would happen between us?

We have to stop applying the principles the world applies towards us and start applying higher principles. The drug enforcement agency for example utilizing [some of] the principles of the Drug Cartels is getting us what? Or narcotics squads in big cities employing similar tactics to those used by the drug dealers on the streets of the big cities of this country are getting us what? Are we winning, or simply paying back? And why are so many people in this country interested in drug use to begin with? We’re not addressing the problems in this country, there’s too much to be gained by having them exist, and therefore too much to be lost by eliminating them so long as our approach is a worldly one.

When the state figured out how much money it could save by going after father’s who don’t pay for child support they acted finally. When they figured out a way to make money off of people driving drunk they acted finally. Or maybe they bit the bullet for a while and then evolved to where they turned it into a money making endeavor. Human beings. Sickening. Anything but caring for the well being of the masses.

We need people to break traffic laws so we can make a certain amount of money. Anybody see anything wrong with that picture? Lawyers need people to break laws so they have a job. Anybody see anything wrong with that picture?. Some of the most lucrative jobs have to do with the legal system. You think those people would like to see crime come to a halt? The very people who in many instances go on to shape the legislature which effects the laws and therefore the crime in this country? It’s a bunch of b******* Care to hear more truth? More truth about what mankind really is and how self serving and survival in the most twisted of ways is at the heart of it all!

The fact of the matter is the system is doing everything it can to make it easier to get our money. The system doesn’t know jackshit about love and caring for people!

What is the government doing about all these new threats via the internet or shopping on line, very little. Ever try filing a complaint? You can’t even speak to a human being. Send an email to who? The people who have power you never get to speak to. The people who you get to talk to don’t have any power. Mistake or by design? You’re not going to get a CEO to listen to everyone’s problems even though he/she is the most likely person to resolve our issues.

The highest paying jobs usually consist of a very small group of people. If for example you’ve got a million people who can mow a lawn you’re not gonna pay them a million dollars a year each. Singers who make tens of millions of dollars a year are in a small group [determined by man of course]. You have to go where the money is and you have to be in an elite group if you are going to make the biggest amount of money. For some strange reason large numbers of people do not make large numbers of money in our society because the resource base is so small or finite.

Man decides for himself what skills are deemed valuable and just how valuable. So depending on that structure determines which one of us will be filthy successful and which ones will be on the street in no time. Additionally, not everyone is able to obey or follow the rules of society. We’re all different in our capabilities our perceptions and our understanding and our ability to be disciplined. Also we differ in our belief systems which may or may not coincide with the laws of a particular society. People who make money think we’re all made from the same cloth. If I can get out there and support myself in my family than you can too. One of the most ignorant statements by supposedly intelligent individuals ever spoken. I had to instruct my brother on this fact by pointing out the obvious, we’re all different and therefore our abilities are different. You take a homeless guy and you impress upon the CEO of a company the same exact factors and he will wind up in the same exact position. Including the fact that he may wish to be homeless for any number of reasons not all of which are necessarily bad. Some people refuse to be a slave to the system even if it means suffering. Most of us prefer to be slaves to the system hoping at some point to ease that burden by climbing the ladder. By working with the system. I’m so sick and tired of hearing people talk about how the system isn’t perfect but it’s the best thing we’ve got and until something else better comes along… Yeah well you’ll be waiting a long time if you’re waiting for other people to change it. People who are benefiting from it just the way it is -idiots! Whatever the system happens to be at any given time a certain group benefit from it optimally and everyone else is kind of trickles over or down to. And on the fringes people suffer. Change the dynamic and the people that will be at the top and bottom will then be changed. And naturally the way things are now the people who are at the top want to keep it that way while the people at the bottom wanted to change if they in fact think about it at all in that sense. The reason God doesn’t do a lot of things about poor people is because he knows that because he knows that deep down in their heart they have the same exact attitude as the rich people. Many of these people have no more compassion for their fellow human beings than the rich. Although I’ve heard it said that poor people tend to care more about one another than rich people which I believe to be true as well depending on the group you’re looking at. So before you go around feeling sorry for the poor and wondering why God is not doing anything for them… Maybe he already has and man got in the way of it. You’ve heard about the people who have charity organizations we’re only about 5 or 6% of the money is actually reaching the people in need and the other 94 or 95% is going to line these people’s pockets along with their tax brakes and they’re employees.

I’ve heard it said that a lot of people own businesses because they can’t get along with other people otherwise; other than to be in charge themselves -Or they simply have too much ego to take orders.

I’ve seen black men take orders from white men with far greater humility than white women take orders from white men. You would think the black man would have more of an issue given the history. But it’s not about history it’s about humility in these cases. Can you imagine if a woman had been enslaved by a white man trying to take orders in this day and age? It appears that a white woman has far less humility than a black man.

What difference does it make if our country owes the Chinese trillions of dollars if we’re investing that money in such a way that they’ll never push us to pay it back anyways.

I’ve always been this way. I guess I’m just looking for that certain person who has tolerance or that certain person who can see beyond the facade. ANA

We use a small group of people we deem demothreat to the entire globe to push our agenda of total observance and eventual control of key factors on this planet. We give the illusion to people that they are free so they can comply well wow in fact what is control if not of the key factors ultimately. Who gives a d*** about the illusion of being free when someone else is controlling the key factors of our lives is our lives ultimately? And who gives a d*** about the illusion of being in control -no one! The essence of freedom to those who want to be free is what matters while the essence of control is what matters to those who want to be in control. So what happens between the 2 factions? The ones who want to be in control give the illusion to those who want to be free that they are free until it’s too late.

James bond gives the notion to a woman that she can never have him. While I have spent my life throwing myself at women’s feet. I don’t think women react well to either. But it’s my personal experience that women would rather find themselves wanting than smothered. Would rather be pursued so long as they can stay ahead of the pursuent. Once they have been captured and smothered the jig is up. And of course there’s that percentage of women who do not want to settle down that has to be taken account of. There’s the women who don’t want to settle down and there’s the women who are unsure and there are the women who don’t wish to be pressed or don’t know either way whether they want to or not but if in fact they do it has to be the right kind of pressing. The wrong kind of pressing with either a woman who is unsure or a woman who does not wish to be pressed will lead to failure every time. That’s why James bond is so effective because hes just about tickles the fancy of every woman I mean on some level That’s why James bond is so effective because he just about tickles the fancy of every woman I mean on some level. A man who throws himself at a woman’s feet and continues to do so consistently we’ll find only a very small number of women intrigued. The remaining 2[0] or 3[0]% that truly have no need for the James bonds of the world

In certain areas of the working part of the social world which of course is comprised of human organisms the ego is prevalent whether those people know it, or whether those people admit to it, and in many instances flaunt it openly.

The only real way around the world is to not engage it on its own terms.

Everything that the most powerful men on Earth through at JESUS simply bounced off. Everything the most powerful entity on this earthfully plane threw at JESUS SIMPLY BOUNCED OFF HIM LIKE RUBBER BULLETS.

The world is bungling around looking for information. But when you understand the true secret of power you don’t need information. We’re very little of it and of only a certain kind.

Bad comes from good good comes from bad? Or is it simply the ebb and flow of life?

How can you catch something that seems impossible to catch and how can you drop something that seems impossible to drop? What forces are at work?

If we do not believe in the hero after or in a soul then why do we refer to people it’s no longer existing once they’re dead? Or refer to them in past tense? What has changed?

Do you have a tendency to value something based on man’s market or in and of itself?

The ability to feel is a very special gift. I don’t know how many things in the universe can feel but I know we human beings can. Just as the ability to appreciate something is infinitely more valuable than merely having/posessing it.

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been the least bit interested in satisfying other people. After all, why would I be? Now the thing about not satisfying others is that they tend not to satisfy you. This is particularly true of women. Or especially true.

“Your truth versus the truth”. Who do you suppose wins?

If thoughtless and selfish are the problem then thoughtful and considerate are the solution.

You can have so many things in place but if you lack maturity… What is wisdom for example without maturity? So many things depend on maturity. So many people who have had their development disrupted at an early age suffer from a lack of maturity. Environment has everything to do witg the facilitation of maturity.

I notice that with true universal spiritual principles the principle of principle often called for applies to a situation at opposite ends of the spectrum. Try doing that with man made principles.

I noticed the more fat or sugar I ingest the more my body craves it while the less I ingest the less my body craves it.

The question is always the same who stands to gain and who stands to gain the most? How much is our government and corporate America gained from 911? How much have the American people lost?

Your approach to life determines what you take away from it or what is offered to you. In many aspects, but I’m speaking about the human one. Some people just seem to be showered with love and friendship and romance -why? Are they truly happy? Are they getting enough from themselves or relying outwardly primarily? Anything physical or material outside of ourselves can be a obstacle, a distraction to the most important things of all. These things outside of ourselves can feel wonderful or even right, so right that we feel we have no need for anything else.

If you meet someone who is strange to you is it because they’re strange because you’re strange?

It seems like the more we continue to move forward in this country the worst things get, and the more we go backwards the better things get. What do you say we just start over?

Remember the days when the business could barely afford to make ends meet? Not because business was poor but simply because they weren’t robbing the general public. Those were the days when the consumer had all of the power and/or and businesses were scared to death to lose that business. Now businesses treat people like they’re doing them a favor. Why did we allow this?

When you 1st hear a doctor tell you they’re gonna have to take your arm and then he comes back and says it’s only gonna be a couple of fingers you’re happy as h*** aren’t you?

I think we have being real or not real confused with being respectful or not respectful. These days in this country it’s better to be real and disrespectful. Look at the language and film by children.

Alcoholics Anonymous doesn’t take away your choice to drink it restores your choice not to drink.

2 reasons people get drunk: they were powerless at the time where they chose to.

2 reasons people get drunk: the 1st is they take on too much too quickly. Guy. God says he’ll never give us more than we can handle but we do. The other is we don’t take full advantage of what’s available to keep us over. We pick and choose and some days are better than others.

The man who can be content with the least amount of toys when he dies wins not the man who has the most toys when he dies. Of course that won’t do much for making other people feel filthy rich in this country. That’s why the message is the latter rather than the former.

I got a lot of things to offer a woman maybe everything. The only problem is I have a low income and we live in a society where people are continually being bombarded with the idea that their paycheck is what happiness and security are all about. If I lived in a distant society I have it made.

People who are rich are unhappy in their relationships; People who are poor are unhappy in their relationships. People who drink are unhappy in their relationships; people who don’t drink are unhappy in their relationships. So what’s the key? Choose to be happy above all other things I guess. Amazing how many people struggle with that concept. If you make happiness your priority you will be happy. Anything you make your priority is what your life is going to be. Where a lot of people get stuck is they think they have to have XY and Z in order to be happy. And usually XY and Z are things that they can’t control. It’s pretty simple actually. I’ve been living that way all in my life. If only my dad would make me a priority instead of his drinking in his women and his gambling in the selfish selfish self centered ways I’d be happy. Never happened. Powerlessness. Of course that’s aside from the fact that the reasoning itself is faulty anyways. Am I really gonna be happy because my dad makes me his priority?

When I was younger I would go out to the stores and look at all the wonderful goodies this great country had to offer. I was enamored or infatuated like each and every up-and-coming generation with all these neat things. Too young to know what they really represented and what they didn’t.

Do you think most people overlook how they feel based on their experiences in order to thrive and function in this society successfully?

Your wants, your needs, your feelings are perfectly normal. The world’s unwillingness or inability to meet thoes normal needs and feelings and wants is what provokes us to act crazy. Hold steady -DON’T FLYNCH. Now not everyone’s wants and needs and feelings are perfectly normal.

GOD has brought you to the best possible place he can in your person-the rest is up to the people around you to do their part or respond appropriately or not. Why do you think so many people have everything they need except when it comes to people. Because God can give us everything we need but he can’t force other people to to love us or respect us or admire us or not to be jealous of us or bitter or hateful towards us.

It sucks when you tell somebody about your past and they reject you more often than not. But it’s wonderful to be able to tell somebody where you’ve been where you’ve been and them except you step 2 just as you are, just as you were. It takes a lot of courage to be open with someone but it takes a lot of courage on their part to accept you as well. Who needs people who won’t accept you anyways.

If women are attracted to men of power then these writing should put me up there with the rest of them. But I guess it’s not that kind of power they are attracted to.

I guess boundaries are what keep us from seeing other people the way they really are and them seeing us the way we really are. I see people dealing with each other for years seemingly without any issue without any issue and I suppose it’s these boundaries there is that keep things in order. But what does that really say about who we really are anyways if we have to use boundaries? I’ve never been very good at boundaries and I’ve always been real good at rocking the ones other people have and I’ve seen many screwed up things about people in this process. WHAT PEOPLE REALLY ARE WHEN THEY’RE PUSHED OR UNCOMFORTABLE. By the way when people representing a company or government are pushed or made uncomfortable a lot of mistakes ensue, and so do the lawsuits. We humans are extraordinarily fallible not to mention flawed.

I may not know what GOD is thinking but I know HE’S got my best interest at heart.

With regard to human beings and our own personal experience, seeing too much of one, while not experiencing enough of the other can be extremely detrimental to one’s future dealings with humanity.

Most people try to divide humanity between what is right write about it and what’s wrong with it The minority of people who are bad and the majority who are good. But if an individual does bad he bears the bears that reputation for the rest of his life. But if parts of humanity f****** while others seemingly do not we have a completely different attitude. Is humanity by-and-large good or bad?

The thing about being surrounded by a bunch of screwed up people in a particular area is that you no longer recognize you yourself are screwed up in a particular area. “Awe but ain’t that America”.

A man who has great strength can move many mountains. But a man of average strength who knows as many of the pressure points of the world as possible – NOW THAT MAN… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I don’t think you really have an interest in how things are done with these people. If anything you’re insulted or put off entirely buy the notion that what they feel or think matters in light of the fact they clearly care nothing for what you think or feel and have not for a very long time -from the time you arrived here on the bus. THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD -REMEMBER. That’s the way of the world. You step on someone’s toe they give a shit -when they step on yours the reaction on their part is very different in most cases. It’s an issue you have a clear understanding of but -it’s an issue they care little about as a whole.

One way of letting things in [gathering info/awareness as needed] is to be highly disciplined and focused. The others to have no structure whatsoever.


What percentage of the crimes taking place in this country are our we are our government aware of and of whom they are being committed by. Crimes destroying this country which are wilfully being ignored or bargained with?

Why do we pay people in government so much money? Where is it that the people already in charge want to make sure they themselves are being paid adequately, more than adequately. Why are we paying people who should be doing things for the purpose of the work itself and the devotion to our country so much money? Because they or someone like them wants to help themselves and others simply benefit benefit by association or a instigation or affiliation or…

In one way or one form or another most people are wolves.

How many of the world’s problems stem from thoughtfulness of others? From non-self based feelings and interactions? It’s as if the notion of not viewing or reacting to the world through the self, as problematic as the self has been throughout the history of the world, would be like not existing, or living, at all. But it can’t be one way and the other. In order to alleviate the problems of the world we have to alleviate the self. On the other hand, if we want to live and exist as self then we must accept all the problems that ensue from that choice.

Most of our plans don’t work out because GOD’S got a bigger plan. The little plan is sacrificed for the bigger plan. So why then do certain people manage to sacrifice the bigger plan for the[ir] smaller plan? SIMPLY PUT, they have the deepest conviction, they’re highly driven, and astute. These people are not on the fence like most if us, which is all the leeway GOD NEEDS IN MANY INSTANCES!

Trust and mistrust. Not everyone who is willing to risk necessarily does so out of trust. Some people do so out of need, desperation… and yes, in some instances COURAGE!

Movies more and more these days are based on formulas.

All one needs is the basic genius concept of the movie, then fill the rest with interesting/entertaining “fluff”. Many writers/directors are not geniuses at all, they come across by whatever circumstance, a genius concept -and in many instances the studio [whoever that represents at the time] pays people for outstanding “fluff”.

The avoidance of insensitivity towards others is a marked improvement among our species. It would relieve so much potential pain and Strife between us.

Most people don’t want to see the real face of anything that hurts or requires them to get away from their game plan. A lot of people struggle with the face of alcoholism and what it’s true faces. Why shouldn’t it be any different with regard to the face of humanity. What we really are. And if you have an issue with that statement on my behalf then I will preface it by saying what we really are based upon the descriptions in The Bible which are time tested and true. Twisting the truth does not stop stop it from being the truth. It only stops us from benefiting from it or (re)acting appropriately in its presence. People struggle with seeing things as they are because it affects their ability among other things to function regularly -to survive I suppose. You know how many people in this world are barely hanging on – and with the lie they have placed between themselves and reality? One step closer to reality could push them over the edge. This is the case with many people. But is that the initial problem? How did we end up so close to the edge to begin with? It’s the life and the structure we’ve created -that’s how! Living life so close to that edge on a daily basis that we are 🀏 (this) close to cracking…

Millions of people deeply in debt so we can create millionaires and billionaires. If these people were not so deeply in debt there would be far fewer millionaires and billionaires -correct me if I’m wrong? Why are we even going along with this? Because of an idea implanted in us that’s why. Take charge of your life and stop killing yourself for something that really doesn’t matter in the end -or from the start for that matter. How do you get a bunch of people to willfully bring their lives down [debt] so that others can raise theirs [surplus]? How do you make a sale in somebody’s living room with a vacuum -you convince them. A friend I discussed this with cited “FOMO” FEAR OF MISSING OUT. ARE WE THAT MANIPULATABLE/IMPRESSIONABLE? WHEN WERE YOUNG -YES. BY THE TIME WE’RE OLD AND WISE, THEY’VE ALREADY GOTTEN US. AND THERE’S A FEW MORE TRICKS UP THEIR SLEEVE FOR THOSE TRYING DESPERATELY TO RIGHT THE SHIP [GET OUT OF DEBT]. One of them is that we’re so busy we have no real emotional or social support. So we buy things to fill that void. The other is we become desensitized towards one another so when we do have the time we’re largely a disappointment. This may not seem clear to a lot of people but it is to me. Depending on where your feel for reality is [as in how things should work ->what’s broken] you may never even recognize these issues among your fellow human beings [or the feelings within they arouse or fail to arouse].


If we don’t want people robbing from each other then don’t make material things the most important thing among that society. And don’t make a shift where there is a gap creating two very lopsided sectors of that society! Once again, we create our own problems. And where the rich and powerful are probably as much or more to blame have a greater ability to protect themselves from the problem then do the weak and poor. So they’re attitude is indifferent because they think they can have the best of both worlds. MAKE THE RICH AND POWERFUL SUFFER FIRST RATHER THAN LAST AND YOU WILL SEE CHANGE LIKE NEVER BEFORE! PUT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS IN THE FRONT LINES OF RISK WITH REGARD TO THEIR OWN DECISIIN-MAKING RATHER THAN IN THE REARS AND YOU WILL SEE CONSIDERABLE CHANGES IN DECISION-MAKING AMONG THEIR RANKS.

Spending other people’s money and responsible spending [habits] tend not to go hand-in-hand. That’s our government!


People should never be treated like gods, and they should never allow themselves to be treated like gods for it is a deep insult to GOD! Why do people treat people like gods? Usually for what they can get out of them for acting as such.

There are people around us who are examples of joy and people around us who are examples of sorrow. Both serve GOD’S purposequally I presume. But we all know which example most of us would prefer to be because man’s value system is different.

Your 1st mistake in this world is wanting anything from it. Your 2nd mistake is expecting it for free or at a bargain.


People squabbling over money and things all around this country. It gives you some idea of their level of maturity and their priorities. GOD says these things are just passing -and HE’S right. It’s up to the magician to determine how much gratification these things provide. Because an individual living in reality sees the true value of these things and their vulnerability and in kind our vulnerability to them. πŸ‘πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I didn’t catch the acting bug but one thing I did take away from many years of watching classic Hollywood films is that: The kind of courage and character and love that typifies the turning point in these great films, very similar to these crucial situations in real life, people based on my personal experience either never saw these great movies [cued in on these turning point scenes] or simply lacked the courage, character, love required to bring something beyond tragedy, something beyond heartbreak to these crucial moments in life. MY FATHER AND MOTHER WERE PERHAPS MY FIRST INTRO TO THE REALITY THAT LIFE DOESN’T πŸ˜” DICTATE FANTASY NEARLY OFTEN ENOUGH. BUT I FIGURE, IF THIS IS MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, SURELY OTHERS MUST HAVE EXPERIENCES AT THE OTHER END OF THE SPECTRUM. How wonderful it must be to regularly have your hopes realized.

Some people learn very early in life how to be successful at the expense of being real or ever really finding themselves. What is success? Well for many of us it’s putting food on the table which means we have to go out into the world and please others or at least impress upon them we have something to offer. And all the little things that go along with making that offering in order to be accepted or chosen over another person or chosen via side stepping the individual doing the choosing and their various issues.

Some people are quite adamant about not hurting themselves, their position, status, ability to benefit. There comes a time in every one’s life where they must choose to lose or compromise that which is more important.

Often times people won’t respond to an inquiry but when you insult them they almost always respond -American ego.

Ever taste of food substance after the flavor has left it?? It’s a very similar taste with regard to many things which makes one wonder… I wonder if God added the flavor on top of the substance intended for minerals and nutrition and vitamins. Eventually they say that food will no longer have a flavor only substance and nutrition in space.

I was told from the beginning in Alcoholics Anonymous that pain is the cornerstone of growth. I seem to gravitate towards it as odd as it may sound. Most people don’t grow or grow very slowly because they avoid pain either literally or through the mind games they play inside of their head. Not only am I not very good at telling myself wise I tend to look at do look at things in the most painful of ways. It’s quite burdensome. But it seems to serve my writing well πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

People don’t believe people can change because deep down inside they recognize their own lack of change.

They say something very interesting takes place in the city once it approaches a 100,000. Apparently in America when a country approaches 300 plus million something also happens. We all stop treating each other like human beings and start treating each other lis each other like numbers. People no longer answer the phone. We get a prompt encouraging us to either either go through the prompts or get online and deal with things through the computer with no human interaction. We become organisms with a credit card in the capitalism society rather than human beings with feelings. People pass each other by on the streets looking down at their phones rather than looking for connection with one another. Well whoever started this campaign must be very proud of themselves themselves having created an atmosphere of the atmosphere of materialism along with fear which has basically broken down any kind of unity in this country.

Well Rick it’s not natural to be surrounded by people and feel like you don’t exist. So I understand how you feel completely.

Whenever you encounter a situation with a person put the situation in reverse or trade places and see if that person would comply just the same. You need a woman who’s got 3 children and you have none. What if she had no children and you had 3 would she still be so willing?

As a non fiction writer I can’t afford to be positive or negative -only open

Just because you accept people as they are doesn’t mean they’re not screwed up. And we all are variously limited in our abilities to accept people.

Depending on your motive for walking in it’s either easy or hard as h*** to walk out.

The problem with each of us putting on our mask and our best foot forward from the start is that it’s only later on down the road we find out just how intolerant certain people are. And by that time we’ve already invested time and energy and feelings. The fact of the matter is if we were a little more real from the start 95% of our prospects would never come to fruition. OH BOOHOO I believe people are difficult or struggle in at least one area or another and it’s better to find it out sooner than later. I know this goes against all temptation and conventional wisdom. You wanna get in there and get… Especially if it’s been a while lol Remember, patience is not America’s greatest virtue.

Human beings being the complicated creatures that we are there’s usually more than one facet for explanation donation to a particular area of our life-certainly with our relationships or lack thereof.

In recovery the most crucial part is the last thing we want to give up. In relationships the most crucial part is the last part we want to expose. And with regard to the most difficult things about ourselves we about ourselves we take through the 12 steps we gain the greatest amount from. You don’t get out of spiritual principles and the working of them what you put into it you get probably more out of them than you will ever get out of anything else for whatever effort you put in. With regard to spiritual principles I believe we get the greatest ratio of payout to put in in the universe because the principles themselves are the closest thing to God himself who is all giving and all loving.

Who is more stable a man who doesn’t let things in or man who lets things in and doesn’t allow himself to react to them?

We live in a society today where people ask each other how they’re doing but they really don’t want to know. How are we supposed to survive such an atmosphere?

We can stop the bleeding by refusing to overwork ourselves to buy things you really don’t need. By getting back to spending more time with one another in the process as well -and getting to know one another and bond again.

There’s no money in living a simple life of spiritual principles principles for the system.

Divide and conquer. By dividing this up, By working us from sun up to sun down to the point where we have no time for each other. We have more money to spend and throw at the system. We have a huge hole to fill so we fill it by spending huge amounts of money that ultimately reverts back to the system. In a nutshell it looks like this. Kill 2 birds with one stone. Human beings have to socialize were bond with some. So the last time we have to socialize and bond with each other or the more we mistrust each other the less we socialize and bond with one another, the more we bond to other things, Is material things if need be. If you take away a human being’s normal bonding then then they will gravitate to what you place in front of them otherwise -and that is what is going on in America. Take away one another from each other and put a bunch of material things in there with a price tag and people will revert or gravitate to those things. Rather insidious wouldn’t you say? Anyways back to a story. By dividing us or putting in place a system which doesn’t allow us to connect with one another. By putting in stories that cause us not to bonder connect with one another-fear. We create an atmosphere where people are cut off from one another. If you put something in place of what has been lost or taken away or deemed no longer viable or safe, people will grab and take to that. Put in place the opposite message. Put in place a message that this is cool or that you need it… and that it is perfectly safe to do so… YOU SEE????? Humans are highly manipulatable. Especially when they’re in fear for their own self centered, self serving hides. Most people live within the system but understand very little about what’s happening [to them] within it.

People presumably follow the rules and social norms of their society and their relationship still don’t work for s***. Then they ignore or deflect people they encounter who don’t believe in counter who don’t follow the rules and social norms of their society in an attempt to a connect. So I say why not try something different? People refuse to give people a chance who don’t fall into the acceptable order of things. But what the h*** are they gaining by by sticking to the rules either?.

Women choose the same d*** men over and over and over and over in this country and they use the same d*** criteria and the same rule of thumb the feel safe. And then many men turn around and counter that through concealment or through creating a false persona initially. And women bite the hook because what else are they gonna do -everything at the start looks good. So what’s the answer or solution to the dilemma. People won’t veer from their patterned practices. The outcomes continue to come over and over again in the form of failure and unhappiness and even even tragedy in some cases. And we continue to remain slaves to these patterns generation after generation after generation after generating. The real culprit here is self-interest. Men do what they do because of self-interest. Women do what they do because of self-interest. So men and women are both victims of their own self serving interests. That is what has to change.

Women don’t get much practice said a man who opens up to them. So what are they supposed to do when a man does? When a man finally comes along and does the most courageous thing that can be asked of him, to bear his soul to a woman who has no practice or experience in such aninstance. What generally happens is the man becomes either hurt or very angry. We see this in society I’m sure quite frequently. That is to the extent that it can occur in the rare instance did someone trust enough to open up or views from the northere’s from the norm of his gender.

As a young boy I was exposed to the cold harsh realities of life/addiction and I’ve never really stopped looking at them ever since. Perhaps my most feeble attempt at avoiding these realities before me came in the form of my drinking and drugging which lasted approximately 11 and a 1/2 years. Once I got sober, these most painful of realities began to once again materialize, formulate before me. It is a proven fact that whatever a child is exposed to very early on he or she will become very astute at. For me it was the harsh reality of certain human tendencies. Anyways as I was saying, I’m not here to be your friend, I’m not here to be your enemy, I’m here to point out certain realities and certain principles which… If you’re here sitting in an AA/NA meeting, you likely have the tendency due to selfishness or weakness or twistedness to avoid. Isn’t that what we did through the pursuit of alcohol and drugs [cheat life]? So if I’m going to bring up certain realities or certain principles which you or the person next to you sought to avoid at all costs, you may find our time together somewhat disconcerting, at times even unnerving. Each of us only has but a short while on this Earth to make our impact -for better or for worse. Additionally, I’m not here in this meeting to make your stay more comfortable, to help you feel better about the s***** state in life you’ve brought yourself to -through such shallow efforts as humor. I’m here to help you heal, if you’re willing to do so. And healing usually begins with more pain not less pain. Which is why so many people refuse to heal. Nor am I here to pass out any free-bees. If you want to stop hurting you have to heal through work. If you want the quality of your life to improve you have to switch principles. The principles you’ve been using prior to getting here were principles of destruction not principles of healing. Principles of death rather than principles of life. If you want the quality of your life to improve you have to switch principles. There are principles of addiction and there are principles of recovery. Before you arrived here in ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS you probably didn’t have a choice – Now that your here, you do. SO CHOOSE CAREFULLY. P.S. If you can’t make it in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous where people truly care enough about you to tell you both the painful truth of your condition and the solution to it, how are you going to make it out there in the world where so many people could care less either way or want you drunk or high?

The world is filled with the same people that traumatized us in the 1st place -so trying to get over trauma while living in the world can be an added challenge.

Children either become with their parents or they go to the other end of the spectrum.

If you show up to an AA meeting for the food or for the dancing or for the entertainment or the humor, what are you going to do when all that’s gone?

In a few short sentences I can often point out what many authors take an entire chapter or even an entire book to write about.

OTHERWISE: You can rob someone in the early going from being all they were intended to be -but you can’t rob them forever if they choose otherwise. My horrendocely confusing upbringing which offered little sustenance, delayed but did not prevent… It probably changed my course. There are things I have lost which I would have never lost otherwise; and there are things I have gained which I would have never gained otherwise. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

What matters the most is our ability to form relationships. How many things do we place of equal or greater importance hoping [to gain assistance; cars, clothes, gadgetry] to form relationships when in reality they have little or nothing to do with… In fact they end up getting in the way…

A lot of successful people in the world but their relationships are s***. So the qualities that equate to success in the world don’t necessarily equate to success in relationships. And here’s where things really get confused. The notion of success in the United States is what?

Life is everywhere! In fact we have to go to extreme measures to remove it. To ensure freedom from contamination.

I remember seeing how godly the people were in West Virginia and everybody seemed more or less happy and even the weather seemed to be bountiful. Everything green, river full… Here in New Mexico where there seems to be a lot of ungodliness, the people seem very unhappy, we’re in a drought, there’s no opportunity, half the people are living on welfare, kids in their 20s 30s living at home -parents no motivation to put them out….

The triangle of conflict: Who we are; Who GOD intended us to be; Who a given society requires us to be in order to survive and thrive.

It’s always the same thing -people think if they cooperate they’re not going to get killed.

Life experiences can really put a damper on our compassion for others. We should be watchful of these things.

It’s bad enough we allow drugs into this country without taking into account all the crime that exists in order to buy them. How much do people rip off from each other in this country so they can buy those drugs. Eliminate the drugs and you eliminate 2 problems. I never understood why we can’t put an end to drugs being available in this country. How can you sell drugs to people and the government not know who they are and where they got them from? These operations don’t take place in a vacuum -quite the contrary.

How can a man ever hope to develop a character trait their environment appears to be dead set on eliminating from them?

Some people seem to let the world get them down while others seem to not let the world get them down -but in either case it doesn’t mean the world isn’t the world or that the world stops being the world. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Few things worse than going through life being self conscious. Especially as a child who never outgrows it.

Men will put up with a lot more of a woman selfishness than the other way around in most cases.

I knew a girl who got her religion from stairway to Heaven.

People don’t even know what real cream in their cream of wheat taste like any more. Just like in the movie soiling green only the rich get to enjoy it it seems or whoever is willing to pay triple the price for the real thing.

The government and the powers that be learned in the sixties fifties and seventies we’re not to push the line too quickly. Oh they’re going to always push the line. That’s the nature of the search for money and power to keep getting more and more of it without creating a full blown catastrophe or revolt. These are some sorry individuals who are becoming increasingly calculating and their attempts to feed their sickness. You know when we talk about inserting principles into threading principles into this principle list society it’s not just to help the people that are being exploited but it being exploited but it’s also to help the sick people who are doing the exploiting. Spiritual principles are for the benefit of everyone whereas certain people on one end of the spectrum would seek to tip the scales to such an extent that we would only end up with another suffering group at the other end. You know the old saying if you put a frog and lukewarm water and then turn up the heat it’ll stay in there and boil the death whereas if you put it in hot water it will jump out. That’s what they’re doing in the United States now as they are slowly turning the dial up been the dial up and encroaching more and more on the liberties and the power that the little people have. 5 dozen eggs at a well known market $18.74. It used to be that eggs and milk and butter and bread and basic staples were off limits because of fear of a revolt but people have become so destroyed and and are of the belief that there’s nothing they can do about it that the powers that be are encroaching on even the most sacred of areas that normally would result in a revolution of sorts. It used to be centuries ago that people in power were afraid of people gaining knowledge. Things have gotten so bad among people that the powers that be aren’t even afraid to throw out title waves of power to the public without fear that they are going to rise up. That’s pretty d*** sad when people can have knowledge at their finger tips and still do nothing about it. Still do nothing about the exploitation taking place under their very noses. In fact we keep throwing money to the rich by buying and spending things we don’t even need it only adding to the problem by harming ourselves. The rich and the powerful have made it such a way in our minds that we needed and we need them and we need them but we no longer seem to be able to discern the truth from the false. The fact of the matter is we really don’t need most of what is making these people rich and more powerful every day. But we’re so empty and disconnected from one another we feel driven to gravitate to something like a moth to the flame. And this has all been created by design starting many years ago. Some idiot with the foresight of future events and the basic understanding of how humans operate set this whole thing in motion. Let’s make sure people need us. That’s the greatest insurity of insurity of power. Based on fear of course. And perceived need. We don’t need all these things that are lining people’s pockets and giving power back to those we loath. Let’s just let the whole thing f****** tank man. Let those people empower with all that money go under. If we all decided to just stop paying these ridiculous inthese ridiculous interest rates what would the system do system do arrest a song question? Of course they couldn’t. But we have every right to say even now we’re not gonna play this game by your rules anymore even if we agreed to them initially because they’re wrong [everybody is just waiting for the 30% interest threshold to be broken*]. And something is wrong you have a right to back out of it even if you initially agreed to it. What you agreed to sell your soul to the devil and at the last minute you back out-that’s wrong? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

* 25% interest in this country was considered lone shark and illegal and now it’s legal to charge people 29.99% interest how does that work. Companies are charging us ridiculous amounts of interest and then going out and buying other companies for billions of dollars doesn’t that tell us all as stupid as we are that these people are robbing us blind? A person has a right to make a living a person doesn’t have a right to rape and pill the just so they can go out and buy another company for 20 billion dollars and double their income and screw twice as many people. Can’t you people wake up and see that these people are robbing us? Stop paying and stop buying. I’m getting out of my debt the h*** with this s***. But it takes discipline. As much as we want to spend we have to loathe sitting in our homes sitting on our hands leaving our credit cards in our wallets. These people know this. The amount of interest we’re paying makes it impossible for us to get out of debt in a timely fashion. So here comes covid and we’re all locked in our houses. Boy I’ll tell you what, the powers of the bee make sure that people were still able to get into debt even though they were stuck at home. Still able to pay their bills without having to leave the home. I’m so sick and tired of this where the powers to be always make sure that they’re covered and that that money and cash keep flowing. Dictators rise and fall people get sick and dyinget sick and die the dodgers lose in the 1st round but money never stops changing hands. The rich always make sure that they get paid. Can you imagine if there were no cell phones and there was a covid and everybody was locked in their house? The f****** rich would be trembling. If it’s the last thing I do I’m going to make sure I don’t owe rich people s***.

Is covid restructuring/recoding our DNA? Why are people so tired for months after getting covid? I’m even tired of the f****** word.

We trust our government but we won’t trust our neighbor with our wallet. Why? The government won’t trust us with our wallet their wallet but we gotta trust them with ours? Just look at all those restrictions they have in place that say they don’t trust us and yet we trust them? F*** that! Those people up there in many cases are worse than we are. Greedy b*******. Power is always a lopsided affair or a one way street. I recently was involved with a woman and everything was one way, her away. Why because of that skinny little attractive body that would feel so good to use as a tool on my tool πŸ˜… Yep, I went for it and got shit! Teased. You know πŸ€” I’m really attracted to women, but I can’t say I like most of them [in the town I live -they’re mostly survivors here]. A human in survival mode is not a lovely creature.

You know πŸ€” you could be the most spiritual man on the planet with all the time you have on your hands.

Most of the people I’ve dealt with throughout my life in the early going didn’t seem to give a s*** where the lines were. I guess you could say as a child I didn’t know where the lines were so so that tends tends to bring out the animal in people. Let me put it this way, when you tend to operate from a lower set of principles people eventually begin to abandon their higher principles and start utilizing your principles -unless of course they can get away from you. If 2 people are stuck together long enough they’re going to come to some kind of consensus on the rules of the game. In most cases one person isn’t gonna adhere to their rules and the other person to theirs if they are too different. A person likely has to be set in their ways and have considerable conviction in order to refrain from departing from their own city values and ways.

What right do we have to pay, to exploit a person’s circumstances by paying, bribing, coercing in order to infringe upon the most intimate and personal aspects of a person’s being? WE PAY! WE GET OFF! WE SPLIT! WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH US?

Inherently, incoherently, many a man will engage in non-esteemable acts THIS VERY DAY πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

So if a person doesn’t want to peer too closely into the more negative aspects of life, because this will undoubtedly affect their serenity and sense of joy and happiness, and ultimately their performance. They’re attitude and hence their level in so far as what they can contribute in order to take away from life…. Is that what life is for many people?

People hurt us, we hurt ourselves, and then we hurt them back. Or, people hurt us, we hurt them back, and then we hurt ourselves. We have to put a stop to the domino effect. people cut us off in traffic and zoom they’re gone never to be heard from again. And then we turn around and do the same to some innocent thus setting off a neverending chain of events. Do you believe we are still being affected by somebody’s actions/attitude 500 years ago? OF COURSE WE ARE!

People tend to do what they want to do and avoid what they don’t want to do even when they’re trying to be helpful to others. And why do they tend to want to do certain things and not want to do certain things? Usually because consciously or unconsciously you’re unconsciously they’ve already weighed the cost benefit factor to themselves. Having said that, when people do things that they don’t want to do because the cost is greater tlater then the benefit to them that says something about a person’s heart and character!!!!

Many people acknowledge only certain realities in order to maintain a certain a certain homeostasis or level of function or in order to thrive or simply to avoid feeling hurt or scared, bitter or resentful. While it is true that a person such as myself who takes no such approach to life and struggles to function, to thrive, to avoid feeling hurt or scared, bitter or resentful, I DO LIVE LIFE FACING IT, BEING CHALLENGED BY IT, AND MERELY CHALLENGED INSOFAR AS MY ABILITY TO FILTER IT LIKE SO MANY OTHERS. I inhale life [take it in], and as a result I exhale life. How can you exhale life if you don’t inhale life? Most people are therefore compromised in what they are able to contribute back into the cycle of reality. As am I of course.

If you look people are controlling things more outside of our homes. But within our homes from the outside. Not a good thing relinquishing control. It’s amazing how people continue to relinquish more and more control over to people they don’t even know. It’s amazing how people give their money away to people and then complain about the rich and the powerful in the same vein. ARE WE IGNORANT? My personal dealings with the outside world calm of businesses come a government is that like everyone else they tend to put the slide slide rule of thumb over and their favor. So when some incident arises you and I are usually at a disadvantage. I guess the way the old story goes is you came to us we didn’t come to you sort of b*******. When you go to somebody else they feel empowered and if nothing else they will use that when you whine about a discrepancy or conflict. Less and less the customers always right in modern day America. All they give a s*** about is their profit and their ego. Yes people will even put up an argument in business and in government based on ego. These idiots will sit there and argue simply because they don’t want to lose the argument with no principle or fact whatsoever to back them up.

3 things Americans are terrified of:

Being a nobody

Winding up with nothing

Winding up with nothing to do

Winding up alone

There are some pretty tough homebras out in this world. But they pale in comparison to GOD. GOD has no fear of any man. And when you have enough of GOD in you you may just find you have no fear of any man either.

People aren’t the same. You treat them one way they act one way you treat them another way they act another way. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

With regard to myself and a woman these days my approach is for everybody to be happy not just me, not just them.

Women are the easiest thing and /or the hardest thing -just ask a 100 men. Some men have the hardest time getting a woman and other men have the easiest time getting a woman. It’s all about what the woman wants and doesn’t want.

In America it’s all about us and they use that against us or to their advantage. Just like in the military and martial arts to use people’s strengths against them.

If it’s true that what we put out in life comes back to us -then some of us are gonna have a long ass 2nd half of our lives.

Some new yorkers have accents and others seem not to. Some people seem to hold on to their accents long after they moved elsewhere and others seemed to lose him quite quickly. I wonder what this says about what’s inside of their make up in other areas or with regard to other mechanisms at work work or with regard to other facets coming into play between themselves and the world.

My intellect is in the top 3% as well as my blood type. I wonder what that means?

Money doesn’t mean anything to a man or woman who have deep seated values -the problem is there are people all over the world who don’t have deep seated values.

I don’t like dressing up because it’s not about the clothes it’s about the man. I don’t like dressing up in Alcoholics Anonymous because there’s a lot of downtrodden people in there.

When you get your ego bruised more than your feelings it tends to be because your ❀ was never quite in the right place to begin with. And of course when it’s the other way around…

You see these young people on their phones getting fed by their peers and by the junk on there and realize THEY don’t know shitt. THEY’RE JUST VICTIMS OF SOCIETIES STRUCTURE IN MOST CASES.

People get punished for the crimes they commit but what about the damage or the theft? WHO PAYS FOR THAT? YOU PAY YOUR DEBT TO SOCIETY, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE REAL VICTIMS?

Prison doesn’t work because without a willingness…

Go beyond what the system demands of you for your crimes and you will come out “the winner”. Not the system!

2 ways of keeping people away. You can attract them and then repel them after the fact. Or you can repel them from the start or rather, before anything even has a chance of starting.

To please that human being is hit-or-miss. To please the human being you can do right or wrong. To please God you can only do right.

As human beings, as parents for example we complain about this over here but not about that over there -when in bad fact both are a threat to our children.

For some people it’s a lot easier to forgive than it is to forget. For some it’s a lot easier to forgive which makes forgetting a moot point altogether.

Some people are just as picky or cautious or Larry as others are f***** u* and loose and fancy-free. Neither seems very healthy.

Some people in Alcoholics Anonymous are looking for someone to make them feel better -not get better πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€”

Some people are allergic to pain and negativity. But if pain as they say is the touchstone of growth I guess some of these people never grow.

Everybody likes a person who makes them laugh. Who doesn’t like a person who makes them laugh?

How can I be expected to do things the way most people do things if I see things most people can’t see?

What kind of a society do we live in here? A privileged society. So not a lot of people are interested in getting involved with the underprivileged. Except for the underprivileged themselves maybe. It’s a problem countless people run into or end up having to overcome when 2 people meet from 2 different socio economic worlds.

The problem with living in the land of opportunity is that…one begins to believe life. even who we are is based upon those opportunities. And when we begin to evaluate and compare our own lives to the lives of others -it gets even stickier, even messier.

I DON’T KNOW – I describe my life as seeing a lot of things and not see a lot of things.

The people who create the poisons to sell in this country to the American public and anywhere else around this globe are not off the hook simply because the buyers make the choice to buy.

Many people without money can’t seem to get Justice -while many people with money seem to be able to get injustice.

When prices go up or the stock market goes to s***, where does all the money go? Somebody’s gotta be receiving it. You know I’ve always had a problem with people getting rich while other people are suffering or losing out severely. People with families. It takes one sorry son of a b**** to take all the money away from a family. The h*** with the reasons for it being justified. A lot of these guys don’t care whether their reasons are justified or not so what do you think they’re gonna do when it is justified?

2 kinds of murderers: the kind that don’t feel anything and the kind that are filled with anger or fear. Is there another?

I noticed it 10 years ago these companies in fringing on us when we’re visiting various Web pages. Infringing on us with these various items we were previously visiting on another website, but don’t really want to be bothered with now.

Some people don’t seem to give a s*** about how other people act but I do. Or maybe they just figure it’s none of their business. But what does that have to do with my position?

People either kill without feeling, out of fear, out of anger, and the 4th one I’ll add to it is out of ego, lust, desire?

Find someone who has peace and ❀ love in their heart not hurt or anger.

I want to link all these concepts or principles so principles in a sphere like globe structure.

When you are prepared for the unexpected you are not overwhelmed by it unlike people who are unprepared. Who are clueless.

If being vulnerable is the most important facet of connecting with one another – then in America the problem is two- fold: People more and more refused to allow themselves to be vulnerable; [therefore πŸ€”] People have no clue what to do with people who allow themselves to be vulnerable in their presence.

Some people are so incredibly overqualified in areas we ourselves can only dream about in our own right taste but a glimpse of our own limitations in these areas. In other words were vastly underqualified. Vastly inept

If somebody can make a billion I’m pretty sure I can make a million.

If you can beat up the toughest woman in the world you’re a pretty tough guy.

I know what to do I just refuse to do it in the world we live in. The skills I learned observing from movies for decades -but that’s the movies. I lived life for many years like it was a movie and it never panned out because people in the world don’t know their lines. So what good does it do anymore for me to know mine?

People always assume things either in their favor or to the other person’s detriment. The guy walks in well dressed and handsome and the woman in many cases will assume the man’s got it together and that hes well-to-do. And she starts thinking how she can cut herself in on some of that. What in fact this particular gentleman is on welfare lives in the poorest part of town and has little to offer. But every once in a while he does like to don his nicest attire, the one pair he has. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ But you see, often we see what we want to see. And in this case, we like to imagine, for our own benefit… One thing people learn very early in life is that how they choose to use their mind to perceive their environment if the environment has a definitive impact on their feelings. They learned the mind is a powerful tool very early on. Often times to the extent of fantasizing or escaping reality.

GOD-created different races [and languages-to keep man’s power in check] and man is trying to eliminate them so that he can be one ruler overall. IDIOTS!!!!! YOU DON’T THINK THERE’S lex luther or two out there -you’re crazy then!

I don’t like anybody having too much control or power over everybody else. I don’t give a s*** if they’re black white Jewish purple Catholic Italian alien or anything.

I don’t have a problem with races I have a problem with personalities. H*** I grew up in San Francisco in the sixties -the most diverse city in the world at the time.

People who have never presented a challenge to their partners really don’t know what or who they have for better or for worse. Doubtless -many do not want to find out either. I think it’s pretty important to know who we’re sleeping with and living with don’t you? Whether or not they’re gonna stand by you when the going gets rough? Whether or not they’re gonna take you for everything you own should they decide to walk out. These sort of questions that a lot of people don’t really want to know the answer to [or simply don’t want to ask] -they just hope for the best. 🀞

Humans make mistakes and forget things so we incorporate technology to minimize this. Whenever something’s not right with your bank account or with your credit card you call the bank and they’re always right. Whether they’re right or not.

How does it feel to know that companies and the government are using our money against us with new technologies and policies. Personally I feel pretty stupid giving them my money to use it against me. To gain power over me and to further exploit me. What do you think they’re doing with all that money using it to build a better world for me and you? NOT HARDLY -GREEDY BASTARDS

Unfortunately, with regard to most people it comes down to how things make them feel. Most human beings are pretty primitive in this regard. And of course heading the top of the list in most cases is the way other people make us feel. And of course,, people head the list as far as making us feel wonderful, elated…. like s***, or fearful or resentful or angry or bitter. So what does a human being do with people they don’t feel good about hanging around with but can learn a lot from? So what does the human being do with people they don’t feel good about hanging around with but can earn a lot from?

Did I make myself suffer all these years so I could grow? Did I put myself in situations I had no understanding of so I could grow an understanding?

Just look at the society we live in -you see anything on your phone or on the billboards or on your TV about spiritual principles? No it’s all about money and how they can get ours from us. In Alcoholics Anonymous one of the 1st things they teach us is that the solution lies in principles. It’s not the woman with the most beautiful body in the room. It’s not the person with the biggest house in a great job and a lot of money. It’s not the coolest car I’ve had the woman with the most beautiful body in the room. I’ve had a woman with a beautiful 3 story house who wanted to give it to. I’ve had a lot of nice s*** too. The solution to my problem is none of those things. It’s healing inside and outside. Having relationships restored with those we love. Forgiving ourselves. I’ve contributed to the rich man’s cause just like anybody else in these rooms and what has it gotten me? What has it gotten him -more money and things? The love of things has been duly noted throughout the history of man. How many spiritual principles do we hear about out there in the world? There isn’t any money in spiritual principles that’s why. And you lose control over people you don’t gain control over people who begin to operate from spiritual principles. That’s why marriages with a controlling individual begin to fall apart once the prayed upon begins to adopt spiritual principles into their repertoire. Spiritual principles mean empowerment not slavery.

How many men have gotten into trouble with the hands of beautiful woman. Bit enough more than he could choose or cared to.

You know why I don’t have many friends -people don’t care much for the truth or depth. A lot of writers don’t have many friends. I’M GUESSING. OTHER WRITERS?

If you’ve had a DNA a test before covid then you might want to go and have another DNA test done after COVID you might find some interesting things there. The issue may not even be in the dna. It may lie elsewhere it may lie elsewhere. GOD only knows what these people are thinking up.

I think immaturity throughout life brings with it some interesting facets to the individual as well as the interactions taking place between the individual and facets of the universe.

What’s attraction between 2 people in America: Two people each having something the other person wants? πŸ€” In most cases everything is about the self. In America in particular the way we are bred; everything in the universe is about revolving around us. We are a people with a sense of entitlement in the United States. We are taught on many levels that we are above the rest of the world. We certainly deserve to be more grateful.

People in this society can no longer live without doing. Live without being on the go and sucking the marrow out of life in the shallowist of ways. Do you think life in America is sucking the marijuana of life?. And then we can’t do without movies where we’re constantly bombarded by women who were supposedly beautiful. If they were truly beautiful they wouldn’t be selling themselves to these to these movie studios. They know what they’re being paid for in most cases. And we men sit around and have the women brought to our living rooms through our televisions. Many of us who will never know what it’s like to caress a truly beautiful woman or even a beautiful women by shallow standards.

The people who like each other or like what each other has to offer are the ones that often end up together. Look at the women in Hollywood who are the most glamorous and gorgeous, who do they pick for their stable mate? That’s right the man that they like or that they like what he has to offer [which is not the vast majority of us who lack charisma… When you have tremendous power [of choice] what do you go for a dull person? An average person? Certainly not the case with men -such a cliche’]. And the rest of us who don’t have things like that to offer at that level we have to settle for something less. It’s a real simple and reliable equation.

The value people put on entertainment in various forms and from various sources of people whether it be television the television the big screen or the man or woman sitting across from you at the dinner table is way blown out of proportion. Many people in this country aren’t being entertained or being distracted or fed a drug in place of dealing with the realities crippling them from within.

It’s always the same old story line with we human beings and these movies containing romance. Apparently we human beings have a very narrow scope or need based on that scope… We screw we get the girl we get the guy….

Why do people in the movies always have to have these fancy jobs in these wonderful houses? We don’t relate to that most of us. Thought are we doing dreaming. Wanting to forget our own dull average lives? Is that what we want?

How do you get to the lowest purchase price of something? Most of us usually hit a middle man or two -but how do we get to where they’re at? Or the person behind them even?

Buy a candy bar for 50 cents and sell it for a dollar. By 2 candy bars for a dollar sell them for 2. Keep going… Making money shouldn’t be hard in the country such as ours. If you can stomach dealing with… Which I cannot!

You have to get to them while they’re still in an aura of fantasy over you before they and their feelings begin to dwindle. Before they begin to see you as something other than… women play the victim well -but the fact of the matter is there no less of a user or shallow than any man in most cases.

A guy told me 30 years ago women want half the money and all the p****. When we are equal on a sexual level then we can talk about being equal on a monetary level. Women want half the money and to control the sexual power as well? I don’t think so. I think things would be different on a monetary level if things were different on a sexual level. Would you hand over your advantage to someone who already has an advantage over you and another area? Of course not.

Like everyone else I have a tendency to give the strongest arguments or examples. These examples in many cases do not encompass the majority. They do make the point and from there humanity tends to trickle to trickle in degrading degrees of potency. I always say there is at least a grain of truth in everything written on this website. For some it will hit home entirely for others there will be no relating whatsoever. And of course those in the middle will find varying degrees relevance to their own lives.

Women want to write to choose whether or not to have a child even though it took 2 to create what’s growing inside of them. But they also want the right to choose whether or not to abandon the child by going out into the workforce. Should you have the right to choose whether or not to have a child and also have the right as to whether or not you participate full time in their lives? Yes it is a sacrifice to stay home and rear a child, perhaps the greatest sacrifice there can be -but also the greatest privilege. And probably the most important sacrifice to mankind. But women just don’t want to make that sacrifice in many cases anymore.

We lie were d***** we tell the truth were d*****. If you want to know the truth then be adult enough to hear it. A lot of men and women revolt against their partners when the truth comes out. A lot of men cheat but they can’t stand being cheated on. What a bunch of b*******

You simply refuse to do things the way these people do things. If you don’t play by man’s rules you don’t get in.

Who are these people that generation after generation after generation they dig music? Where as many of us have a window?

Traumatics observe life in depth!

It’s bad enough it’s all about what we want but when we start twisting what’s right to convince ourselves it’s right to want what we want… Then we begin to do harm to ourselves and the natural state God endowed us with which in turn… Once our minds are twisted then what hope does this universe, does this planet have of surviving us?

They ALWAYS come looking for their πŸ’° money! But when they owe you, you gotta go looking for them. NONE OF MY CREDITORS EVER COMES LOOKING FOR ME THESE DAYS!

When people are cold by my estimation I want to be cold back to them by their estimation and they don’t like it. Just like I don’t!.

Humans seem to be amazingly consistent when it comes to one thing-money. Revenge retaliation seems to be a close 2nd. Love and my experiences hit-or-miss.

Man’s got to touch every f*****g thing when hes not busy telling himself it’s not worth as effort. You know what man needs to do? Sit back and not do a f****** thing for about a 100 years. He’s made enough of a f****** mess of things. God gave man this Earth and man surely acts like it.

Life is adjustments-at least that’s what the government and corporate America seem to be living by.

The rich and the greedy and the underprivileged ego will continue then you 2 go around the world chasing chasing these little villages and setting them up for the rich and the privileged while removing the underprivileged one village at a time. These people are on a mission to have the most beautiful places in the world filled with the privileged and the privileged and eliminate the average Joe. IDIOTS!!!!

When are we an the government and corporate America gonna stop treating us like we have no depth?

Stop dreaming of Hope in the movie world and start bringing it to this world. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

I’m so sick and tired of the select and privileged people in this world who walk around selecting 4 or 5 people they deem worthy of themselves while deeming the rest of us as not.

One of man’s preferred methods of bringing hurt into the world or failing to heal it is by doing nothing.

What reason has mankind ever given me to like him? Look at the animals who tremble at man with fear and loathe him.

I wish some people could experience what it’s like it’s like not to have a direction in life. Or what it feels like to go through life feeling like no one cares. I bet you these experiences would change their attitude.

When someone goes out of their way to help you and you make them feel like they regret doing so [not because of what they were hoping to get out of it but because of your lack of decency in response]… Make them feel like they never want to help another person again when in fact and in fact they might do otherwise had you conducted yourself differently.. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

We work out our salvation with fear and trembling not sophistication.

I’ve heard people in Alcoholics Anonymous say “I came here to save my a** not my soul”. Well maybe you need to rethink that [for your children’s sake at the very least].

You’re not gonna see many strides in self esteem in this country based on its value system. You think Americans have a lot of self esteem -or pride and ego?

The same things I drank about still exist –NOT IN ME SO MUCH AS AROUND ME!

If you’re too HAPPY there’s probably something wrong. I think people tend to get carried away -one direction or the other. Sorrow/Joy.

When you’re suffering from low self esteem you tend to think the worst and that you’re to blame for that you don’t deserve… Right now I’m in that state. In that state due to a couple of different, several different experiences of late.

It’s what we conquer inside not outside. However, if we can make the world a better place by addressing its problems… πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Most of us will never experience a predicament that calls for extreme humility in the face of extreme power and influence and send recognition.

Sometimes we should place ourselves in extreme situation so that everyday situations have a similar nature easily fall to the wayside which would ordinarily perturb or affect us in other undesirable ways. It’s like working out with a 20 pound weight and then going back to your usual 10 pound weight.

Constant thought of ourselves is h*** on the self esteem -while constant thought of others breeds new life into it like you could never begin to imagine πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Often times when you can’t afford something you want it can get you into trouble. Oftentimes when you can’t afford something you want be you won’t because you don’t have the mindset or the heart of the spirit to make it materialize it can get you in the trouble.

Self will and Self will… Getting into trouble and selfish thinking. Staying out of trouble and thinking of others.

Living in this country where temptation is constant is fertile ground for getting into trouble.

What species can call itself dominant when it only pulls together in time of trouble? Not the United States. The fact is we people don’t want to bother with each other unless there’s a significant threat. Otherwise we really don’t give a s*** much about each other. And when we do pull together during a threat do we really give a s*** about each other or are we just in need of each other so that we ourselves are no longer under threat? These are things we all need to consider. Consider on numerous levels for numerous reasons. And what about a society that weaves a web that as such allows no time for one another to get in sync, to bond…

It’s easy to talk or offer beyond what we are capable of offering. Even what we’re willing to offer. Even with the best of intentions. Maybe one way around this problem is to raise our abilities and our willingness to the level of our mouths.

Man’s need to do and man’s need to be stimulated are having mixed impact on this 🌎


You take care of me first. THEN I’LL TAKE CARE OF YOU!

Move forward you encounter problems. Move backward the problems go back to not existing. Move forward you encounter problems and solutions. Move backwards those problems and solutions no longer exist [except in our memorylies?].

It’s so nice when people come together, and are strait-forward, and sincere. It sucks when people refuse to come together, and are not straight-forward, and are insincere [which happens alot]. 🀨


You can hook up with a woman anywhere in the world if you understand and apply the rules of their culture. But fair warning – not all women are pleased with the cultural norms of their culture.

The grain of sand of truth in each writing is always found in the principle; and sometimes in the facts themselves. Although should be careful when confusing truth with fact.

Sometimes man’s laws coincide with GOD’S.

Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s ethical -and VISA VERSA. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

We put on our best face. Problem is, one day we wake and don’t recognize the person we fell in love with. Women get so angry when men act like they’re someone they’re not in order to establish a relationship. But men have also learned that being too real from the start often results in no second date ladies πŸ€”. If you want someone to be real from the start, you have to have the character to accept them as they are from the start. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ People tend to accept people, with all their flaws, only after an emotional attachment has been formed, not ordinarily before.

There’s nothing worse than a twisted-f*** with power or in a key position. Except maybe a sane, kind-hearted soul that isn’t? πŸ˜”

These people who presumably have great power and influence, or merely the right gift for the right time or scenarios of the times. But what about me gor example, I’m not even a blip on the world’s radar! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Many people who make significant contributions to our world either never experience recognition or do so after death.


JESUS has the same problem -you don’t play by man’s rules and you don’t get very far with a fair number of them.

One definition of caring is “leave more than you take” “leave it as you found it”. And what of the Earth? Do we treat her as such? NO!!!! We exploit her, abuse her -MAN!!!!!! And what about one another? In how many instances do we take more than we give/leave? People are an opportunity.

Maybe I see things you don’t see.

Fact of the matter is we gotta start making time for each other in this society whether we like it or not.

When tough situations arrive for example in our personal relationship it’s an opportunity to prove our intentions and our heart. And if we pulled through our relationships are strengthened for it but if we fail they can be severely weakened and challenged!

We think because we have an army we can let ourselves go to shit and let our social bonding in this country go to shit. An army may protect us from without but will it protect us from within?Yeah people make sure that our army is strong to protect us from without but they know that Army won’t protect us from within where they themselves are exploiting this country.. Yeah they’re happy to have a strong Army because they themselves want to be protected from outside forces while they corrode and exploit the country from within -INSIDIOUS BASTARDS [COWARDS]! They live under the protection of the umbrella paid for by the American public and then they turn around and exploit the American public.Things can look terribly ugly when they’re put in the proper perspective.

Relationships aren’t easy for people who aren’t at a disadvantage.

People in this country have eyes to see and ears to hear but what do they use them for? For their own personal interest in most cases.

When a person doesn’t respond to you favorably and you still show them kindness now that’s character.

There are many different kinds of personalities in this world of ours. If we are going to simply go through life picking and choosing the ones we’re gonna bother to take the time with… Seems to be the social norm in this country. If you bother to spend time with people you don’t gel with… There is something wrong with you. The fact of the matter is the people who do not broaden their horizons and expand their world are the ones that have something wrong with them. More than just a little wrong.

Remember in the sixties and seventies the parents, aunt and uncle of Superman and spider man? Now look at them -a bunch of d*** models. Like I said “the formula”.

In this country we’re all being manipulated to be able to benefit from the system rather than establishing our own system where the people themselves benefit internally, socially, spiritually! We’re being created by the system.

A lot of people’s experiences in this country would be very different IF only we would play by a better set of rules. SIGHS

This is a society that is so busy getting that it knows very little about true appreciation. But how does this sort of mentality reflect on our relationships between one and another? We look for a lot we expect a lot we demand a lot we want a lot… Hardly the sort of attitude which lends to cementing with one another. You see it everywhere and satan laughs everyday @ our disjointed lives, disjointed relationships. I’m that’s exactly what I see and experience each and every day in my community. I’m not perfect but the society around me is just screwed up enough to ensure a lack of cohesion.

When you stay out of trouble and you help others you’re whole world inside and outside is affected.

One of the most difficult things is when a person has been derailed from forming who they are and trying to find that person. Or going in search of another you?

We see all these prototypical or fictional representations of a man [on TV movies… a few walking the streets real or fake] and all of a sudden the rest of us in society don’t match up to a woman and her fictitious or prototypical standards.

You confuse the public by making them think the good guys are the bad guys.

40 years ago they wanted to try to put all these cameras up watching us the public would have said s**** y** we’re not going for that George Orwelle b*******. So what happened? Times change and people change. And when opportunists are not sitting around waiting for these opportunities to surface they force them to the surface. We never should have gone along with cameras everywhere in this country-never. And we should’ve made the people who are scaring the h*** out of us then trying to convince us to do otherwise it’s calm we should have put them at the forefront of the danger they presumably were scaring the hell out of us with. It’s the oldest trick throughout man’s history, put fear into someone and then tell them you can protect them at you can protect them add a price. Whether that price has been negotiated or just fall out from them merely allowing you to be trusted to protect us. If there is a real threat then you put those people at the forefront, and let them figure out a way other than enslaving us then enslave enough and violating and violating totally and completely are privacy and right. That will give them the impetus to really try. In either case we remain free. Like I said 200 years ago in this country the attitude was give me liberty or give me death. Today the attitude is protect me and I’ll give you some of my liberty. We went from men to cowards.

It’s amazing how we lie to ourselves when we pay for something and find out later we have got duped or paid too much. People often do what they have to do to bring themselves backup because for many people that’s all that counts.

Amazing, how some of the smartest men in the world don’t know what the most important thing is.

So when’s the next catastrophe so we can move on to the next phase text phase of humanity giving over there freedom willingly in exchange for security?

All you have to do as be open and you can see what’s happening, what’s coming, what has happened in the past and its deepest meanings, and solutions.

Even seemingly the most functional and therefore happy and successful individuals are not necessarily God centered.

Do you have to be GOD-centered to have GOD in you or simply open [not closed]?

As the sands of the hour glass of time continue to sift, men who are smart [open] and motivated will continue to discover new things and use them to their advantage [against other men]. This sea will continue to widen.

It’s amazing how few people I tell I write actually ask me specifically to read them something I’ve written about. They may ask me what I write about but they rarely ask for a sample of the writing itself [once I’ve told them “what” I write about].

Daisy does what she’s supposed to do. Nothing else. We humans can learn a thing or 2 from a little Chihuahua.

Writers sit around for months thinking up the coolest things for a man to say on screen to a woman. And what we guys are supposed to come up with it in a few seconds in front of a woman? Is an actress one of the things in this society were being compared to and the standard were being held too? I mean with regard to a woman that’s out of touch with reality.

You know that thing before the movie that says the views hear in these interviews may not reflect that of the producers and producers and directors. The same holds true for people speaking in a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.

And they are either stringing out this war between Russia and Ukraine or somebody is hoping that the war gets strung out so they can continue to keep prices at an all time high and school and score big Sorry son of a b******.

Women often suffer from depression so they choose a man with a great sense of humor to offset this.

The Life we each end up leading I’m guessing was chosen before we got here since GOD seldom violates the human will. The problem is that when we get here the Flesh has other ideas. As meritorious as the spirit may be… πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Some people can thrive in most situations some people cannot thrive-in most situations.

You think Tony robins knows more than GOD? GOD understands the corroding power of negative thinking .ore than anyone. Avoiding negative thinking is one thing avoiding negative or negative or difficult circumstances isn’t isn’t entirely different matter. We grow through all experiences not [merely] selective ones…



Why do they have a phone at the post office or at Walmart if they never pick up?

I file a complaint about an employee at Walmart or Albertson’s, and the attitude, or mentality of the supervisor is no better than the employee I’m filing the complaint about.

We work out our salvation with fear and trembling not sophistication.

I’ve heard people in Alcoholics Anonymous say “I came here to save my a** not my soul”. Well maybe you need to rethink that

You’re not gonna see many strides ain self esteem in this country based on its values system. You think Americans have a lot of self esteem -or pride and ego?

You take the smartest people and then you and then you lift that several notches with a specific environment which can in turn help these people to reach beyond the barriers all other men are unable to surpass and knowledge and understanding for example. Isn’t that what the military does with men who have exemplary fighting skills or skill sets or Gil sets or genetics to begin with? You take something powerful within and you nurture it without.

Some people for example have enormous stability within themselves and then they are also blessed with a very stable upbringing and what you end up having is an ultra stable individual. You take some people who do not have this propensity who are raised in a stable home and they’re still shake. They still flinch. You take people who do not have this propensity and raise them in an unstable home and you’ve got a hot mess-thank you Ashley

The thing about the universe is you do X and you’ll get why every time. The thing about people is you do act and you might get why or you might get Z or you might get AB.

If a man didn’t have to forage to forage to meet his sexual appetites how would that affect his attitude towards foraging? The society puts things in place so that man serves the society. Not himself or his personal development 1st and foremost. Not his relations with his fellow human beings and so far as they serve each of them 1st rather than the system. We have a system in place in this country that is out of sync with the 1st rule which is to create healthy individuals and healthy relationships between individuals. And part of being a healthy individual is to recognize and serve that which created us and put us here 1st and foremost. Did the system create us and put us here -absolutely not! In this country it’s stepping in as a surrogate for it’s own benefit. When does a person veer away from who they are or who they were intended to be in order to survive or thrive? Well that depends on the system in place. In a system in the United States we may have the freedom to grow personally and develop personally but it is not by any stretch a priority of the system itself. In fact the system itself in many instances either discourages, makes light of the priority behind such a endeavor, or simply interferes by here’s by taking up up much of the individual’s time and by incorporating values which often run contrary [to our CREATORS INTENT]. The system needs to be in sync with our creators intent -not in opposition to it. But then we would have things such as equality and an even playing field. But many men do not want that. We claim that this country offers the same opportunities to all men [their withered ego, or body part won’t allow for it]. But based upon those opportunities do all men have the same capabilities and do they have the same opportunities. This is also the case with the regard to salvation and spirituality spirituality? Are all men on equal footing? No 2 men are created alike in any one area are they?

You don’t have to do anything to fall, gravity does the work for you. So does satan in a way. In order to ascend however… So does GOD in a way. As the old saying goes “when you’re coasting -you’re going downhill”.

When you’re young you have the time and the energy, but no money; When you’re middle aged you have the energy and the money but not the time; When your old you have the time and the money but not the energy. That’s why men race while they’re young and have the energy to ensure they have the time and the money.

Humans can be equally as delightful as they can be disdainful or distasteful.


When does the system become the human [master] and the human become the tool [slave]? Already happening?

Keeping a positive outlook and attitude is JESUS-LIKE, avoiding necessary, healthy pain and suffering is UN-JESUS-LIKE [very much human-like]. Pain is the cornerstone of growth. Alcoholics who come into the program and do the same thing they they have done using drugs and alcohol, that is avoid pain and suffering at all costs including the healthy pain and suffering are acting on addictive principles. People try to maintain a positive outlook and attitude and attitude by avoidance of certain necessary encounters and experiences. It’s easy to see how that might be healthy because there are in fact many things we should avoid the unnecessary manufacturer of.

When a person has a food addiction and you have to eat… This is very different from total absence of drugs and alcohol. A sex addiction and one is inclined towards healthy and natural sexual practices…

One company starts a trend and the other ones sit around like fools watching to see how the public is gonna respond. Like this thing about charging customers to have a package health is the biggest b******* since charging someone to take a payment. When are we going to stop letting these people get away with it. When are we gonna stop being sympathetic of these companies who are not sympathetic of us? Oh they’re doing it because they have a good reason b*******. Let’s idiot’s gotta stop trusting people who don’t trust us.

Wars that last a long time typically imply evenly matched opponents. Is this long term war taking place against the American public evenly matched? OR simply a new strategy?

Discarding forced interaction or arranged marriages, We live in a world that is procreating at an alarming rate while at the same time is filled with an alarming number of people who among other things are committing suicide because they are so lonely. So we’ve got people connecting left and right along with people who are not connecting left and right. WHY? What does it all mean?

One guy bombs not once but repeatedly in social gatherings while another guy repeatedly yes littley gets the greatest amount of laughs. After a while how do people start viewing each of these individuals and more importantly what are their feelings towards each of them? I know the answer to this all too well.

We come up with some stupid song and the rest of us take a liking to it and we’re dancing to it in the clubs and the clubs and at parties people throw blah blah blah. Real dumb song but we take a fancy to it and enjoy it and laugh while somebody makes millions off of it -and then we move on. Is this what life in America is as one of the main facets?

Why generalize when you can you can for not much more effort be specific. I know you probably figure the outcome won’t be affected but in the universe precision is everywhere so I beg to differ. Somehow some way, precision does matter in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately man often only gets things right to the extent it serves his selfish purpose alone. He seldom thinks about the ripple effect on the universe, GOD’S universe.

How often does man get things wrong? Frequently! And of course in many instances he feels the only as to get it right enough. Man is very imprecise individual. He’s far too occupied with his own narrow plans and schemes.

Man has no idea of the incalculable damage he does by lying in GOD’S universe. A universe otherwise free of such distortions.

When you make a mistake go over it and play it over in your head the right way you would have, should have, could have done it. Reprogram or reboot.

When you screw up on a word and typing don’t erase the entire word just erase the parts you don’t need don’t need and retype to complete. This is efficiency. Although you might ever it takes longer to do the latter… with practice… And of course there’s always more going on than just the tree itself to be concerned with. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Some people end up in the most wonderful of places without ever having planned to do so. Without even a thought of such an existence of something so sublime. And yet many of us for all our awareness and effort, cannot seem to arrive there. Sounds screwed up to me. GOD? I sure like to know what I’ve done to deserve where I’m at? I’m not sure whether to be overjoyed or to kill myself. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

It’s not against the law to kill yourself but it’s against the law to kill somebody else? Sounds screwed up to me.

You can take anything and twist it for better or for worse using the perspective of your choosing.

12 guns sblazing at you , feel like shit when they have no fight in response.

When you get sober, the world doesn’t often grow with you.

I’m complicated and don’t do things the way the world would like, or is accustom to having things done. But guess what, all my life, the world has seldom, I’ll say rarely done things with consideration for me [in a fashion I would have, and would have liked them to be done in].

That’s the way of the world Rick, people don’t often pick what they should or what God wants, they pick what they want. That’s why a lot of people are in when they probably should be out, and a lot of people around too probably should be in. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

People decide who are appealing to them and who are not appealing to them. Now the part where I get aggravated is where the people who really shouldn’t be accepted are often found appealing while the people who really should be accepted are often found unappealing. Alot of times this is the case regarding women and certain types of men.

I’d men would stop being slaves to women, alot of women’s attitudes would change from arrogant to humble -but man being the narrow-minded, self-centered creatures that so many of us are… as I’ve stated “GIVE ME 115 MILLION RICKS [OF THE SAME MIND AND THINKING OF OTHERS NOT JUST HIMSELF πŸ€”] IN THE COUNTRY, 1/3 THE POPULATION, AND ALOT OF THINGS WOULD BE DIFFERENT.

Not all women go for the man who can offer them the world but far too many do unfortunately. So what about decent men who can’t offer a woman in the world?? Can’t even offer them all, only part of the basic necessities?

I look at the youth in the city I live in and I wonder what the hell were teaching these young people. They don’t appear to know much and many of them are into sex and partying. These 2 things are a trend that just keeps being passed on from one young generation to the next. Do you think it would be a good idea to break this trend?

What is it that we respect about men? It’s always about what they bring to the table just like any one else we view. I wouldn’t say these were great men who lived among us in our local area but they were certainly adwere certainly admired and respected by many. The man who attended meetings and who ran the treatment a treatment center for alcoholics and drug addicts at a hospital here in the area. That man never gave me the time a day. Nor did I ever seem a blip on his radar even when I was in his custody and care at that hospital for a time. What I mean by blip is my value or important personally rather than as a patient.

How can you be the 1st sense… You’re either 1st or 2nd or 3rd… blah blah blah

Do we really buy into this “people of 7power and influence thing-real I’ve been really”? Don’t ask me I don’t know a d*** thing.

People who can attract attention tend to be acquainted with power. It’s the little universe we human beings seem to revolve around when forgetting about the universe as a-hole. In the history of America when people would do rallies and those rallies would actually impact the American public in public sometimes these people were either bumped off literally or they were slandered and there there otherwise spotless reputation in many cases was put to the test even put the room. Shame on the American public when they never knew they never knew the true identity of these people people but lent power to the powers that be who attempted who attempted to neutralize these people’s impact -well-intentioned impact. You think you know the world? I don’t know the world but I’ve seen and heard enough. We have to be careful not to look at the world through one lens -our own alone. If a person has had a lot of negative experiences they can tend to view the world as negative while a person who has had a lot of positive experiences contend to view the world as positive. The world is either neither or it is plenty of both -take your pick! I keep peering over and over that the world is not a nice place. Only to run into people in this country who think their lives are pretty good and therefore we shouldn’t be judging. We’ll s**** y** go out and live a little more -then come back to me. A person hasn’t truly lived until they’ve had their parents screw them over!

We’re either the ones doing the pushing or we’re the ones getting dragged along by this system. People in power who are pushing it for their own personal gain -while others are being dragged Aland dragged along to avoid going under.

And then on YouTube the 1st 2nd of the 5 second dad usually lasts about 2 seconds so at 6 seconds total. What a bunch of c***.. Man just keeps trying to get what he can like a child does. These courtroom scenes and discussions on the street where people are arguing like 2 little children fighting over a toy. Jesus Christ man a 40 year old man acting like a 4 year old. There seems to be plenty of that in this country. Let’s get some perspective. Imagine a 40 year old man fighting with a four-year-old over a toy. It would look pretty stupid but probably more stupid than two 40 year old men fighting over a toy. But the fact of the matter is it’s probably more stupid.

People decide who they let in and who they don’t let in. And often times the people they do let in land up regretting. And often times the people who they don’t let in and are hurting. It’s just a f****** mess. The United States is probably one of the few places in the world where corporate America can get away with what it’s getting away with right now. People just throwing their money to the wind for non essentials.

We can see right before our very eyes that when things don’t sell the price is dropped. That should tell the consumer something about the power they have. But nooooooooo… WE HAVE TO IGNORE THIS FACT AND GIT WHAT WE WANT W HEN WE WANT IT IN THIS COUNTRY.

How many people would pay to watch you or me? The point of the question is a perspective effective what we value and what we don’t value and valuing sum and not others. It’s a nice start anyways.

Man has to do something even if it’s good we’re bad for for himself for his environment, whether it is right or wrong morally or ethically or legally, He has to change things even if it’s an improvement or not an improvement. Not all of this is out of ignorance. If man were faced… if man were placed in a room locked inside of it facing only perfection, he’d try to change it just to have something to do. But also to leave his mark. That’s what man is! Part of the reason we never seem to get anywhere is we keep improving and unimproving things. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ We also hide things from each other and mislead each other so that we can have an advantage over others. You think a species intelligent in nature would struggle with progress for so long in certain areas were it not true. We went from living in caves to practically solving the mystery behind DNA and sending a man to the moon and yet it personally we continue to struggle with the same problems within ourselves and between one another and the harm we have inflict on our environment with without change. Why do problems continue to haunt us? Denial is one reason. Laziness another. Benefiting at the expense of others. Evil intentions which are nothing more than the intent to destroy or harm for its own purpose. Definitely the emptiest of purposes.

Some people would allow the whole world to die or suffer to save one of their own children. I never understood this ideology entirely.

I shoot from GOD’S HIP!


They started coming up with the slogan “you can’t fight city hall” and the next thing you know people started believing it. Brain washing? Your grandparents and mine fought and won against city hall many a time. Maybe that’s why they started it -city hall that is.

When you feel yourself getting angry at a person for being selfish or for simply being harmful in whatever fashion you come to know them for, you’ve indulged yourself far too long. Some people don’t know when to walk away [sooner than later].

98% of people don’t contribute to Wikipedia what does that tell you? 98% of people want something for nothing in this case.

Yeah the growth in this country is great for the economy but it’s terrible for making average Americans feel like they matter. It’s terrible when you have to get on the phone and nobody answers or you’re on hold for an hour and a 1/2 or they tell you go online to the website and do-it-yourself. These things are not good for the human spirit mentality mentality or heart or physical body. We need to get a bunch of people back out of this country so that we can make time for each other and have time for one another and stop getting lost in all of this population growth and capitalism going on.

The only thing that doesn’t seem to be hurting or affected with all the changes going on in this country is making sure your bill is paid to the man at the end of every month. That’s the least of our priorities.

I’m gonna go out a limb here and say that celebrity has has a lot to do with ego though not all celebrities are egotistical. Speaking from the perspective of a society that is enamored with celebrity. Well it sure isn’t about humility unless of course the common man is comparing himself to the celebrated. The other thing that it could be is the innate need for recognition. We feel our own sense of importance through the importance of these people. Or at least our own sense of existence through the extreme recognition of the existence of these people.

You look down on someone in your airrogance because they’re ignorant and inferior. Someone then looks at you as ignorant and inferior [true story by the way -cycle of life -live by the sword…] Doesn’t feel good does it. You go through life feeling superior to other people until you step into a room where somebody is clearly superior to you and you feel small because because of the very frame of mind/principles you live by.

What if you bought a million of them and returned them to Walmart at even just a dollar dollar more per credit. That would be a million dollars profit.

Some people waste time as if they had an infinite amount. That’s me πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Ever noticed how children whose parents only had 2 or 3 children they in turn tend to have 2 or 3 children. Often times around the same age. There are a lot of other trends we never notice.

Now I watch old movies and I’m older than the characters in those movies.

If you’re not tired of life you haven’t lived enough.

“I care about as much about what other people think as they care about what I think”. If only that were true. Let’s put this in another way, i’ll care as much for how you feel as you care for how I feel.

Treat a person the way they treat others individually they’ll cop a resentment [EVERYTIME].

While you’re talking to someone try picturing what’s coming out of your mouth coming out of their mouth speaking to you -it’s a very powerful exercise.

When I was younger there were things that used to bother me that no longer bother me. For example… Dry skin peeling back on my cuticles and fingers. There was a time when I had to pull it off -I couldn’t stand otherwise. Or cleaning myself after touching something dirty. At times I’m so preoccupied within that II no longer remember to clean myself in those areas sometimes.

Ever since I took a class on hygiene and germs which was about 25 years ago I have been cleaning my hands I’ve been cleaning my hands regularly and long before covid.


Some people have so much money they have to work hard to lose it [rather than make more of it].

You’re so busy living your life you aint got time for other people -and you call that living?

Some people see Hitler as an incredible study.

Some people know without any doubt that the holocaust took place. But others do not have that… And people get angry at these people for doubting. For questioning.

How do you know that’s a real dinosaur bone in that museum? Dinosaur bone that people are using to counter the argument of The Bible and it’s legitimacy?

If for example you have scarcely known or experienced compassion from others in your life you will either be very compassionate, very incompassiinate, or somewhere in between.

people dispute the Bible even have to distain for it! So what principles are you going to use in place of those in the Bible for example with regard to your children? Many people in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous load the Christian faith -So once again, what principles are you going to use in place of those talked or originating from the Christian faith? What are you going to replace honesty with? Love? Charity?

Not only choose the people we hang around with but we have something inside of us that beckons to certain qualities. Afterall, it’s not all EGO or SELFISHNESS!

Some places prompt us to soar while others beckon us to sink or swim.

For some strange reason sometimes the remote control while blocked by something manages to operate the blue ray player while at other times it does not. Both seem fairly consistent. Or inconsistent. What is a? In the universe something either tends to work or it doesn’t.

You are blessed in ways others can only imagine -and blessed in ways some cannot even begin to imagine!

… And certain men, millenia after millenia -continue to capitalize on a lack of progress in certain areas of humanity. By design?

One of the 1st things the celebrity learns is how different a woman reacts around a celebrity as compared to other men. Sadly, many women are very much about what a person has to bring to the table. NOT UNLIKE MANY MEN!

I just think that when the system or society reject you, you are free to explore and express yourself in areas, in ways others cannot or will not. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

In many instances a “real” man doesn’t stand a chance against a “fake” man in the early going.

How do you explain a woman and her disparity in taste versus the reality of the men out there? It’s easy, you have one man servicing multiple women. Some women don’t know what common some women suspect to common some women do it knowingly because they would rather have but rather have the man that stacks up to their fantasies and their dreams even at the expense of their values then to settle for a man who is less than and and operate within their values or rather operate on principles which ascend… Some people would rather get what they want rather than settle on principle.

Some people prefer to choose their own pain rather than accept the one life is dealt them. If that makes any sense.

How many jokes does a person need to learn in order to be able to consider themselves charismatic by those around them? To be able to say something witty on QUE in most situations?

I remember my dad on many occasions telling me “be a man” “you gotta look out for you’re own bones”… “I can’t wait til you turn 18 so you can git out and I don’t have to support you anymore” and “Rick, you’re an asshole”. All this in the face of 10-12 years borrowing money he never paid back to the tune of 100s per year! πŸ˜” worst of all, He didn’t just not take responsibility, HE TOOK! And my grandmother???? Her part? Jeeeeeeezzzzz

Growing up, people were hard on me. When you’re not their kid…

I may not have gotten an acting bug while watching years and years and years of some of the finest movies on cellular but what I did learn it learned is about the highest aspirations and values which in tuin terms of my interaction with real life situations has brought me to the conclusion that the majority of human beings do not abide by the highest principles-by those highest principles.

When people are bored or lonely or have too much time on their hands they create situations to stimulate them.

Why do you think so many men have women and so many men do not have women? It’s all in the approach. To a lot of women you’re either a creep or a catch. There’s no compassion just assessment.

The problem man has with “THE TRUTH”… lemme put it this way, the truth is either one thing or it is all things. Man tries to turn it into something in between. A debate between one, or two, or even a mere room full of people. One of the great dimensions of GOD’S masterpiece and you think it is encapsulated in something finite, something less than, [or more than by your own estimation] sublime? YOU CAN’T IMPROVE ON PERFECTION!

In order to increase your status, your advantage, you’re game on a material level you have to compromise spiritual principles in the process. In spirituality everybody wins in America people have to lose in order for someone to win.

What’s really interesting is watching where other people’s eyes go when they’re around other people. Like when a man or a woman or a child or a celebrity walk into the room.

It’s better to leave people walking away feeling they got the better of you than have them walk away with a grudge towards you.

Some people protect themselves beforehand, other after-the-fact!

We forget the bad things and we forget the good things-shame on us.

1st they try to bribe you and if that doesn’t work they threaten you and if that doesn’t work they threaten your family. By the time they get to number 3 about 98% of the population are susceptible.

What matters is how you live not what the world does to you. Too few people give credence to how they live and far too much credence to what the world does to them.

I love it when people say “it’s not about me”.

The more muscle groups you work and the more of all the muscles in your body you work the stronger you will be in the quicker the gaines over all you will experience.

My memory may not be worth a s*** now but there was a time as a young boy when I apparently absorbed [and retained] quite a bit. πŸ˜‰

When is conservation of energy not a priority?

The trick is not to beat the world, the odds of that are slim. The trick is not to let the world beat you [DOWN].

…a soul that has been unmarred… πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I’m not here to be liked, I’m not here to look good, and I’m not just here for me.

You know The Secret to not letting the world defeat you? Don’t give more importance to anything in it than GOD intended.

Sometimes life sucks but sobriety never does. It’s when people get the 2 confused that they go out and get drunk or commit suicide throwing away everything they have and everything they’re going to have -THE FORGIVEN.

I get the feeling that not having any values goes along with being macho; or being macho goes βœ‹ in βœ‹ with not having any values.

God doesn’t care what we think. That may sound like a cold statement but under further review of the situation in circumstances and relationship between man does it? How many parents wished they could have made the cold hard decision they would have saved or protected their child rather than the convoluted sentimental one? God always does what’s best for us. Most of the time we don’t understand the concept. But I guess he figures won’t realize who he really is when we meet him.

If I was is a student at finances as I am at writing about the human condition I have no doubt it be a billionaire.

Parents hate GOD for taking their children young. But in many cases it’s suffering on behalf of the parent for their sins at the expense of the child who by the way gets to meet his or her creator sooner than later either if you want to call that an expense. Would you rather meet your child in Heaven and have them spend an ETERNITY with you or spend it here on Earth and possibly end up in h*** while your child is in Heaven or h*** as well? But people never realize it.

We ask for things in prayer and when we get them years later we completely forgot we asked for them or the fact that we shunned or cursed GOD for not having answered our prayers at the time!

The same people who are out in the world are in alcoholics and autonomous.

Women sometimes get angry at me because I treat them like people rather than like wother than like women with special treatments.

We have seen how people act with one another but since they are all flawed it’s difficult to make a determination one way or the other. But with regard to JESUS, we got to see everything the the man is and isn’t -in the presence of perfection. Thousands of these profound truths, realizations have been lost or misplaced -I hope I can recapture them.

A lot of women either aren’t very creative or very motivated or have the money or simply don’t want to do something alone. They need a guy who’s animated and full of a will to live and explore life and they gravitate to somebody like that because they feel avoid that they themselves were unable and unwilling to fill.

It would be in the middle of a high in a social situation and always suddenly it just feels like your self esteem drops out from under you?? Is it actually energy dropping out from under you? A certain type of energy that may in fact parallel parallel or encompass or embrace self worth?

People are capable of the most incredible devotion. Animals too.

What if not doing anything about certain crimes had no bearing on the powers that be and whether or not they continue to remain in power? Would they still act?

The changes that are being made in this country are to the advantage of the system and those perpetuating it. It’s not to the advantage of the people. It’s not to the advantage of the general population.

Just because it doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense.

Everyone wants to succeed in the basic areas of life. Joy, love, being accepted.

No one starts out wanting to be an alcoholic and yet we chose the exact path to arrive there. It’s not what we think it’s what we do that gets us where we end up.

I never saw anybody get better criticizing/focusing on somebody else.

It took a lot of effort for me to get sick from my addiction.

It’s a person’s soul we fall in love with, that we should fall in love with, that true love is founded upon. I cannot seem to let mine come out anymore. It takes a lot of courage for a person to do that whether they realize they’re doing it or not. I guess I don’t have that courage -anymoreI guess I don’t have that courage anymore.

The people that know need to show the people that don’t know. Those who grew up experiencing love need to show the people who didn’t how to love and what love is. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

If you look at the things God’s children are capable of… Amazing things! πŸ‘

I knew what it was like to experience the ill side of man but by being an innocent child and by being ill willed myself. But when you experience it while trying help them….

What happens if you play with the bell curve with the belter? Put everything on the top 15% became the middle? There’s something very interesting in the universe when you start talking about 0 or 100%. 0-100% actually IS ALL INTERESTING! πŸ€”

I never understood a woman standing by a man who’s all screwed up in their addiction and drunk? Men being married for 20 years and drinking for 15 of it alcoholically. The only woman whoever stood by me through thick and thin was my grandmother.

People don’t accept me as I am so why should I accept them as they are? People don’t act according to the way I think they should so why should I act according to the way they think I should? And as a result this riff never gets resolved.

People in this country are very picky and picky is the antithesis of grateful not ungrateful.

I’ve met very few women willing to outgive me.

In many areas of human life and character and persona and being we have a sliding scale from top to bottom high from the worst to the best the best to the worst in grades or shades. But not always.

Man is like a guitar or a…. Mankind is like a guitar or a piano and if you have the mind to do so you can play it play it or you can play different chords and experiment-but people don’t care much for this this when they are the subject or the instrument being played were experimented with. YOU CAN LEARN ALOT THOUGH, NOT ALL BAD, NOT ALL GOOD!

can’t judge myself objectively so you have to do it for me and yet I’m not supposed to judge you-how does that work?

Alcohol and drugs restrict development and at least 3/4 of people in this country are abusing them so what does that tell you? Maturity…

Maybe the reason GOD stop talking to most of us is because we don’t listen anyways.

Sponsee walks up to a sponsor and says life is boring sober, and the sponsor replies, are you sure it’s not Serenity?

When we feel unworthy, when where our steam is low I’m low I notice I tend to deny myself the good things in life. I reach for the less than preferable movies out of the Box is in my dvd collection rather than the best ones. I tend to wash my hands with cold water as much as I dislike it rather than warm water.. Tell tale signs

It’s not that God chooses certain people to talk to only, it’s that most of us can’t hear HIM!

Without inspiration most men are like a bump on a log. Far too often we look for inspiration outside of ourselves with regard to certain endeavors rather than where it should come from-on the inside. Far too many relationships are founded on inspiration outside of the individual rather than from within.

The worst breakups are the ones that end before they really ever get started and you spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been.

We keep missing each other in this country when we’re not busy simply passing each other by altogether. How do we put a stop to that? Can’t we see the difference between GOD’S plan and satan’s plan? Can’t we see that what’s happening in this country isn’t godly? Separation! Strife!

Relationships are all about humility not ego.

My life’s a freaking song. Many of them sad. Linda Ronstadt Long Long Time.

In our personal relationships and even in our work relationships ships we’ll try to mask the fact that in many instances we do in order to receive. To blatantly do so would disrupt any potential harmony. But for example when you look at the business structure as a whole rather than with regard to individual relationships, you never really get anything unless you give something. YouTube doesn’t just let you watch videos, they require you to listen to ads potentially resulting in sales!!!! Once in a while corporate America will throw something out but there’s always a hook. I say 95% of the cases. The overt position of corporate America is either “get” or “give to get”. That’s the nature of man on display openly. Not all men thankfully. Not all women thankfully. But the person in power in a relationship generally generally wants to receive before they give because what’s the point of having I’m having a despair of the empower if you’re not gonna use it to your advantage? Which brings me to the beauty of Jesus who All-powerful used HIS power.. Well you know the story. And if you don’t, there’s a book called The Holy Bible and if you flip to the back of it you can read the story of HIS life! A story of one who had infinite power and used it to give not to take. To… rather than to conquer -even though HE could have!

Maybe one of the worst things about self esteem is the feeling of being unworthy and all that ensues from it. We not only deny ourselves but others.

In AA as in life you gotta take the bath with a good. The human condition is inescapable. If not undeniable!

You ever look around and notice there’s not much out there because anything that’s worth anything gets taken up by man.

The best defense against something getting stolen is for people to not even know where it is and better yet that it doesn’t exist.

Some things don’t need a high-dollar defense or security system they just rely on ignorance. For example if you have basic knowledge of the equipment in the cable industry you can manipulated in your own home to your advantage.

There are Jewels all around us and right under our noses in the form of other people and we never even realize it.

Women love it when they wake up in the morning sore. πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

One of the most difficult things for we human beings is to decipher our motives.

Women hate a guy who’s a fool.

Poor slep, nutrition, alcohol drugs… take an Olympic athlete, and give 3 hours sleep. Or poor nutrition… With we addicts, Alcoholics we COMPOUND OR PERPETUATE OR SPEED UP OUR OWN DEMISE BY… Don’t know too many ADD/ALC who ate or slept properly! Do you?

Nothing in that AA BOOK that ask us to hurt or humiliate ourselves or another human being –IT’S ALL GOOD!!!

Everything has a lifeline, cut that off IT DIES!!!!!! This applies to good things and bad. Desirables and undesirables. We often kill what’s desirable in this fashion

Spiritually is the one thing I’m certain of where you get more out of it than you put into it! πŸ‘

GOD: BY WORKING THE STEPS WE ARE PERUING…we don’t have to down and figure out HOW we’re going to have a relationship with GOD!

When we react to people’s inappropriate conduct, we give them an out for their actions!

If I’m misrrable… may as well get drunk.

miserable I still had things I wouldn’t have drunk. I never died or killed anyone guy miserable a month… may as well get drunk! WRONG!!!!! If I’m gonna be miserable sober in AA…

Most guys will not go into a fight they think they can’t win.

People who don’t have respect for traffic lights and traffic land traffic laws don’t have respect for other people either you can count on it. The town I live in is filled with people just like that.

Does macho mean a lack of values? What does it mean to be macho? Does it mean to be principled? Does macho mean a lack of values? What does it mean to be macho? Does it mean to be principled? I wouldn’t think so. It’s just raw..

When you lose your zest for life -dying no longer no longer means as much of an issue as it once did. This unwillingness, and I have come to recognize it as an unwillingness to give women what they want but they want and suffer immense loneliness has its upside; Men who go around turning women break hearts and cause sin within their hearts [the heart of the man and these women]. It’s an immense blessing and relief to not make women love you or want you. It might even be considered highly selfless.

A lot of women hate that I treat them like people rather than like women. I could almost say that the people in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous who have labeled me a player or a womanizer have gotten me entirely wrong. I don’t flirt. Let alone look to score. I actually, when I’m not treating women like any other human being, I actually have a tendency to turn them off.

Usually when I think there’s something there there.

I wouldn’t be the rider I am if I didn’t let things get to me inside. It’s a painful gift, process.

There’s something about people who write songs for themselves who sing the actual. There’s a link there that simply doesn’t exist ordinarily between someone who writes a song and someone [another] who actually performs it.

What happens to a society when you’ve removed the survival factor? We’re looking at it here in America. Gotta find something else to do. So what do we do…

When we stop hunting for rabbits and deer we started hunting each other. Just look at all the ads hunting us for our money.

The addiction model is being applied widespread to modern day America. That’s another reason the capital structure is surviving. Eliminating the middle class is another. Printing money is another. The increasing population of the 2 percen that control the money has gotta continually put pressure on the masses so they can continue to get fed.

You create a restless irritable and discontent environment. Bring separation between people and create a void and then fill that void with products and services services being offered and convinced the people the people either they need them or that they are the answer to their emptiness. This creates a secondary issue. Through the separation you weaken that society so that corporate America and the government can exploit them.

The more we increase the population in this country the more we become non existent. Now we’re spending hours on the phone waiting for somebody to answer at the government level or corporate America. They continue to tell us to go online to address our issues and not call in. More separation. More devaluing of us as human beings. But the payment is always demanded at the end of each month by this degrading system. That’s the denominator that never change, now that we’ve convinced you you need this, you need to pay us! 🀲

If you can’t find happiness in America…

If you’re miserable when things are good in life then what are you gonna do when things are bad? If you can’t be happy when things are good in life then what are you gonna do when things are bad? What are you gonna do when things eventually go bad in this country? If you waste life when it’s good, then it’s all gonna be over when it’s bad.


People in the small town I live in can get away with screwing up apparently on the job and still keep it [it shouldn’t be that way, especially when involving the customer]. In the big city there’s so much competition… I guess every town large or small has its problems. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Just because you’re sensitive doesn’t mean you’re not tough-skinned

I don’t like the way humans do things -therefore I do not do things the way they do things. And for those of you running around with a smile on your face maybe you lack the ability to see certain aspects of the world. The government relies on mankind being mankind in order to exploit it. And so does corporate America. By man doing things the way he does things he is able to be exploited because he opens himself up. Anytime you place a need, or dependence upon your fellow man -yoy weaken your position. Anytime you make principles and things of priority on the material level you make yourself vulnerable.

Some people prefer you to be an a****** because it makes them feel superior better about themselves-that’s just the way humans think.

I know people in AA -Insensitive [defense mechanism]. While it’s true that emotions can often get in the way or make us vulnerable, going to the other extreme… πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Some people cannot fxn [at the level… without greater (initial) difficulty] or handle an emotional self!

For most people their a”A-game” is the game they are most familiar with [adept at executing] even if it has limitations and drawbacks. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ A flawed plan you are highly adept at executing is better than a perfect plan you are not?

In order to go in one direction you have to leave another behind or out of the picture. OR DO YOU?

Just because you’re not hurting people doesn’t mean they’re not gonna hurt you.. Just because you stop hurting people doesn’t mean they’re gonna stop hurting you..Just because you start helping people doesn’t mean they’re gonna stop hurting you.Just ask the saints.The most of us are never gonna reach that point where we stop hurting people entirely or start helping them entirely in order to reach that realization that realization.

This just rolled off of my tongue earlier a few minutes ago while having a conversation with another alcoholic. He brought up the truth with the book daily reflections is in his hand and what came to mind for me was the thing that people have the most trouble with regarding the truth as it always requires HUMILITY AND CHANGE!

I guess i-m not user friendly πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Not many people I’m guessing can sustain 30 years of learning with respect to the HUMAN CONDITION AND STAY SOBER!

How can tou tell the truth from a lie in AA, IN AN AA MEETING IF YOU’VE NEVER READ THE BOOK?


Adding or ignoring

If we’re tethered to something that’s constantly moving or changing we’ll never keep our bearings literally or philosophically or principally. And keeps changing and as we use him for the tether we ourselves we’ll end up going further and further out into the vast darkness of space. That’s what I love about God is the fact that as a tether he is always in the same place and never changes. We can always go back to him and find out where the truth and the source lies. But we can’t do that with things that are changing and moving constantly.

God must have one h*** of a strength or love to be able to withstand giving us so many things which we an entire world have turned around don’t on a regular ongoing endlessly endlessly ceasing basis at this point for worse.

When was the last time the world went to an hour without sex as send? When was the last time a man didn’t kill another man NA whole 24 hours? There’s a few more hopefully they’ll come to me later.

A lot of us in our youth have no concept of time or the limited amount of time we have on this Earth to live, love and accomplish. SOME SEEM TO HOWEVER!

I think I’m lacking something in my care for my fellow man. πŸ˜” Perhaps it requires me to be somewhat disengaged in order to write…

Gravity does the work going down but we have to do the work going up.

Some women dream of captain Marvel and some men dream of Wonder Woman calm but at the end of the day it’s just regular people most of us will…..

If one man can make a difference, imagine we ALL can do! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

If GOD got rid of evil it would only return. That’s one reason GOD doesn’t wipe it out. It’s the hearts of men that must change.

God does things like that; He’ll write a song tomorrow yesterday 50 years ago with you specifically in mind and your you’re life experience that you will listen to 50 years later or A-day later or tomorrow and relate perfectly to play perfectly too -GOD does this sort of things.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ And while in my mind and heart there are numerous songs that fit this bill karma perhaps the one that stands up most is I want to know what love is by foreigner. It just seems Taylor made.

Seeing a human spirit raw and exposed and expressing itself and expressing itself through the face and eyes and voice of another human being is a spectacle to behold. I’ve seen it-once or twice.

We’re either a good example or a bad example πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Spock says “for everything there is the 1st time”. One thing we often give little thought to is the fact that for everything there is a last time. Last time you ever get to tell someone you love them. Go get an ice cream together.

People often reject a beautiful message of truth and love because the person delivering it she’s delivering it does not necessarily have we have the delivery we human beings want to want to have the package delivered. Either way the person looks or more importantly the way they come across and that is sad because truth and love are always truth and love regardless of whose delivering it or how they deliver it.

It’s hard to get in the mood for a relationship with a woman with these writings pouring out. The attitude of the community I live and doesn’t help any. But at the same time other people seem to manage -so why shouldn’t or can’t I?

If they are trying to negotiate new abortion laws under extreme circumstances circumstances then the other side of that coin has been for many years women women simply using abortion as an alternative to acting responsibly.

There’s a rhythm to life I’ve never been able to quite get in tune with. It really f**** with relationships.

I get enough of humanity through the writings. BUT DO I?

How many women have children so they’re not lonely? How many women have children so they can have an income? “We get angry at men for going out on us as women” -quote third party, But do we men have our children to comfort us at night when we’re all alone and single? The other thing is that a lot of men don’t have the communication or the emotional support women have so they look for another woman oftentimes where’s oftentimes where is women tend to have more support and deeper relationships. Many times in relationships they operate in reverse. It is the child that is there to serve the purpose not the parent. It’s even the case with pet

People are more apt to stay sober if they’re enjoying the experience so it’s so check out wishing on a star by rose Royce. People are more apt to succeed at something and to return to it if they’re enjoying the experience. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Some women cross the street when they see a man because the don’t trust themselves.

If someone has fear, they feel a situation is beyond their control, ability, and has significant enough importance as far as handling or succeeding at.

I wouldn’t walk up to a 250 pound UFC fighter and insult him. But some women I’ve been involved with did just that! I’ve never met a woman who deserved to be hit, but I’ve met some who have asked for it!

we live in an arrogant society -ive seen humble [on occasion], and I know arrogance!

Your training should be more rigorous than “the fight” itself!

Some people like hurting others -im not one of those people. If I was. I’d probably be a pretty good fighter. I tend to exce in things I like or enjoy!


Anytime you Expose a child to something PLEASURABLE, you run the risk of, that…

There’s something very yelling about people who ignore puppies!

I see or hear something, and 5 different thoughts pop up!


Some people think I think I know it all!


A lot of people in the world have been hurt and judged and what happens is in many instances they become hypertensive to the truth. In many cases you could say they rebuke it because they know little of the different between being judged and the truth.

When I came in the AA PROGRAM and read the book and heard about the inventory and some of the pointing out of what was wrong with me my 1st thought was here we go again I’m being judged and criticized. The differences that whatever they were doing in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous they were doing out of love not fear or spite or hate or bitterness or resentment or envy.

You know when you’re hearing the truth? Because it never changes.

The worst thing is being unprepared or weak when the situation arises simply because you are lazy or distracted. The moral of the story is to do your best to stay strong at all times so that if anything ever comes at you you’re ready even when you’re not.

People in our country are weak, out of shape, ignorant simply because they have resigned themselves to be protected by the the structure of American society. But if that collapses how are you going to survive? If there’s anarchy how are you going to survive? Are you so certain that that will never happen in your time that you don’t need to prepare otherwise?

You put a carpet down in the hallway and you walk back-and-forth on it without the intention of tripping over. But isn’t repetition practice for something? Even if you’re looking for the opposite result?

Our army may protect us from outside sources but who protects us from inside sources?

Not everyone who enjoys the finer things in life is rich. But how was it that they managed? If it’s not money what is it? What do you think it is? Guts

I used to tell people about the omega man movie. For most of us things don’t mean much unless there’s people around to to flaunted or to share it with. The fact of the matter is that in the United States… Unless you have your basic needs met all that other junk is useless. You end up selling $5000 gold watches for a nights meal for you and your family -think about it. That gives you an idea of how useless the things we value so highly in modern day America really are. Which would you rather have all the things in the world or human comfort? See Charleton Heston in the movie the omega man. You have to have something else in place in order torder to enjoy the excesses of life. What’s stability, basic need, and human companionship are gone excess means s***. For most of us without each other things mean s***.

It’s very difficult to separate people from their outer shell.

When you have to have something it brings out the child in you. Show me a child screaming for a candy bar and I’ll show you a child who has a poor relationship at that parent. You see the same thing with politicians and people fighting over jobs.

The truth is how we get better! Saner! When people hear the truth and they don’t like it nowadays they’ll generally dismissed it as somebody else’s opinion.

People seem to trust a person a little more who’s a little selfish.

I once asked my sponsor how do you heal when the person who hurt you just died and cannot make an Amen amends? I like making amends today, because it helps others to heal from the harm I’ve done.

It’s one thing not to understand a person it’s another thing not to try.

People who are happy all the time tend not to think about “X” often eough; while people who are miserable all the time tend to not think about “Y” often enough πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I was in trouble for years with Alcohol, and didn’t want to stop drinking. How do you admit you are powerless if you are still drinking willfully?


How can a person be an Alcoholic and not understand Alcoholism? “I AM THE BUSINESS”!

Maybe not everyone in AA has the spirit of AA, but alot Do! And… πŸ€” the spirit of AA itself is PURE!



It sucks in the heart of your heart to want a relationship so bad and yet in your soul of souls know that people are dangerous and hurtful and and therefore I will not allow your heart of hearts to go there -SORRY πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Before movies, acting, the information age, people have very little imagination or knowledge about the nothe notion that people could be much more than what their partners standing before them were. In many instances what they knew was very limited. Now people’s imaginations have been stretched so far so far that the people before them pale in comparison so often. This is what modern day America is coming to. We are stretching the boundaries. And this is just one example. We’re distorting everything. Even with regard to the realm of possibility according to according to man and his ego and profit driven search. WE ARE SO STUPID TO DO IT, TO FALL FOR IT, TO ALLOW IT!

Thieves do what they do, steal from us, trick us… because we fall for it, because we go for it. Our vulnerability lies in what we Our vulnerability lies in what we are attracted to, drawn to JUST LIKE A WORM, A LURE ON A HOOK TO A 🐟. Are we that similar to this creature even though we claim to be the spearhead of life on this planet? Apparently so. Stop falling forward and thieves will be out of business. Con men atleast. We keep falling for the same b******* with politicians as well because what are The Choice of we got is probably the thinking of most Americans. Have you ever really thought about any real alternative? Beyond being trapped in the cycle of pinging between in between one political party and another? TRUST ME, THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS. BUT IT TAKES BEING OPEN, HAVING GUTS, AND SACRIFICING -3 THINGS MOST PEOPLE LACK IN ALL, IF EVEN 1!

In some ways I tear through the human social BS called “NORMS”! In fact, quite regularly I will hammer away at the self-centered, self-conceived, self-imposed notions so prevalent in this country which more than anything else alienates and denigrates repeatedly [had to look up to be sure, to confirm the meaning -my brain worked very well as a child apparently – sponge 🧽].

Arrogance -which American societies are riddled with; is the antithesis of perhaps one of the most important traits, 1 of the most vital traits to human relationships -humility! Is it any wonder we’re in the state we’re in? Most of us are infected by it -avarice, excess, entitlement, prevailing moods passed on from generation-to-generation.

A lot of people drink in front of their children and then mistakenly say they can make their own choice when their adults. But if you want them to make the best possible choice or perhaps even the most objective choice then you should set the best possible example not the worst for them. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Humans can turn or see anything as ugly -it’s a gift we seem to have -or a knack πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ See anything as beautiful too [in some cases unfortunately] ?

With our track record, what alcoholic can can show the nerve of judging another? But we do!

32 years and 10 months SOBER; and even if you only took away 10% of that as learning it would still be enormous.

You do a little bit of learning over a enormous period of time… Not just imagine doing a lot of learning over an enormous period of time? I look back and I think if I had started 5 years ago just doing this for an hour and A-day… But I didn’t! So start now!

Imagine all the incredible things that have taken place over the span of History THAT WE WERE UNANLE TO ENJOY, GRIEVE, WITNESS!

I like to teach but that’s frowned upon in these rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous -My grandparents both taught at the City College of San Francisco. Hmm! πŸ€”

We worship celebrity in this country rather than truth. That should tell you something with regard to how much Credence we should put into this country in certain regards.

I went through a phase early in sobriety where I wasn’t enough and had to be “I I I I I I I…. don’t know how I feel about…” ALCOHOLICS πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I don’t know how many years you have to have in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous before certain people believe you actually have something to contribute

The truths in life at least for us or like a pecan – We have to crack the shell open in order to see it or get to it..

“I don’t feel like it”. If humanity could overcome JUST THIS ONE FLAW….

If we were respected every human being, life in general, OUR PLANET, if that 1 word alone were introduced intoroduced into every aspect of our lives, THERE WOULD BE NO MORE PROBLEMS, ONLY CONCEALED THOUGHTS, ATTITUDES…

What is it about man who thinks he has the right to own this planet and keep others out of it? STUPID!

Just because something is either useless or obvious to you doesn’t mean it is useless or obvious to someone else 🀷 πŸ€”

Children seek to be solely and wholly gratified -CHILDREN! RING ANY πŸ””z?

For me it’s the heart first, not the race, creed, gender, status of the person. I’d be lying if I threw in appearance -i have some issues with that still [+ or -].

The thing I love about Alcoholics Anonymous is it doesn’t matter who you know, how much you make, where you live, what you drive, what you look like, how intelligent, or manipulative you can be, how slick you think you are… EVERY BODY GOTTA DO THIS DEAL, DO THE WORK, GET HONEST, GET HUMBLE!

There’s a million ways to do things wrong and in some cases only one way or a few ways to do it right. True story! Maybe that’s man’s biggest tissue. And when he starts thinking the wrong way is the right way… πŸ˜–πŸ˜”

For every situation there’s an appropriate and inappropriate expression [response].

What they’re really saying is come and buy what I have to sell so I can have a great life.

One of our greatest priorities as human beings should be to keep our spirits unstained. And never stop expressing that unstained spirit. 12-STEPS! Ever behold a free and unstained spirit expressed in your presence? GOD shining through! It’s the most wonderous experience one can have or encounter.

Awareness isn’t that what Jesus brought us? Awareness is everything focus is the only thing

The blood brain barrier… some people have inability to keep the world out come to keep from being infected by infected by it calm of a most of us…..

I think as alcohol as we tend to suffer more. It’s but we also tend to feel joy more. Is everything more?

Men between the ages of 20 and 50 are seen as the primary prevails of trouble in our society

Life alone requires considerable devotion to PRAYER AND MEDITATION. But when you compound that with these INTENSIVE WRITINGS… continually pouring out…

Now I’m dating women my grandmotgers age πŸ˜–

Young people today pick a sports team that wins championships -no loyalty towards “THE HOME-TEAM” anymore!

People who have trouble establishing CLOSE PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, never realize they are not alone in their SHAME! Many people carry the same shameful experience.

Image versus getting real with each other is preventing us from opening up, relating, being truthful, and just recognizing that we’re not that different from. Each other and as a consequence HEALING FROM AND ACCEPTING OURSELVES, OUR PAST… AND OTHERS!


If a town is getting worse instead of better in terms of crime what does that tell you? “Come on baby girl come on”. DAISY

Just be yourself that way when people accept you… They’re accepting the real you with no surprises. But what if being you doesn’t get what you want? Well you have 2 choices, you can become fake or you can work on changing yourself. But what if you have to become something less than yourself rather than more than yourself in order to get what you want? What if you have to become something less than yourself rather than more than yourself in order to get what you need from a particular person or society structure? Then there’s something very wrong!

Humans are strange creatures quite often

A lot of people are just the way they are and they fit in and they succeed in life. They don’t even have to try it was the way that they were made or turned out based on their experiences and their nature combined. And there are those people who are not like that unfortunately unfortunately and gratefully so at the same time because… People like that have to gain a merit to grow and. But at the same time they also get to choose whether or not they want to fit in at the expense of of their own makeup and πŸ€” shall we say -principles.

The greatest singers and actors among other gifted people in other areas as well, will never be heard [of] by the public.

Magnet & Steel

Blinded by the Light



Heart of Gold/Free World/Blue Black

Road to Hell


Black is Black



Keep it Comin’ Love

A lot of people in this country have trouble letting their spirit out openly for fear of…. We’re simply a lack of being taught but or being granted up proper example to learn by or live by.

Usually or at least far too often peoples values fall in line with their unwillingness to suffer. Not as much a matter of what’s right or wrong.

When I was younger women fell for me because they were ignorant and naive. It found out very quickly that I was a man…. With problems. But now that I don’t have a lot of problems I’m having trouble getting dates with are no longer naive and ignorant in their own minds. MAYBE THEY’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE’S A LIL’ OLDA’ A LIL’ WISER πŸ˜…πŸ€£

You increase your strength and your flexibility by 10% and you decrease your chance of injury by..

If you can move your whole body quicker than someone can throw a punch..

If you meet a man who can take your punch better than you can take his, and he can and throw a harder punch than you can -you’ll probably lose. If you meet a man who can take a punch better than you can and who can throw a harder punch than you can you’ll probably lose.

I said 20 years ago if you wanna win have both political parties on the take. It looks like both sides are screwed up as ever as far as not protecting the public. The United States would be a huge plum for some group to I’m group to take over if they haven’t already.

If you create a funnel effect you increase your chances of the win coming to you. If you cancel out all risk then the only outcome is victory.

Humanity has got some considerable flaws. If you look at it from the standard of The Bible, man is more screwed up than not! And if you just happen to be one of those individuals that sees more than most, then you are more apt to be affected negatively than most people by humanity.

What is the penalty for trying to kill someone else and what is the penalty for trying to kill yourself? With regard to car insurance what is the penalty for not having insurance at all and what is the penalty for not having insurance for yourself but for having insurance against others?

I wrote up a segment on the government stepping in and forcing people to have car insurance. By the way it’s very helpful to corporations in America. I don’t think anybody should be forced to buy anything from a “for-profit-company”. The government stepping in and forcing people to do business with a company? That’s not freedom.

The government stepping in and forcing people to serve gay gay married people? That’s not freedom. And didn’t marriage start with the church? What right does the government have to step in and say that gay marriages are legal and have to be honored? What happened to the separation of church and state?

If people in the world were as consistent about sacrificing and sacrificing and applying spiritual principles as they are to collecting money they they’re old the world would be an entirely different place. When people owe me money I have to go looking for it when I owe them money they come looking for me. But as far as the latter goes I tend to go looking for people so I can pay them before I spend it. It’s just an analogy.

Somebody treats me like s*** it’s up to me to do something or not do something. But they’re not going to do anything. But if I treat them like s*** they’re going to do something. People don’t tend to respond when they’re wrong they tend to respond more so when they are wronged.

Better to walk away from a situation feeling like we’re letting the other person feel like they get the better part of you rather than the other way around and have them retaliate.

Healthy lasting relationships are founded on humility not arrogance. You want to know why marriages and other relationships don’t last in this country -because we’re not a nation of humility we’re a nation of arrogance. I’d like to f*** around with people a little bit to see what they’re made of python and you know what, most of the time they don’t 😞 -in an arrogant society that is.

This 99 cents tacked on is b******* with everything you buy – psychological games. Man trying to seek advantage for profit. “Oh gas is only 3.99 today it’s not $4”. Really Stupid! Childish! But according to certain statistics probably effective unfortunately. Just like movies with a lot of sex. Really stupid but unfortunately effective.

It’s true what Jesus said, you don’t contribute much if you’re lukewarm. I think what he said is it’s better to be hot or cold than to be a luke warm. There are a lot of people who just go about their business every day surviving and living the good life for themselves and their family. But they lack “passion” as far as contributing something outside of that circle. To me that’s a lukewarm person.

It may not feel better knowing that you were the wronged rather than the one wronging others -but it should! I guess it’s just more fallout from an arrogant society.

Far too often in this country we do what we want to do rather than what we should do. Freedom is about responsibility not going around acting like a fool’s child proving you are free. Freedom to rain rain in yourself to the extent it could even be self imposed imprisonment.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

If you protect one person by hurting another what does that say about your heart and your intent? In America I would say a full 90 some percent of people would have no problem hurting another person to protect the one they love. Would Jesus ever act as such? No he wouldn’t because it would be a sin. The bottom line is we don’t hurt anyone. God let’s people get hurt all the time. Part of his reasoning I’m sure is that it is both of his children he is dealing with. Not one person his child and the other a complete stranger to be brutalized. But people don’t think that way. In fact in many cases it’s us against them rather than us. It’s about their circle or their click and f*** everybody else. That attitude is more prevalent in this country than you might think. Even the most civilized of people in this country will have no problem killing to save their own. When you start picking through the lives and hearts of people in this country you find out that there’s a lot of ugliness. Most human beings in one form or another are messy creatures.

We see these high profile people running for offices and we start picking through their lives and we find find all these problems. But wouldn’t that be true of the vast majority of us if a if a magnifying glass was put to it?

We want people coming out of prison to change and delete a different life and yet at the same time we make things harder for them to do so. What would a regular person do if people were making it hard for them to find a place to live in a place to work? What would we as regular people do if we were being judged by our past not by who we are today? Oh I think some regular people would have some problems with it as well.

With God it wouldn’t surprise me if the problem is actually the solution. But many men don’t look at it that way because of their priorities in there motivations! I’m angry because people made up lies about me about me had a certain treatment center in our local area that resulted in a in a newly formed friendship with a woman in treatment being castrated. But maybe that problem was actually a solution that spared me or even spared the girl. But if all we want to look at is that we didn’t get our way then it’s gonna remain problematic most likely.

Oddly enough, people who for example either choose not to believe in GOD or choose not to believe GOD as a punishing God tend to act in such a fashion as to believe there are no consequences for their actions either [Man talking himself into delusion or out of reality…]. BIG MISTAKE! A lot of times those consequences take a while to materialize because that’s the way GOD wove it into the fabric of time and space. Most likely to give us an opportunity to think about what we’ve done and repent or make it right even better. But people don’t understand these concepts -most of us.

Man acts under many different reasonings, guises …. GOD tends to act mostly out of love Think about it.

All I know is 2 things: man complains about the problems of the world; Many of which he has the solution to but refuses.

The people at the top want change and the people at the bottom want change. The people at the top want more and the people at the bottom want more. Man’s waking state?

I could never figure out how people the town I live and could say it’s friendly. Do these people didn’t look anything like me. I finally figured it out when I walked into a grocery store and the greater was so nice to the little old lady and when they turned to look at me they turned away and put their back to me. That’s how 2 different people can have 2 completely opposite experiences -because people are too faced. They act one way with 1 person and they act another way with another. This in turn creates 2 types of attitudes. At 1 extremely half people who are happy to be alive and to be a part of society. On the other end we have people who become extremely bitter and even violent towards that society. You see we create these attitudes in people and then we turn around and say they’re responsible for them. F’ng HUMANS. We create problems giving little thought to that and then blame others for the fall out [response] to our own actions, choices. You want to financially lobsided society. You want to decide who to treat warmly and who to treat coldly -THEN SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!

Typical alcoholic thinking, the world around them is the problem -not something inside of them. No the world does in fact have plenty of problems to pick on if we we choose to do so. That never seems to change. But the real question is have you resolved your problems or are you still running away from them, distracting yourself from them? I suspect this issue with this girl Sandra involving these two counselors is the latter. The poor naive girl was led to believe I was the. 2 counselors believe I was the problem. The 2 drivers who are hating on me think I’m the problem. But the reality of it is that I tried to help this girl and she willfully asand she wilfully asked for my help, if only in a round about what. The dysfunction in all of this is 2 people in a treatment center overstepping their bounds. Possibly distracting themselves from their own issues or acting based upon their own issues within. But nobody seems to see the truth behind it.

Do we really want a bunch of children in political office? And why do we make such choices or allow such things? Is it because we are childish ourselves and we relate? Children only care about getting what they want. Is that such a stretch when speaking of many of the adults in our society the day? I guess in order for capitalism to prosper the society itself has to be somewhat delinquent or childish in its development.

Some people have a remarkable ability to…. πŸ€”

IF YOU WANT TO BREATHE LIFE BACK INTO YOUR LISTLESS HEART AND SOUL, DO SOMETHING KIND AND THOUGHTFUL FOR ANOTHER HUMAN BEING TODAY! PINK FLOYD -ON THE TURNING AWAY. PEOPPLE ARE APT TO SUCCED, TO RETURN, WHEN THE EXPERIENCE IS A POSITIVE ONE! When we think of other people we make the world a better place outside of us, and we become better inside of us. Some people’s attitude is kindness is weakness. Therefore they cannot allow themselves to be weak to be weak and in many instances it is they harbor bitterness/suspicion towards those who can. I’ve seen this. I’m going to be helping a person after the meeting hopefully to get some things they need since they’ve found themselves in some difficulty financially. I don’t say this to brag but to point out that there really are people in these rooms who don’t just talk-the talk, but act on what they talk about in here! YOU NEW PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND, THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO TRULY WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE BETTER! I don’t like to talk about myself -but how else are you people gonna know whether I’m full of s*** or not -if I don’t share what I’m about? What I’m doing not just saying.

Bill from zia “Anyone can come in here and talk the talk”.

We create the messes in life, in the world, and then we complain when people talk about them -citing them as negative or as judgemental. MAN!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜” ANYTHING TO AVOID RESPONSIBILITY. ANYTHING TO AVOID SUFFERING THE BACKLASH OF OUR OWN CHOICES. OF OUR OWN 🎬 ACTIONS!


I give a 110% in these meetings every time I speak.

At some point you stop thinking about your own sobriety and start thinking about others simply. CHARITY!

With the help of certain men and science certain men who are highly motivated for self interest alone are trying to reshape the landscape of humanity through mind control, manipulation, and quite possibly even through biological attempts. DNA manipulation et cetera.

We’ve come all this way via the 12-steps, to learn how to be unselfish and thoughtful of others -only to find ourselves in a world that is skeptical, cynical, untrusting, envious!

Jesus said the 2 things man has a problem with is: what his neighbor has [things]; and who he is [character/heart].

“Nobody is going to discourage me from practicing this program of love and charity for others.”

Yeah corporate America is busy progressing and evolving but what about the masses? EFFORT!!!! A PLAN ACTED UPON!!!!

What’s up with this stuff sticking in our lungs after we get covid, comma is it the headquarters for something sinister going on in our body and throughout the rest of our body? Is our DNA being redone?

Mankind is notorious for choosing [to choose] something other than “THE” SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM!

Everyone who attends AA is a member of AA [when they say they are]; But not everyone who attends AA represents AA. This is a lesson I had to learn very early on; That of separating Alcoholics Anonymous from the people. In other words don’t get angry at Alcoholics Anonymous for what certain people do who happen to be attending it.

Born under a bad sign! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

New vaccinations for evolving covid… $$$$$ for… Another assist for the economic wheel? The rich especially?

IF We don’t start protecting our children they’re gonna start protecting themselves -and we’re not gonna like it.

Start doing what you love, the things that alcohol and drugs derailed you from.

We’re going in the wrong direction here. A resources are depleting rapidly. And yet we are becoming more and more dependent and and enamored with materialism. And with the money materialism makes.

We lie and then we find out we never had to lie. We lie and then we find out it turns out to be the truth. Go figure πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

People don’t know who to trust which means they either don’t have the capability of discerning or they don’t give a s*** they just wanna throw everyone in the same pot. Neither ideas worth a s***.

We’re not supposed to gossip or judge people but if we insist on making the 1st mistake at least try to avoid making the 2nd one, that of gossiping about others when it’s untrue.JEEEEZ CHRIST


They want your name and ID. Just for general questions. And if you don’t have an account you can’t even get thru. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

We all have the right to expect “fair” treatment. Personally, and in business, and with our government. If we DO NOT receive it…

Buyers remorse: Often when we have this, we will make up things to sooth that remorse -make up something like…. “oh…”

Some people don’t have the ability to go beyond their personality circle -They’re restricted. NOT ME! ->IT’S PROBLEMATIC AT TIMES!

If you notice, there are people here with a lot of time, 10, 15, 20, 30 even 35 years sober who keep coming here on a regular basis who stay sober. But there’s something perhaps even more important; “The effect” that comes about from this consistency. Many of these people never even have a desire to drink, ever! Which brings me to a thought I was just reminded of -thank you God. A thought from last night. I remember sitting in meetings early on standing at the clock waiting for this or that d*** meeting to be over. Whether you like being in a meeting or a particular meeting or not. Whether you enjoy sitting in meetings or not. You are still getting what you need to counter your alcoholism. TO TREAT YOUR ALCOHOLISM. Remember, our primary purpose is not to have fun or be appeased, “it’s to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety”. When we come in here and listen, and share, we achieve AA’s primary objective. Remember, we’re only in here for one hour and we’re out there in the world for another 23 -so try and make ievery minute count. And God just did it again a few minutes later as I was getting ready to go out the door and start my day. When you leave Zia you’re not gonna be on a schedule and have people driving you in a Van to the meetings. It’s gonna be all on you. As soon as you get out make contact with other people and Alcoholics Anonymous and hit a meeting A-day for the 1st 90 days. I hit about 310 315 meetings in 90 days. And I pretty much walked to every one of them.

* Then after my 1st year in the program I went on to get a bachelor’s degree @ NMSU, which took me about 11 and a 1/2 years.

There’s a delayed effect in relapse. A lot of people don’t want to drink immediately after they rear off the path… Equally it takes time for them to get back on the path even though they begin doing the work again and following the suggestions. What I mean by get on the path, is emotionally and mentally even though physically in doing the work they are already on the path the moment they take suggested action.

When you’re there for other people and not so much for yourself, you tend to steal the show, not so much intentionally but simply by being selfless and passionate.

You’re just too much for people Rick -a candle burning at both ends. A metaphor not only for brightness but for diversity! Contract! I’m all over the place which is great for my riding but not good for my social life. πŸ˜–πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜”

When you’re clean and sober you don’t have to worry about smuggling s*** on the airplane or passed the border patrol for vacations. You don’t have to make up excuses to your wife or your kids or your husband so you can sneak off and use or drink. And you actually have more money in your pocket to enjoy life and to contribute. People begin to respect [and self-respect[ us more as well. Stop being afraid or mistrusting.

I’ve never been a Joiner [IRON-MAN]: There’s too much diversity and contrast in my thinking and in my persona for people to get a read on me. IT’S TROUBLESOME! Apparently, I’m built for writing not for relationships! If that’s not cause for a DRINK or a DRUG…πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Recovery is a journey of Discovery as well as an act of love! Sometimes those discoveries bring us joy and at other times they bring us this appointment or sadness because it wasn’t what we hope FOR! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜”

The essence of love runs deeper than petty personality differences. Unfortunately, with many people petty personality differences run deeper than love and that’s where we all get into trouble.

A lot of people think in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous or we’re trying to show some signs of having values that if they are upfront and honest with other people about their ungodly intentions that that relieves them of responsibility. BULLLLSHITTTTT!!!!!

I only asked a friend or acquaintance acquaintance once if they want to go out and do something. If they don’t respond by saying well let’s try another day like such and such day or if they don’t bring it up themselves then I assume that they’re not interested then I get that alot believe it or not!! NONRESPONSIVE

How can you not like someone who has never harmed or disrespected you or those you care about? DUMB!!!!

FEAR, EGO, RISK. Early in America trust divided us. Then later came ego coupled with trust dividing us further. Now it is mistrust, ego, and an unwillingness to take risks with each other altogether. We are more divides now as a country than ever before! In our culture today, perhaps more than ever [before], innocent, well-meaning people are being shunned and… without even being given a chance because we simply don’t trust [mistrust], don’t feel the need to even bother [ego], and have the attitude “why take the risk?”. THERE IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF RISK IN LIFE -HUMAN RELATIONS IN PARTICULAR! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Additional fallout from this mistrust issue in our country is that a lot of people are not allowing people to show kindness and charity because the untrusting don’t wanna ris on a risk or acccept.. But I got news for you people God still gives the blessing to those who offer or normally would offer in a different climate.

The person that ends up being treated the best is the one that ends up losing out on the most when the relationship ends. Now the person who is in love the most, in that case…

If you cannot be objective you have no business chairing a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.

How could I be in sync with the general population and write about what I write about? I’m not sure it’s even possible.

Science, and man’s cleverness have advanced so much -they can take just about any lie and turn it into a truth, and any truth and turn it into a lie.

satan wants division, chaos… and mistrust and ego and aloofness are all part of that plan.

Once careful scientific study of a controversial sof a controversial situation has…

I find it very interesting that when abortion became legalized came legalized, people were demonized for fighting against it. Now that abortion has become illegal, the same people who deemed other people demonized for fighting against it -are now acting in similar fashion as far as attitude at the very least. Even breaking laws in some cases -back to illegal abortions? Violence?

A lot of people were against gay marriage. It was written off as a out-of-date way of thinking. A lot of people including gays are looked at in the same way by people who want to marry their pets. Why shouldn’t these people be afforded the same openness and consideration as the gay population? And by the way, this is an exercise I am affording here [a perspective of humanity more common than you might think] -not an example of my own beliefs. When we’re on one side of the coin we have one attitude, and when we’re on another side of the coin we have another [often completely different] attitude. What people who are for abortion should be doing in the here-and-now is precisely what they themselves would have wanted and expected from those who are against abortion. WHICH IS… TAKE A GUESS… When everything is going our way we want everything and everyone to fall right into our lap. But when things are not going our way do we follow suit and fall right into other’s lap. See the double-standard? See the hypocrisy? When are we going to start giving to others that which we expect from others? Shit, it don’t even seem like we’re close! In fact, we’re getting even more hypocritical.

When science supposedly proves us right many of us proudly sneer at the doubters. We precociously call our opponents close-minded for refusing to accept the scientific truths before us. But what about when the shoe is on the other foot? How easily do we dismiss our own beliefs when our survival or our egos are involved? YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE THAT DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER? Which side of the situation we’re on is about the only thing that seems to give the appearance that one of us is different from the other -that is until we find ourselves at some point, experiencing both sides, during the course of our very short lifespan here on this planet, and having the insight to recognize our own double-standard, our own hypocrisy. You could write volumes on men’s double-standards in situation after situation… … … … …

Getting to know GOD is like getting to know a person. Trust builds over time, through experiences.

Some people don’t care about your past only who you are today. What I mean by that is some people don’t judge you on your past and/or while others have no empathy for your past. Yes, that’s it!

Codependent love has been around since the dawn of man. You could say it’s a staple of man. I wonder what the adverse effects of trying to get rid of it are?


I’ll take whatever I can get to keep me in the rooms and SOBER!

What is it with all these women in politics who have a Spanish middle name and a white last name?

I just noticed something πŸ€” My hearing improves when I smile.

It’s almost as if you have to have a gimmick or something going for yourself as a guy to garner a woman’s interest or attention. A lot of women in this society look for such things whether they realize it or not. Something interesting I guess in an innocent sense. Something more entertaining or even egotistical in others.

YOU can guard your spirit 2 different ways: Avoiding certain aspects of the world which GODwould prefer you didn’t; Facing certain aspects of the world GOD would want us to while turning to HIM for solace and protection.

Think of all the people throughout history that might have been a wonderful match for us. People we might have been best friends with. Think about the possibility of having someone awaiting you that has managed to elude you your entire earthly life!

*Start thinking along the lines of peace and quiet. I spend just about every night in my little apartment and have done so for the last 6 years.

I’ve got like a 5 octave brain!

Compliment often for it seems to be a lost art in our country today.

Trying to get over that victim, that I’m being cheated, I’m losing at life… attitude has been plaguing me for 58 years!

When the desire to drink has been removed, and a firm desire not to not drink is in place, a person can stay sober the rest of their life. And fairly easily I might add!

From 1989 on staying sober has been no trouble at all. Dealing with wife much of the time has been a very different story! Except for those couple of times I ate a piece of cake or another dessert and found out her head alcohol in it. It triggered the obsession for an hour or 2. Some people in the program don’t have a problem with ingesting a little bit of alcohol but not me. Even a molecule of it in my body….

I used to see people shooting up the movies and it would bother the h*** out of me whereas is watching someone drinking in a movie didn’t really bother me.

I used to walk into a store and look for something I needed and if I walked out without buying it as I approached the door I felt like someone was gonna stop me for shop lifting. Thus finally left after 8 9 10 years sober?

If I was as creative or astute at finances as I am at The Human Condition I’d be a billionaire.

A huge key to human relationships is people feeling comfortable with one another. If a person is fearful or resentful of humanity then they are probably gonna struggle with both feeling comfortable and making others feel comfortable. Mwaβ€½

It’s not so much my past that haunts me as that haunts me as the repeating of the past through the present. It’s life in the present repeating itself over and over in the form of human attitudes and behaviors.

Once a person is resentful at you pretty much everything that comes out of your mouth calm everything you do is gonna be taken in the negative fashion. It takes a h*** of a person to turn that around [prior to the issue with the resentment itself has been resolved].

In my relationships selfishness, disrespect, and/or thoughtlessness [or ignorance] have always been the issue!

Americans tend to revere celebrities and entertainers over truth tellers. We want to feel good even if it’s fantasy rather than bad basically than bad based on reality.

Many people in this country prefer to feel joyous and happy rather than live in reality. Reality -which tends to be a combination of joy and sorrow.

You see the news you see sporting events and things are so d***** boring in our country that we have to dissect everything. I was watching the baseball game a few years back and I couldn’t believe all of the freaking information and statistics they were putting up on the screen just just throughout the entire game this Box with all this stuff. Not stuff shown in periodic moments but moments but throughout the entire game this Box with all this data.

I don’t figure GOD’S gonna hold it against a parent for doing whatever is necessary to protect their child -although HE would prefer they go about it with a more godly approach rather than a more instinctual or primitive approach.

“They who forget the past are doomed to repeat it” -A SAYING FROM SOMEONE ELSE

Act as if you’re rich and do all the things rich people do which people do not because it requires money but because of the confidence and put in the air these people carry with them because of their money.

When a person comes up against another person, and one is trying to practice spiritual principles and the other is trying to practice principles of self, there will be a conflict. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Because spiritual principles dictate we think of others -and the person acting based on self is not gonna like that.

*Anybody in alcoholics and anonymous field that I don’t respect them other than with what I have to share which by the way people with a lot of ego tend to be the ones who get offended?

******I finally figured out what was the problem with the people at Zia. I asked a woman out who was in treatment over there about 2 years ago. She had this big huge smile on her face when I would share. One day I came walking out the Arid club and there she was smiling at me so I approached her and we started talking. I took her out for an ice cream and a drive and nothing ever came of it. NOTHING!* That’s when several women working at Zia started looking at me disrespectfully and judging me. Let me tell you something, You’re a guest here in Alcoholics Anonymous and it’s highly suggested that as a guest you respect our way of life in these rooms. THE ROOMS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS are hallowed ground, and we’re not supposed to be judging anyone. Forming opinions are allowed, but running around with a s***** attitude and looking down on other people is frowned upon here. And just so you know, we don’t just have people in here who ask people out on dates. We have pedophiles, we have murderers, we have woman beaters, we have man beaters, we have thieves, we have people who have engaged in b**********… we have embezzlers and people who have been in prison for robbery… And we’re supposed to, to the best of our ability accept these people with love and tolerance. We also have people in here who carry a strong message and speak the truth! And we’re supposed to to the best of our ability accept these people with love and tolerance. Bill Wilson stated that if an Alcoholic cannot come into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous without being judged, then where else can he or she go?

*Incidentally, I can ask as many women out at Zia as I want to. Not that I’m going to -but it’s not against the law. And it’s nobody business if I do! I went over there and I talked to Ryan and he said it’s not their job to be telling the clients who to associate with. I’ve lived in this town for 37 years and one of the things I’ve come to recognize people sticking their nose and other people’s business seems to be common practice here. We say in the meetings that what other people think or do is none of our business. Well why don’t you try telling that to the people who are sticking their nose in other people’s business and not just the people who are the victims of it?

*Trying to protect people, by judging or hurting another is b*******. Can you help another person by trying not to hurt, OR JUDGE the other? Are you capable of that -ALOT OF PEOPLE ARE NOT? Can you help another person by trying not to hurt the other? Are you capable of that? Peyton place bullshit!!!! Dirty, filthy little ways! That s***** a** world out there, if you want to contribute to it go ahead -but in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous… This room is supposed to represent something else. You are a guest here, this is our home! We need this place in order to survive -you do not!

*We’re supposed to be paying attention to the message not the timer on our phones in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you’re a doormat you’re closer to humility than someone who is carrying the attitude “…hear me roar”

We don’t have to like everyone -but if we have a problem with someone who’s doing something right then perhaps we best check ourselves.

So why aren’t we putting a stop to all the fossil fuel emissions we are putting into the atmosphere atmosphere now that we know that it’s killing the ozone? What are these scientists and high government officials thinking at this time?? I heard one person say it’s too late. So let’s just live our lives awa, build a space station and move off the planet and f*** everybody else? Wouldn’t surprise me. Why aren’t we doing something about the emissions were pumping into the atmosphere? If we what we did screw the planet over then shouldn’t we stop anyways. This added to that it’s too late it’s stupid. If we’re acting wrong even if it’s too late does that mean we shouldn’t stop acting wrong/STUPID? What the h*** is the matter with us. All we can think about is not going back to the dark ages? Are we that f***** u* in selfish? Think about not driving your car? Are you really so insistent on driving your car that you’re gonna continue killing this planet and the life on it? I’m not. At the very least we can resort to riding in a bus or a train. But the arrogance in this country dictates the people don’t want their lifestyle disrupted. But it’s not just that it’s the greedy son of a b****’s you don’t want to give up their profits gain gained through vehicles and and factories pumping this garbage into the atmosphere. In that sense we really are screwed up as a species. But why are we even waiting around for these people to intervene to begin with why do we not take the lead at the grass roots level? We’re not cows are we like some people seem to think we are who see themselves as superior. Prove them wrong d*** i*. It’s not always about intelligence -it’s about balls!

One person starts something and then it takes off from there or it doesn’t. Companies start something and then it takes off from there. But ultimately outside of a dictatorship, the American people decide what they will accept and won’t. We really need to start taking war on of an advantage of this power we have in this country instead of acting like we’re under a dictatorship when we’re not. We can turn it around by choice any time we feel like it. But our minds are not working properly to fully exploit our freedom -In this country we act as if we are slaves even while being protected under the Constitution.

“I’m fighting for something beyond [better than] the human condition!” By trying to break down the barriers that are being put up as we speak. Barriers that cut us off from each other or don’t even allow for our self esteem to flourish anymore. How does it feel satan’s out there laughing at us-winning! Maybe you’re OK with that but I’m not. satan wants us judging and hating each other and says so in The Bible-wake up? What I see going on in the world is exactly the tactic I would be using if I were satan. Are we so ignorant and dumb that we can’t see that? Trying to prove the God doesn’t exist for God doesn’t care. Isn’t that what’s going on in the world today -man doing satan’s work to perfection? Like Jesus said, satan is your father. Now let’s stop acting stupid shall we.

“… And I’m not talking about consideration for the human ego here, I’m talking about consideration for the human spirit””

People target people who are rich come even going so far as to pretend they don’t know their rich and to do kind acts for them hoping for a payoff we’re an opening to exploit their motherwise.

Few of us really know just how far down a human being can actually sink

Why don’t the people in these treatment centers tell their clients not to be smiling at people in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous if they don’t want an unhealthy connection to be formed? I’ll tell you why. In the 1st place they have sympathy or empathy for their client. The 2nd thing is that if they went around doing so they would be told to mind their own business. They themselves would appear to be the problem or at least a problem. The other thing is they want to go after the people they consider the perpetrators when in fact in many cases they are not. And in turn, they want to make life miserable for them. They look more like a guardian angel in this regard then if they went around sticking their nose in their client’s business where they would look like someone over stepping their bounds. To act stupid while trying to protect someone gives a better appearance than trying to control the presumed presumed victim in the 1st place. It’s all f****** tactical with these human beings. GOD gave us a brain to think. Unfortunately when you start getting down to the core of human but behavior, like little children we retaliate is retaliate so often. We’re a country filled/SATED with juvenile mentality.

“I refuse to stand by idly while satan laughs at us.”

All these people in politics just fighting each other.

You might have to go through 50 people with twisted thinking in order to reach one who is reachable. Can you do that? Jesus did!

Many-a- man’s problems have to do with doing too much not too little -and the other is poor timing!

A lot of people love judging as much as they hate being judged.

Many of us have no idea of the positive impact we have another people. Or even how appealing we are to them.

People who have a child like quality to themselves themselves are able in many cases to absorb information well into their later years in life.

If we focus intently on the one thing in our lives that is wrong or missing even though there may be hundreds of things that are right and a blessing… What does our life become? An empty shell?

Awareness is everything. Focus is the only thing…

JESUS spoke Truth with Love

Time is what makes things possible -moving through time?


X; Y; Z: The 4th dimension runs through the 3 in any given direction.


The Universe was created for us! Not the other way around! THINK ABOUT IT! πŸ€”

The truth comes around over and over again since it never changes and is ever present. I witnessed this early in my sobriety. Looking back, I witnessed this throughout my childhood. In meetings in Alcoholics Anonymous I would hear the same topic in meeting after meeting after meeting, sometimes multiple meetings in the same day. GOD TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING? πŸ€”

Why does it take our children in this country so long to mature? Why do so many appear so ignorant of life? Why do some people mature so quickly? And why is it that we give children so many breaks when they should in fact be held accountable? Why has bullying been allowed for so long in our schools? Why have we been so unwilling or unable to protect our children from our children? And why do children bully to begin with? What is going on in the homes of these children? Children who have a tendency to bully may also have a tendency to be held back in school. Hence they grow bigger and larger and more mature than the kids around them who are proceeding through the system on time. I’ve seen kids in school that were 6-7″ taller than me and had beards. And yes they were bullies in many instances – perhaps jaded by the fact that they had been held back to begin with -humiliated.

I’m not a big fan of Alcoholics asserting control over others in the meetings. Timers…

Look at HOW things we’re a 150 years ago, and look at how they are now. NOTICE ANYTHING INTERESTING? A TREND WITH MAN’S INTERVENTIONS? CONTROL! ADVANTAGE SEEKING! MAN SELDOM SEEKS WHERE THERE IS NOTHING IN IT FOR HIMSELF. Man always seeks to survive, to thrive, to place himself above his fellows [or them below himself]. He often seeks the upper hand. All-too-often sees, or rather feels vulnerable to his environment.

There are many things to be learned in the universe that man overlooks because he cannot [refuses to] see the relevance, or the pay-off [yet].

There are possibilities in the universe that man will never be able to comprehend; and even if he could comprehend them he could not utilize them; so he looks elsewhere -discouraged or humiliated.

Man constantly searches for answers and when he doesn’t like the answers he finds he moves on to find another answer. That is why man stays stuck. The other reason is that when he does find an answer he tries to conceal it from his fellow man so he can have the upper hand. Isn’t that what our government is guilty of! They’ll let certain answers trickle to the masses [eventually -know ing men have a need to discover] as long as they manage to stay ahead of the game with other answers. You think the government is interested in staying ahead of the game solely, even primarily for the benefit of his fellows? When are we gonna stop all this self-centeredness which seems to be at the root of man’s problems?

Man does not invent things he only discovers things. When a man can invent something or when a man can and can change a law in the universe for example.. Then come to me and tell me of man’s significance in the universe.

I’m tired of people: they come as they please; they go as they please; they do what they please; when they please. Until somebody in authority tells them otherwise. There’s a lot of truth to the saying “Man only understands force“. Some men anyways.

Just because you’re going to somebody seeking services or a product doesn’t mean you should trust them. But isn’t that always the excuse, “you came to us”. Might as well say “Well since I came to you” or “ince I need you I guess you are trustworthy”. No! No! No! We’re forced to trust businesses and government because of the reputation? What about that Gray area where there are things going on which haven’t been discovered yet? And as for the government, will we know their reputation and we still trust them via a sense of helplessness. Individuals screw up and they pay a price [sometimes a huge price] while the government screws up and it continues year after year after year after year after year. That’s not perfectly true but isn’t it true more or less.

The number of years ago the government threatened to shut down several times. And yet they forcibly tell people on social security and welfare they’re only allowed so much resources. Now if you are one of these people and you are witnessing the government threatening to shut down would you be paying attention to this policy? A policy whereby if the government shuts down and you don’t get your check; if you only have a limited amount of resources to live on from there and eventually you and your family will suffer gravely! And instead of threatening to cut off private private payments to billion dollar companies they want to cut off the checks from the social security and the week and the vulnerable first rather than last. Did you see the movie Dave [with Kiven Klineman] where they had all these ridiculous expenses and with expenses and expenditures they were paying out to corporations?

People who stockpile have no faith in God whatsoever. They’re constantly thinking “what of this happens what of that happens…” πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ and then they just keep stock piling more and more. And never ending excuses for his behavior. After all, man has to have an excuse before he can act right? A justification. How many people in prison for the things they have done believe themselves to be the victim?? But what about 98%. All the things I did to harm other people were definitely done with the notion that I was the one being victimized. But when the [supposed] victim becomes the perpetrator… πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€”

I know from personal experience that women can be abusive and violent as well. Like their male counterparts, they tend to pick on someone smaller than they are. πŸ˜”

When we’re afraid of what man might do to us we are putting our faith in him. We are putting more faith in him than in God!

Once upon a time it was thought of as unusual for people to steal. Now it’s thought of as unusual when people return things they found -when they could have kept them. And we have no one to blame but ourselves for these changes.


Some things you never get over; nor should you! I went to therapy for many things that I simply needed to accept! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Take away all distractions, take away all crutches, AND YOU JUST MIGHT START DEPENDING ON THAT WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALL ALONG!

Capitalism is like an addiction that requires more and more and more more and more out of the masses. What I mean is it was a lot easier to buy a house a 100 years ago than it is to day. Not that the house cost a $1000 a 100 years ago and now it cost a $100000 a year ago there ago and that the income is increasing increasing correlatively… When I say more what I mean is that the disparity between incoming what things are costing is widening. And that the system nonetheless makes the demands irregardless. Where it is the system itself that requires prices to go up out of sync with wages. Is the economic wheel monster ravaging everyone of us? Or is it simply an increase in greed? If we go backwards won’t this gap decrease? The problem is certain people don’t want to go back.

When a person gives up their escapes they’re more inclined to our find towards accepting or seeking change in themselves.

The hardest thing for a loser is to recognize that hes no longer a loser. Artistic for a loser is to recognize when hes no longer a loser.

Another thing is that it’s so difficult to reconcile certain things that happensl to you as an innocent child, And the existence of a loving GOD! I don’t know, maybe better people can do it – Better people than I.

On this new fad and I’ll call it anonymous regarding timers. I just think there’s something wrong with even one person in the room not making listening the highest priority. And when people in general are 2 are too busy worrying about whoever happens to be speaking getting it out of the way so they can have their turn…

Man’s displacement of perspective to the extent that the fascinating, the miraculous becomes routine, or common… LIFE!!!!!!! EVERYTHING SURROUNDING US!!!!!!! EVERYTHING NEW WE DISCOVER!!!!!!!!

Part of the reason we have trouble with recognizing God as real as he is everywhere and everything. Man cannot define God by containing him like everything else he attempts to define and place below him.

HIS complete and utter awarenessess lead me to believe that he is in everything!

I think winers live a lot longer and are a lot healthier physically and even emotionally then people who hold things in and never air them out. Lately however I have been holding a lot of things in. If it aint broke white fix it? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Some people seem as though they can meet anyone and make a relationship work/form -not me! I have too many awarenesses and deep-seated convictions about things [thoughtfulness among other things] – Some call these expectations!

How can you have a relationship with people in Heaven who never showed a interest in you down here? I’ve got a whole lot of family just like that.

I love seeing different kinds of animals who love each other and would normally not mix.

Some people seem to be able to defy convention. Defy certain laws. People who are exposed to too much negativity are often affected negatively -but not all people it appears. You could say the same for positive experiences with certain people.

People who develop things seem to be the ones in control of them. So if you want to be [the one] in control -develop? If you want to be the one in control – Be the one who is in possession of what others want or need? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

People who have something that others want or need… Seem to hold a special place among we humans. As opposed to those who have nothing we want or need who hold no particular value or meaning at all! HUMANS!

How funny-it seems God never allows me to be completely cut off from humanity – as there is always at least one person in my life.

I’ve only went without going to sleep without a meal once in my life. If that’s not a miracle…

Our arguments often sound both justified and rational -until someone challenges them with their own! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€”πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

A person who is severely disabled but has a will to live and to work or produce will look will accomplish more than a person perfectly healthy but the healthy who likes these qualities, these desires, these interests, this need/drive.

*A person is apt to experience all sorts of miracles on a physical common emotional, psychological, spiritual level upon entering the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous

I’ve got all kinds of things I’ve been saving up for years for honor and me and when we get a house and live together. With this move I’m contemplating it looks like most of the stuff I’m going to end up taking a loss for.

The grandmother always used to say man is changeable. Is your friend today you’re enemy tomorrow and your friend the day after that. I’m assuming all this is based on self interest. Interestingly enough Iranic cross JESUS saying the same thing in one of the readings. Jesus also stated that man has a short memory. I guess in another sense he has a very long one. ALL BAD!

Never regret an act of kindness no matter how bad the situation turns out otherwise.

Alcohol it’s anonymous hasn’t seen much growth over the last 20 years. In the early years when success rates were as high as 92 were as 92 or 93% they would visit men in the hospital, make sure there was nothing else in the room to read except for a Bible, And when they were fit enough have them get down on their knees and pray to God they’re savior to relieve them of this malady. Back then people were not so picky. They entrusted themselves fully, those who were willing anyways. Hard to argue when you’re on a hospital bed dying. Then some genius came along and said a GOO of our own understanding. Which is probably when rates drop down to 50% initially, another 25 eventually, and then the remaining 25 showing marked improvement. But since then it’s about 10%. You gotta figure it out 5-8% die or relapse annually with long term sobriety. From the figures it looks like AA is growing about 2% a year. I used to go to the hospital to do the groups and among other things I would take them pictures of celebrities who looked quite beautiful in their youth and we and within 10, 20 or 30 years of drinking or drugging, and look twice their age bridge in some cases. Jan Michael Vincent for example. It’s not just drinking and drugs, it’s poor it’s poor nutrition, lack of proper sleep.. All these things assist in a progression with regard to the damage and and the evolution of the disease itself in our minds. Oh and smoking too.

Tell me what it is about a woman who dresses provocatively and acts cold, what their mindset is?

Ana and I seem to be evenly matched when it came to forgiving and getting over the HURTS we heaped on one another. Although she seemed to get over them quicker


Men who are stable tends not to let their minds take them just anywhere! Unfortunately that’s not me.

MY FATHER was consistently inconsistent! As was my MOTHER! PERSONALITY DISORDER!

I’m not the kind of guy to get sick and keep it to myself. At least I didn’t used to be.

Like the man said, there’s many other forms of courage.

I don’t even hit on women I’m attracted to; Oh I might stop and say Hi or make a comment where i otherwise might not -to be friendly [break the ice]. I was accused of being a womanizer in Alcoholics Anonymous they’re an Alcoholics [again πŸ˜”] Anonymous so some of these entries are a bit of a… RE-Taliation I suppose.

If a person is unhappy or ungrateful when they have so much going for them………..

Often time something will hit me A-day or a week later.

When real love settles in, a person is more inclined to want to do things for things for the other person rather than with or 2 the other person.

If you ask the 1st time it’s not harassment.

A lot of women respond to certain men’s behavior that other women would find offensive and that is why they continue doing so a. So ladies, if you have a problem with certain men’s actions you might want to consider your female counterparts as part of the problem. A man never knows how a woman is going to react since there are so many variations among your kind.Common sense kind of goes out the window. Although I don’t believe one should abandon it entirely.

GOD gives us the tools, and strength to deal with life, HE DOESN’T TAKE LIFE AWAY! Better to be strong and have problems to make us strong; than to be weak, and have no problems to make us stong!

I’ve said it before “if you put a million Alcoholics together, they could, would never come up with and duplicate these 12-STEPS! Nor anything close to it -most likely!

Most people have HOBBIES that relieve STRESS!



Life started out pretty hard for me! I guess I really didn’t have much interest in

When you do the right thing, you, by willingness take on the struggle to do so. When you do the wrong thing, you, by, unwillingness take on the struggle to do so. See what is happening here?

When we take responsibilityπŸ‘for our program in AA vs. being in charge πŸ‘Ž.

My mindset for many years was TO NOT SCREW UP as opposed to MAKING A BETTER LIFE VIA THE SUGGESTIONS!

Personality disorder and trying to learn to speak later in life -children raised by wolves.

*****mmaturity in my case????? I was still in the womb, in many ways -for many years!

Even with my many years overcome with my with my history it’s really easy for me to get in over my head and many life situations other men more stable in their history and upbringing what even find rather easy to handle.

Everything flowing out into this universe from GOD unimpeded by man is perfect –A TRUE WONDER!

Sorry to burst your bubble -but many of these actors are not at all like they are in the movie character they are protrane. And no matter how much celebrity or riches you a mass, just about none of us can escape the human condition we vision within us or around us. And even if we could, we’d be living in unrealistic reality. I’m talking about people waiting on you hand and foot because of your power and your money. Besides that, how do you think it would feel to have everybody kissing your a** constantly?? And how do you think they really feel about you deep down inside? People who have power and money and are thoughtful and considered of money are genuinely loved and respected!

What you love about people you should try and emulate in yourself and project outwardly. GOD shows us what people really love about one another by the way others affect us and in turn we are given the freedom to learn, and do the same in kind. Try to emulate those things -whereby people touch you in the deepest recesses of your soul.

People can be the worst thing or the best thing that ever happened to us. The Bible was absolutely right about man.

Human beings are dynamic creatures; We have our moods, our moments,, our ups and downs… and Alcoholics are even worse, or better. Some people see another human being they are accustomed to seeing fairly level emotionally, having a mood or a moment, and they act shocked. Surprosed -this is immaturity, or lack of experience, or both.

Some relationships manage to survive a lot of swerving and swaying emotionally Bang emotionally and personality wise. But I think most relationships that last last have an element of have an element of quiet consistency Hi had consistency-a level headedness to them. But I think most relationships that last have an element of quiet consistency -a level-headedness to them.

It’s when you think about something you did wrong -and it starts tripping you up and throwing you off killed her even worse! And show business if you screw up you put it behind you as quickly as you can and and and stay at your finest finest, at your best -performance wise. This is also true another areas of life, with regard to ordinary people -just like you and me!

Take the highest road possible in every experience or situation you possibly can.

Sometimes we are poisoned by for example food. And that in turn addresses the issue within us we didn’t know existed. It has happened.

Don’t make up excuses for doing the right thing. Just do the right thing. Don’t weigh or measure…

ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREPARATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B4πŸ–

Here, I CAN literally stretch, exercise my IMAGINATION!!!!!!!!

If the person you love weren’t who they are would you still love them? They’re still a person are they not? They’re still that person even though they’re not are they not? GOOD QUESTION!?

Keep in mind the kind of shoes people wore a 100 years ago. The type of shoes that were only available back then.The principles and suggestions of Alcoholics Anonymous were hard for me to comprehend applying in my life. When you are so empty for example the thought of giving and thinking of others the brothers seem so impossibly foreign and unattainable and unreasonable. When your esteem is so terribly low and you literally hate yourself… The idea of taking upon acts of love, of self love… DITTO!!!!!!

It’s amazing how many men will go for a woman who’s not particularly attractive in her body but has a beautiful face. Of course the reverse can also be said of certain men. Beautiful body not so beautiful face.

Stereo typing. Rejection.

Unless you read up on the subject yourself; and barring the possibility that people who wrote the book don’t know what they’re talking about, then you really don’t know when you’re having a discussion with people whether or not they know what they’re talkin about do you?

If I had a wish, if I could choose between being the world’s greatest actor [or singer- And you have no idea how much I would love to be able to sing] and the writer that I am, I would choose the latter every time! Why? TO HELP!!!!!

It is odd to me how certain delivery services actually have to take your package further away from you before they can get it to you.

If we were all SPIRITUAL in a room we would all be sitting around communing and loving. If we were all EGOTISTICAL we’d be trying to outdo one another when we weren’t thinking we already were better than one another. If we were all ANIMAL-LIKE…

Life, people as a personal experience DO NOT lift me up…

I cannot believe that people will buy a tiny pack package of cottage cheese at 1 store for $3 when they could buy something twice the size for $2.49 elsewhere. If I sat out here on my front porch and tried to sell something for twice as much people would just laugh at me. Otherwise I could make a million dollars pulling what some of these stores are pulling.

In a lot of cases I can’t sell something for half of what a store sells it for because people mistrust so much nowadays. People would rather pay a $1000 from a store that’s reputable than $500 from somebody they don’t know even though what you’re selling is legitimate and you would be saving them money [it sucks]. The town I live in is a great place to buy things but it’s a horrible place to sell things and try and make a profit. Some people manage to do it though -I guess I just don’t have that knack. I’ve never had any luck trying to make money in any kind of way -except slave labor and low wages.

I’ve had a little bit of experience with human competition with regard to women. Never really had any experience with human competition with regard to jobs because I always picked the bottom of the barrel. I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like in a big city where you have a great job and 20 people want it! Can you imagine what my attitude towards humanity would be like if I was constantly dealing with these 2 issues? People screwing each other out of the limelight constantly. Screwing each other out of the best things.

The flip side of the old saying “It’s easier to attract bees with honey than with vinegar”. People are attracted to people who make them feel good. But we’re not bees are we? Aren’t we smarter than that? Sometimes being around people who do not make us feel better but show us things or tell us things that are good for us is also a good thing. People don’t spend much time around people who don’t give them a vibe either way. And they definitely don’t spend time around people who make them uncomfortable or bring them down even when being brought down has a silver lining to it somewhere. Anytime you point something out to someone that’s uncomfortable but in their best interest, there’s an initial feeling of discomfort or dislike. Isn’t that the case with your true friends -they’ll never tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. That’s why some people don’t carry around with them -true friends. So if you’re not having much luck making friends I can just about guarantee you either do not strike a chord or you strike an uncomfortable chord with people. People shouldn’t behave this way but that’s the animal part of us that involves little thinking or introspection. Or consideration for those around them. If you have a lot of friends chances are you’re putting out a good vibe and feeding something in them that is that is basically self centered in nature. It’s definitely self centered if you are able to detect tdetecting them I behave your whereby they avoid people who make them uncomfortable or offer no vibe and are attracted to people who tend to give a good vibe. I think a lot of these types of people also tend do not have much going on within them separate from the world, and therefore they gravitate to people outside of themselves who tend to fill that void.

It’s one thing to screw up, it’s another thing not to admit it or worse yet not to apologize for it or make it right where possible. A lot of people get involved with a relationship where the person comes off perfect and then later on their imperfections begin to surface and these people have no interest in admitting or correcting those flaws. Rather than somebody who is clearly imperfect from the beginning who is perhaps willing to recognize those imperfections and do something about. It’s a major flaw in relationship selection among human beings. You hear a lot of women complain about feeling deceived. And yet they always go to the deceivers. They meet a guy who’s got some issues that are recognizable from the beginning and they shun them. Never answer the phone for a second date or call them. So what’s their own undoing. Picking a human being like picking a tomato or an avocado in a store naughty naughty naughty.

If you bring the same thing to every social situation around the world you will likely get a similar response everywhere around the world. Like men who attract women who have no esteem. Like men who attract the most beautiful women repeatedly.

If you got dropped into a situation for A-day or a week or a month where you were the big shot how would you handle it?? What mood or tone would you set? And more importantly, how would you treat people looking up to you out of respect or fear or a need to be guided?

*We stay by hearing what we want to hear; we get better by hearing what we don’t wanna hear.

People who dare to talk about things that if put in the context of criticizing others would rip consternation karma, that however have the humility and/or the courage to do so in the context of their own limitations and flaws….. Some people are WOWED by it.

When I’m not spiritually fit I tend to lose focus when speaking.

Who is the parent the one who raise the child or the one’s that bore them? I guess it’s a matter of the child and adults involved. And not always do they agree with each other.

Let’s face it calm with the people that tend to introduce us to God are usually flawed, and sometimes highly FLAWED! I think this creates confusion in the child. And when they’re seeing somebody 6′ tall standing over them and they are only 2′ tall they tend to confuse God with human human superiority or their own vulnerability in the hands of said human. Don’t we grow older… As we begin to develop our own mindset through experiences both in and outside of the home, our ideas of GOD based upon how we view those people who were essentially god’s to us as children and infants, either grows more positive or more negative as we develop comparisons, discernment, perspective.

How much money do we invest in a college education and a career -not to mention time? How much do we spend in learning how to raise a human being to be everything they were intended to be? Many Americans unfortunately pride themselves in the freedom of being able to raise their child as they see fit even if they don’t have any idea what the h*** they’re doing. This is probably the 1st or 2nd major flaw among human beings.

Long after we have forgotten come along after we have given up, God remembers, God Grant us! And then we even forget we asked him and hence forget to thank him. The Red Hat found at the park 25 years later.

Not all offspring love their parents to the same extent. Not all parents love their offspring to the same extent. The worst part of Butters when it happens within the family circle itself.

A lot of people have around personality. The person they meet and partner with oftentimes has a if oftentimes has a round personality itself that either fits within or outside of the others. But there’s congruency there are none the less. Now with people who have personalities that are shaped like it’s like an inksplatter thrown against a wall…

We all have our own thumphant and various areas of our being that I didn’t. Maybe someday science will explore these other venues..

When you are trying to balance something like a picture hanging on the wall and your mind begins to see it off one way and then the other, then you’re pretty close to balanced.

Do we really encourage people with problems to come forward and seek help? All the stigma and stereotyping and even punishment punishment which awaits certain individuals who get little or no credit for the courage to seek out help….

There are many people my age walking around who who had 2 parents who were unable to provide a proper example during the most crucial years of their development. I’m gonna say 25 or 30% probably are dead before they reach my age. My dad died at 57 my mom at 45. Another 3rd or so are either incarcerated or institutionalized otherwise. The majority of these people have probably spent their lives drinking and/or drugging. A few of us make it to the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous;Or make peace with our past on our own by some miracle; Or managed to do so true therapy. There aren’t many people from the sixties who have my background but there are increasing numbers in modern day America today sadly. Therefore a lot of people don’t have the experience and introspection that I have. With that translates to is that I have a lot I believe to offer to this younger generation who haven’t figured out or made peace yet with their past. Things like why did God…

I notice a lot of people don’t talk or interact or respond to me in today’s modern world.

Many of these writings contain something to shoot for not necessarily something that can be attained. Awareness! Awareness transformed into action!

Human beings have the capacity and/or the audacity to reject people who are actually better than them. People they also think they are better than even though they’re not.

If Bill W. and Dr. Bob were sitting in any given room in AA who would they say are full of shit and who is right in their AA understanding. YOU MIGHT BE SURPRISED!

VARIATION and CONTRAST in personality and mentality!

Some people have an air to them because it brings them more of the things they desire. Some people have an air to them because they know they are truly Blessed and… … they never stray far from the fact that GOD loves them beyond comprehension!!!!!!!

GOD doesn’t want us putting anything ahead of HIM, so don’t expect HIM to answer prayers of this nature. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Life seldom gives a person everything [their ❀ desires].

It’s my honest belief that if a person person tends to screw up while there’s single or outside of a relationship they will probably do so inside of a relationship.. Being single whether you know it or not is a preparation for then for being in a relationship and if you’re not faring well in the former how can you expect a farewell in the latter? If you do things to hurt yourself you’ll probably end up hurting somebody else.

The person who does the hurting is always the one who gets the worst of it. Because their the ones accountable.

People who tend to shirt accountability and put it on others in the form of blame which is not true, also have a tendency to take responsibility for other people’s actions positive or negative. It’s a double edged sword, it’s a double edged weakness that tends to go hand-in-hand and individuals.

Your higher self is trying to pull and encourage and push your lower self. Bet you didn’t know you had to hide yourself. Perhaps you didn’t even know you had a lower self. Try sitting down some time and listening to your higher self.

One of my earliest entries from from 28 or 29 years ago, sometimes you gotta get up while you’re being kicked.

Man just seems to Rome wherever he pleases. We talk about boundaries and social interaction and yet the message in the bigger picture is break down all boundaries. The trivial sort of example but Captain Marvel for example. Now they’re talking about a female James Bond? Is anything sacred in this society anymore? Boundaries socially but no boundaries is boundaries societoly. Preparations are breaking down all the barriers that were in place to protect the American public a 80 years ago. We’re tearing down all kinds of boundaries in order to keep that cash cow flowing. Ridiculous

Coping mechanisms versus defense mechanisms. When we are going through something deeply disturbing and our our coping mechanisms, and our defense mechanisms similar see me a little bit off the scale or charts… 1st of all most people don’t know what we’re going through -inside that is. Everyone gets affected differently and to a different degree. Never mind [except when it’s advisable to do otherwise] about how other people are viewing your your reactions and you’re coping with whatever it is that you’re going through. It can be a very strange world going through various experiences. Experiences that are linked to previous experiences particularly. And sometimes we will go into “cope-mode” and sometimes we will “defend-mode”. Hopefully we come through a little wiser and a little stronger. Things like this are not an exact science and onlookers quite often don’t know what to make of us, it. And then of course at some point it will be other people’s turn to be in that position.

People often judge us while we’re going through a particular experience. Thinking of how they would handle it differently or better. Or even that they would not have put themselves in that position to begin with in certain instances. People can be very detached when when it comes to situations they themselves have in fact been in in the past, or situations if never gone through. People are very different unfortunately when it comes to being on the other side of something as opposed to being in the thick of it themselves. How is it that we can be so non empathetic even in those situations we ourselves have been through? And as far as the situations they’ve never been through, well you know the story there with most people.

People are quick to judge and slow to mercy.

Sometimes we make choices [come up with an idea] that turn out to be excellent ideas -or so they seem. Isn’t that a great feeling?

Some people arrive at a hot or cold. Some people cannot put up a shield/filter which would compromise their emotion and their pain. Some people cannot put up a blind which would restrict their perceptions. Some people simply refused to go along with men’s games. Man’s self constructed world, way of doing things, way of interacting… Man has little tolerance for people of of the ilk mentioned above.

What are they doing with this covid as it mutates? Going through phase after phase after phase of further mutation of we human beings with each new mutation? Biological mutation, arrificial evolution!!!!!!!!!!!!


I suppose a person who makes a $100000 a year can afford not to worry abouto worry about something getting stolen out of their house where is a person who only makes $10000 a year is more inclined to do so. The former may be more inclined to take things for granted than the latter. On the other hand, one person may simply not place much emphasis on material things whereas another might.

Show me a kid screaming over a candy bar at Walmart and I’ll show you a kid that doesn’t have a strong bond with his parent.

Everything is being targeted for a profit. New processes. Every aspect of old processes… Money money money If people put as much effort into loving as many people as possible as they put an effort into profiting from as many people as possible… Think of all this technology and how it could be used to help rather than to catch people in a wide net like fishing.

Man oftentimes would rather find out for himself whether his choices are good or bad rather than HAVE GOD spare him the agony and the humiliation. Or so it seems!

Getting better with the fake stuff can’t even tell anymore. Good or Bad?

Coming up with the absolute best answer or solution is not so easy for a human being with all their… various limitations, biases, issues…

I haven’t learned how to control my mind I don’t think I ever really have tried. As for my emotions… very difficult.

As I stated before entertainment in this country for example movies and celluloid and even music serve to do more than simply entertain Americans in this country. 1st and foremost I’m referring to what we use it for besides simple entertainment. 2nd of all I’m referring to what may be in these these forms of technology that are affecting us at the hands of certain parties. We’re heading towards the.. if we’re not already there, “Age of Lex Luthor type technology” and ingenuity. Biological as well as technical blah blah blah Freaking human beings just cannot stop trying to control and have an advantage over each other!

Not many things get me off but the things that do,, and when they do… sheer joy!

I may experience some considerable “DOWNS” but I also experience considerable “UPS”. What I’m trying to say is that 1 correlates with the other. If you try to limit the “DOWNS”, you in vai’m at you invariably limit the “UPS”. I suppose it depends on the means.

What/who do Americans who can have whoever they want tend to go for? Well if you ask me a lot of them are pretty shallow and immature in their selection. Americans are notoriously immature these days. Don’t have a lot of depth either.

The problem with George Orwell’s 1984 is that it turned out to be a warning as well as a blueprint. I wonder about these writings.

I guess you could say I’m multi-dimensional, or multi-faceted?

“That’s who you are right now!”

It’s because of who you are πŸ€” And I suppose it translates to who you’re not as well, that is the reason why you do not thrive among your fellows.

I believe it is our obligation to value life your life and cling to it to the very end. I also believe God is infinitely understanding of those who choose to ended who are suffering. And choose to end it for those they love who are suffering severely. Sometimes life feels like a curse but it’s always a gift from GOD. And we probably chose the life we suffer through because GOD does not bring us into the world and simply throw us into whatever it is… If nothing else we’re all considered responsible for what has turned into, how life has deviated from the original plan.

Once people find someone’s they like in you, they expect for you to be consistently that person. That’s not very realistic. There’s more of that immaturity.

It’s an observation not a judgment.

It can take a very long time for a person to recognize their patterns.

You have to know what manners are in order to know what rude is. AUNT NIN UNCLE SAM

A person who goes around using and women isn’t usually give up their inheritance on principle or out of consideration for others.

*2 reasons Alcoholics get drunk: they take on too much too soon, they want their life back in a week; or they don’t take full advantage of everything available to them.

*Another 2 reasons Alcoholics get drunk: They chose to; or, they were powerless because they rested on their laurels, and when the idea to drink came they had no defense against the first drink.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS doesn’t take away The Choice to drink; it restores The Choice not to drink. We would all do well to remember that difference, that truism.

The problem in this country with most people selecting a partner is that it comes from a place of self centeredness. I’m looking for this in a person… I want that in a person… Mostly we want people to make us feel good or or fill in certain parts of our life that are missing. A lot of people for example are boring and they want somebody who’s interested.

*Why do most Alcoholics have to work the steps on a resentment? Because they can’t get over it on their own. All the answers to life are right there in front of us if we’re willing to set aside it aside all the garbage blocking us from it, all the self blocking us from us as well. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Something that has been dead for a very long time can remain alive in the mind for a very long time!

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