Some people can’t seem to avoid being successful! Some people can’t seem to avoid having trouble having time to themselves.
With regard to various people in our lives…. Sometimes we just can’t seem to get well enough in time!
There are some real geniuses out there that can’t quite it to the top; And yet there seem to be some people with below average intelligence who do! So what does that tell us?
NWO “if we can get, or reach “just enough…” 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Be prepared to be COMPASSIONATE [among other things] AT ALL TIMES!!!!
“Is your “Respect-meter” set @ “MAXIMUM-SETTING” at all times???”
What idiot didn’t think that eventually all this pollution would begin to destroy this plan at? Or were we only concerned with how it affected our generation?
The rich and the desperate keep businesses from closing are lowering their prices!
Would you fight someone if they cut in line in front of you?
They’re going to start classifying foods! Fat! Sugar! And price them accordinly… The more time a man has on his hands… and the greedier he becomes…. When man has a lot of time on his hands he tends to think about how he can better his own situation!
One should not be thinking in terms of “keeping the relationship going”, but in terms of “keeping the relationship growing”!
From pain 💔 😢 😪 😞 😔 😫 people either grow cold [toward others psin] or sensitive [to others pain] or something in between!
At times it feels impossible to fail! At other times it feels impossible to succeed!
You can’t always flinch because you didn’t get the reaction from that special person you were hoping for.🤷♀️🤷♂️
A person get thrown off “their balance-beam” [tilted/jilted] by something overwhelmingly bad or good [Maggie and “the $500.00”]. 🤷♀️🤷♂️
I am at my worst when “I worry” [lack FAITH] and “am into self”. This seems to be when my “personality-disorder” thrives! “NO GOD and KNOW GOD”. When “THE SELF” takes center-stage and GOD gets pushed to the side. Like I stated previously “sometimes it feels impossible to fail [like I’m on top of the world]; other times it feels as if “the weight of the 🌎 is upon my shoulders [I don’t like that feeling]. And every time “the latter” comes around “I flynch”. I don’t want to keep putting Maggie through this. I’ve already had a couple of “minor-episodes”. I’m here to COMFORT, not to complain [be comforted]. I’m here to give, not to take [receive]. I seem to try and get through the day with minimal contact with GOD; and that just doesn’t seem to work! When I worry; when I doubt myself; that’s when I know “I’ve strayed too far”!
The only one who is ever guaranteed to win the lottery is the government! It’s amazing -because people hate paying taxes to the government! A 100 years ago none of this b******* would have flown along with paying money to pay a bill and buying water. F****** people are just getting rich off of us man. What happened to this country? People wouldn’t put up with his b******* before. And another thing, this country couldn’t survive if people were sitting around their houses like “The Waltons” in the evening talking to each other; showing an interest in one another’s lives [instead of out spending money; weak as a result of being disconnected from one another; oh, and uninformed or misinformed (man’s playing a game with his fellows “a power game” -which is really weakness when you think about it [seeking power in the weakest arena])! They need for us to be overworked and separated from one another and therefore empty and needy”! The “Addiction-model”.
How many times do I have to say it “Just because it’s legal -doesn’t mean it’s right!” “Just because it’s illegal -doesn’t mean it’s wrong!” 🤷♀️🤷♂️ Man, society, the authorities… don’t always get it right [or wrong 🤔].
Sometimes it’s better for the soul to live in the past rather than in the present! But sometimes it’s better for our relationships to live in the present rather than in the past! 🤔
A person has the power in most cases to either make a person not care about them one way or another or to fall deeply in love!
Not wanting to be there for people is one thing; Not feeling up to being there for people is one thing; Having something else you’d rather be doing rather than being there for people is one thing; But not being there for people is something entirely different!!!!! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
When you reach a point where you seek to avoid trouble with people -even when there’s cause for trouble… You can almost be assured that with human beings for reasonably kind and thoughtful and drama free, and even more so with people who are extremely kind and thoughtful and drama free.. Your life will basically be filled with thoughtfulness and kindness and drama free!
Some people see the world as a dark place and aren’t interested in doing anything less than returning the favor!
How condescending are the roles given to certain character or featurevictors?
Don’t think too interested in reality down here -hence “the writings”.
Why didn’t they put black candidates on trial and ask if they’d ever used the word “cracker”? BS [all for show].
Isn’t it evident that mass shooters are weak or frail? Why would they act as they do if they were strong?
We should be as grateful when we receive; as we are desperate when we are lacking -with the same degree of emotion -if not more!
The way used to be, music is a reflection of the times
In a new relationship someone always farts first!
How many of us are slaves to money? Instead of slaves to GOD’S good principles.
When you are still toxic or significantly traumatized, you tend to listen more to the overwhelming feelings coming out of you in spite of [or based upon…] the consequences!
Not only am in a place now in my life where I don’t want to hurt anyone; unlike in the past, I am no longer willing to suffer the consequences of doing so! Suffering the hurt, and most of all -the losses!
In recovery we learn to take the bricks down from the wall and lay them as our new foundation.
There’s a difference between being functional and being healthy. There are many successful people in the world; but their relationships suck. The utlimate demonstration of a persons emotional,.mental and spiritual health is the quality of their relationships -Relationship with themselves, others and GOD.
When people do for each other -it’s a sign!!!!!!!! Of character, of Love, of GOD in them!
There are plenty of strong people in the world -but what the world needs more of is strong, caring people!
Just as I got it wrong with Daisy being malicious towards people around us calm when in fact she was protecting me as Amy pointed out… my grandmother got it wrong with me when she didn’t realize I was trying to protect myself from the 🌎 rather than trying to be a malicious individual! A malicious child!
God showed me.something a number of years ago, a difference between myself and a couple of people in my life. One was my uncle and one was Ana’s husband Ray. These two men have always shown their spouses the utmost respect. Never yelled at them, raised a hand to them, cussed at them -that I know of lol. So, I know that my uncle was extremely close to his mother, and had the highest respect for her. So one day I asked Ana about Ray’s relationship with his mother, and what I knew of my uncle’s relationship with his mother was the exact answer that I got from Ana in regards to Ray’s relationship with his mother! What I was onto through this whole thing was -how they treat their spouses; and their relationships with their mothers . With regards to my mother, among other things; I was afraid of her. And with regard…and with the exception of the first few months of bonding, our relationship could never progress beyond that point. With regards to my grandmother who raised me, she was a very good woman in every aspect- except she was Ill-equipped to deal with the symptoms of my trauma; which aroused her anger, and resulted in verbal and physical abuse intermittently throughout. So just as the respect and high regard for their mothers carries over to their relationships… my fear, and eventual disregard for these two women -carried over into my relationships. 😔
Go for the things that are striking to you, why piddle around? Why? Because you have in you forces in conflict which cause you to compromise what “you ultimately want and deserve”!
●There is a devil
●That some day our souls will reunite under one GOD based on evidence and what I have read!
It’s amazing how little we know aboit one another when we ourselves are human.
All we need to know about humanity is within ourself!
How can we as adults not related to children when we ourselves were once children ?
Why do people need to acting school to learn how to act human?
There is a difference between talking too much and saying too much.
With regard to GOD, better to feel undeserving than deserving!
If it would be possible to dissect your soul, what would they find inside of it? 🤔
You can go based upon the time something was made and count forward. You know what happened at the very least. That time, or after that time, but not before it! On the other hand, not going by “date-created”; but more as a “point-of-reference”, you can go forward, or backwards from that point!
The healthier you become, the more understanding [the healthier] the abilities of the people we are surrounded by.. The more understanding we require [the more unhealthy we are], the less understanding we are apt to find in the people we attract because of our level of dysfunction and toxicity.
Alot of people can’t even see “the problem”!
Two major issues in politics:
2. Maturity
3. Peer pressure
4. Pressure from opposing forces lacking maturity and values!
Where are we going? Where are we headed? Are we ascending, or descending? WE SHOULD WAYS HAVE OUR FOCUS ON WHERE WE”RE GOING, AND WHETHER WE ARE ASCENDING, OR DECENDING?
Some people age but never make the leap to a partner of their current age as it increases, current maturity as it evolves. 🤔 Granted there’s is evolving itself!
We have to become givers and stop being takers -IT’S THE ONLY WAY!!!!!!
I’m not sure about this one,, but I’m going to take a shot out of any ways… We can always play the game in our head with regard to where the line is placed regarding outcomes and expectations; However things get a little dice here when it comes consequences. Human beings are notorious for taking a minimalist approach to life. We do things half hours all the time. And not only do our outcomes fall short, and expectations fall short, but the human race itself is plagued with consequences as well. Think about how much of the aforementioned would go away if we gave a 100% every time!. But don’t forget that when we give our all we evolve much quicker and we learn much quicker. Which is to say that not only would we not be in the same place circumstantially but evolutionary! Now just think about that! 🤔
Earlier today I was visiting my end in the hospital. They have CNN on the television. I’m sitting here listening to the same problems that have existed for GOD only knows how long among humanity. And the thought that came to mind in that brief period was this while the topic raged on about “politics-as-usual”; Until mankind as a whole learns to be a giver rather than a taker… These problems will never get resolved!These problems will never get resolved!
I think when you try to draw sympathy out of people they resist. When you cut a lay things out there without an expectation over that manipulation… I think it’s more apt to come out naturally from people. I think the other thing is that the healthier that you become, the universe near to you that are more capable of these higher human traits or spiritual traits.
Just because it sounds great doesn’t mean it’s true!
I’m tired of going out there into the world and seeing people doing whatever they wish. We’re supposed to be the most intelligent creature on this planet! And many of us cannot even offer a simple greeting or acknowledgment to one another! If you look at the direction this country is going and you can’t help but deny that there is something at work to our own detriment.
FACEBOOK “Just because life is good for SOME -doesn’t mean it’s good for everyone! When are we gonna start helping our fellow human-beings by saying “NO” to the things we can afford because so many people around us cannot? It’s time to put a stop to the ridiculousness going on in our Country. Ridiculousness [illness -according to Native Americans] which is allowed to exist and to thrive because a certain part of the population only thinks of itself! This Country is hanging on “by a thread”; by “‘the haves, and the ‘have-nots'” who are desperately trying to keep up”. “THE system, more and more is trying to, or needs to exact as much from WE HUMAN-BEINGS as possible in order to SURVIVE and THRIVE SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!!! URGENT MESSAGE!!!!! THAT’S NO WAY TO LIVE!!!!! NOTHING IN GOD’S UNIVERSE CAN SURVIVE UNDER THESE CONDITIONS FOREVER!!!!”
I jumped in my car, I get out on the road, I wonder just how many people… scratch that, I get the feeling most of these people could give a s*** about the person or people around them! Just rushing by… Worried about their own little plans and schemes – People either lack the good sense or the urgency required to make them realize the importance of relying on one another and connecting with one another! WAKE UP #37!
FACEBOOK “Having enough of what it takes… what it takes with regard to you -is very different from what it takes with regard to you and another human being you are connecting with in a [potential] relationship. I don’t think a lot of people out there have enough for the latter; but they choose to get involved anyways -Because they simply cannot fathom a life alone [or simply don’t think at’all]! BUT THAT’S “NO WAY” TO GO ABOUT STARTING A RELATIONSHIP!”
FACEBOOK “It’s ridiculous how hard some people have to work to earn a buck. And ridiculous how hard some people don’t have to work to make millions!” The 🌎 we live in! 🤷♂️🤷♀️😔 When you think about how miserable some people feel about all this and how overjoyed and ecstatic others are about all this… Don’t you think there’s just something not quite right about this picture? That maybe, just maybe something inside is urging us TO MAKE A CHANGE? I used to say that people on the bottom want change and the people on top don’t. The fact of the matter is everybody wants change! The poor want things to change for the better – while the rich also want things to change for the better. JESUS CHRIST! 🤷♂️🤷♀️ Anybody ever here of the concepts “be grateful for what you have” and “be content in all things”?
If you are unsteady and shaky when things are going perfectly… Either something is very wrong or perhaps maybe you will fare better when things are not going perfectly? This is a big problem for dysfunctional and unworthy people!
It’s one thing to tell a person you can’t rely on the world for yourself worth and self esteem. It’s an entirely different matter telling people you have to find self worth and self esteem in spite of the world treating you like your valueless and disrespecting you. For some people that’s just not gonna happen! Some people’s limits exceed this demand while others fall short of it, and in certain situations well short of it! In order for all of us to be able to meet that go… we must stop tearing each other down!
There’s the subordinate self and there’s the conquering self. The subordinate self often can be found with family.
Man manufactures things to stay busy.
Years ago kids helped their parents as adults not the other way around.
We’re not resolving any issues in Washington, but we’re all getting paid and some of us continue to get rich while others continue to get poor.
Your problem isn’t that you said yes your problem is that you said yes with air against rather than with humidity.
Man often tackles the problem he wants to rather than the problems he needs to. For various reasons of course.
All these problems that can only be resolved by the average American citizen, and yet we have become so neutralized….
In any long term problematic situation one must ask themselves, who stands to benefit most from the way things stand? We know in the current state of affairs that satan is most definitely!
Man is notorious for taking advantage of opportunities when the grass is green; and when the grass is dry!
Some people will only be cured so long as they continue following their Doctors orders “for the remainder of their natural lives!”
JESUS couldn’t accomplish ‘“X”, but one man can huh?
Chain reaction among mankind. Like that machine full of ping-pong balls. 🏓 In am egg-carton type apparatus. You throw one in and they all pop!
We like our news-people pretty!
Oftentimes, [certain] problematic-types appear issue-free because their partner brings with them issues into the relationship. And as long as there is a problem present, the seemingly “issue-free indivual’s issue is being satisfies covertly [in disguise].
WE MUST STOP feeding off of each other!
Some people, even whole societies react counter to the standard reaction. Some reaft negatively to beauty, to goodness!
Certain societies, certain periods, man has gone with little change@ IT IS NOT A REQUIREMENT! UNLESS YOU CONTINUALLY WANT:
● YOUR OWN Circumstance to continualky change!
●Want to remain soooooo busy [running away; over-shooting; over-thriving]!
If you overshoot, you may fall short, but atleast you will fall further than if you had either understood or shot for ‘the mark”! Shoot for the moon and you’re bound to hit the stratosphere at the very least.
When the treatment or plan becomes a working part of one’s lifestyle, it is no longer a treatment, or a cure. No More than brushing one’s teeth or drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
The problem is that the patient, even under the best conditions is responsible for giving the therapist the information [memory, perception, limitations in truthfulness, limitations in couragessness…], and history to work with!
Man’s got to have “a reason”! Once that has been vanquished…!
If you wantto be MORE THAN HUMAN for those you care about; you MUST transcend [through effort] beyond this plane of [physical] existence!
We often fall short; because we fall short in our efforts to be connected to GOD WHO IS EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING 🤔 [can take us to a level (of performance) never before imagined]! Try it for yourself!
I told myself yesterday, “there is nothing more to be discussed”. Then… another episode! 🤷♂️🤔 I hide behind words!
They did it -they found a drug to fit every one -THE CELL PHONE! WITH MORE TO COME! GOD I wish everyone would throw them in the trash! So we can start acknodging each other again!
People take a step forward in therapy, and society withdrawals a step further!
Sometimes I can’t… sometimes I think I can’t think of anything to say so I talk aboutyself, how I’m feeling, what’s on my mind -issues stirring…
Companies hire people not fully qualified -but they want full pay! Bunch of shit is what it is! Especially when you sign a contract!
You can’t buy groceries with A-TV -so they’re at a disadvantage! But we the consumer act like we are
If you could see every part of your stuff laid out and dissected what would they look like and what would be inside of them?
What do people generally look for in a relationship? And what are they looking to get out of them?
●Importabce [Somtimes ]
●A future [with a certain certainty]
Nothing is independent of God-except sin I’m guessing? Everyone has a gift or gifts! I wonder if those are at least semu-independent of GOD? I mean when our connection with GOD begins to drift… Do those at least remain intact? Because many of us do not have certain things important or pertinent or paramount to day-to-day survival.
I tend to operate from my head more so than my instincts or nature. And it’s very draining and it’s not nearly as effective as GOD!
like to use the physical mechanisms of the world to better understand the spiritual! For example come in the physical world you need a minimum amount of things, thanks stemming from a certain type of effort? In order to bring about a certain effect? I’m guessing it’s that way in the spiritual? Of course it’s all GOD in either arena?
A person can play to their strengths – But then again, how are their weaknesses ever to become strengths? People quite often persist in working on their strengths rather than their weaknesses! They practice on there flaws as opposed to “the antithesis of their flaws”!
So what usually happens in relationships to go South? People change the formula. Two things: People stop doing what work in the 1st place [slacking off; loss of interest…]; Their expectation change [another type of “formula-change or 🤔 the other side of “the proverbial l”coin” so-to-speak]?
As you change the dimensions of a square to a rectangle, you lose area. Keeping the same perimeters in overall length though…. 10x10x10x10 =40 5x5x15x15 =40
*In Alcoholics Anonymous as with any problem; there’s always a conflict! When the conflict becomes large enough… This of course is subjective!
Any man can attract a woman with money! I know there’s going to be some booze from the gallery -but think about it! There should be some Cheers at this stage – Try to attract a woman solely based on self? A lot of people simply cannot do it! Because their self is lacking.
Man uses compensation; he uses substitution… In many cases anything but what hes supposed to or what is availed to him.
As a woman, when you see another man who’s better than your own partner what does it get you thinking about-if anything at all?
Who’s running things in your life-and how good a job are they I mean? I don’t think whoever’s driving mine is doing a very good job all the time!
The term integrity is so pervasive in nature that it even applies to science as well as the human character!
We show so much [more] reverence to bosses and to authority figures in comparison to GOD-now just how do you suppose that makes HIM WHO DOES EVERYTHING FOR US feel!
I wonder 🤔 if satan can give us power as well -to further his own agenda in our lives. After all, a completely powerless human-being… Human-beings without [GOD’S] POWER are pretty useless. Even with regard to their own demise! I’m guessing we humans need some degree of power, not just [self] will in order to further satans plan for our own destruction! Which brings me to this next thought two minutes later: Are we each given equal power? Unequal power? Is it an issue of “our each accepting that equal power”? And the reason some have more power than others lies in this “acceptance”? To be clear, without power, of what use is “free-will”? GOD MUST ALLOW ONE WHILE PROVIDING THE OTHER [or provide, and allow both?].
People only, or totally, appear like dirt [trash] to us; when we ourselves are looking to get from them what they are [Selfishly?Maliciously?] unwilling to give us! Since this was not JESUS position… HE did not possess “that goad”! 🤷♂️
If you look at a situation where people are sensitive and fearful versus people who are not sensitive and not fearful… Same situation but completely different attitudes! Also the fact that both people happen to be human! And yet what they carry inside of them makes all the difference in the world!🤷♂️🤷♀️🙏🏻 And/or what they don’t carry inside of them!
Is there more strength in numbers with all Whites or all all Blacks or all Chinese or all Latino’s? Or is there more strength in numbers with Whites and Blacks and Chinese and Latinos mixed together? JUST THINK ABOUT IT!
Some things make a ton of money; Some things don’t make any money at all -is the latter of any less value? Perhaps it depends on the situation! Perhaps it depends on the particular individual or individuals before you [you are surrounded by]. With some people -money will always be “the end-all-be-all”!
There is only so much to go around -did GOD make it that way; 🤔 or did man? Listening to the song “I Hope You Dance”. In the comment section someone states “Don’t fear the mountains ahead; Go for your dreams”. Well, just make sure your dreams are not those shared by too many other people; because there is only so much to go around and then it becomes a competition!
Some people share things to get a result. I mean there is communicating with the people around us in order to get a result. And then there’s sharing and communicating with others around us simply to stand our ground or to say our peace [irrespective of “external outcomes”]. Some people have no interest in the latter! And some people have no interest in the former!
You produce enough material; and something’s bound to resonate -become a hit!
How many healthy people do you think exist out there? The question deals with mistrust. There are two kinds of people out there in the world: The kind who would seek to destroy everything that is generally considered near and dear to most of us; And the kind who don’t! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
FACEBOOK “A person would have to be “crazy” not to want what some people have “to offer”! And some are just that!🤷♀️🤔🤷♂️
The town I LIVE IN is a humbling place; filled with people who refuse to be humbled! When you’re in turn; leads to a town filled with angry people! Many things require at least 2 elements! Many things are comprised of many elements! But usually the things that are comprised of only one thing [or element] -tend to be pure [from GOD above]!
… And the other side of that coin is the human imperfection we encounter on a day-to-day basis amongst one another that never seems to relent. Never seems to improve!
Apologizing too little is a sign of what? Apologizing too much is a sign of what?
FACEBOOK “When we complain -it’s because something is bigger than us! Think about it 🤔 -why do we only complain about “select things”; why not everything? (Because certain things we’re able to “sluff-off” right? We’re bigger than it! We’re bigger than that -right? Isn’t that the saying?”
The more we can make bigger things small throughout our lives… Isn’t that what bodybuilders do through sweat and effort and using their minds and using their minds over their bodies?
“Shrink it down”. Scratch that -[YOU] BECOME BIGGER!
When we stand up for ourselves 🤔 we are asserting an “injustice” has been done. Now unless you are master in this area… the jury is still out as to whether or not an injustice has been done. Moving forward, 🤔 the person, persons, or agency we are whose treatment of us, or conduct we are disputing will either say “oh my goodness, I didn’t realize…” 🤷♂️ Or, they will be too embarrassed, even though they knew what they were doing, and pretend they didn’t know, or 🤔 make up some excuses. Or, 🤔 they know exactly what they are doing, what it is they are trying to get out of it -and will refuse to relent. This is perhaps the biggest “problem-causing-symptom” of man’s existence! Where each of us draws “the proverbial “line-in-the-sand”; and when one persons line crosses over into another’s. And when we say for example, “some people are rely F’d up” what we are actually saying is that “just where they are drawing their lines [with regard to…], is all fucked up”. People cannot cause trouble for one another, the planet… without crossing over into someone else’s line, boundary, space [on whatever plane that happens to be: spiritual; physical; emotional; mental]… 🤷♂️🤷♀️
FACEBOOK “There’s only so much to go around; so we know somebodies got to lose! Do we really want to keep playing this game?”
FACEBOOK “Amazing how many of us play games with the problem; and the “symptom(s)-of-the-problem”. To the extent many don’t know the difference!” And why do we do so? Because we’re either constantly chasing after something, or; 🤔 constantly avoiding something -that’s why!
Never laugh longer than your girlfriend.
Some people don’t notice subtle changes -and man uses this to his advantage!
FACEBOOK “We only have 2 options: Trust in GOD, or, go our own way; but you might want to keep in mind -it’s HIS Universe!”
The best thing; and the worst thing GOD ever gave man was -a free will!
LORD do not give us easier lives, but give us greater strength to deal with life!
Why can’t our family support one another -like other families do! 🤷♂️🤷♀️ My Aunt & Uncle set the tone -that’s why!
☆☆☆☆☆You always screw up [vacillate (vascilate m/s)] when trying to learn something new. Don’t get discouraged!
FACEBOOK “What do you rate your relationships at at this moment? One to a 100? What was it in the beginning (100? -of course it was; many people don’t stick around for “mediocrity” (by-product of an “attitude-of-arrogance and entitlement”)? In the majority of cases [in this country] that number drops (overtime -some not low enough to reach expulsion(?); but unhappiness, and disillusionment are quite common occurrences)! Anybody care to refute this statement? Humans are notorious for changing their attitude [and hence their behavior] once they feel “confident” about something! Or have been “satiated*””!
*Had to look up to be sure after-the-fact. 🤔 Will change if wrong selection of term was used. BRB “Nope, it’s correct!” 😁
FACEBOOK “Why is it that when something gets written into law [when we exercise our power in a vote -we essentially give our power over to another; and once we’ve done that, it can be very difficult to reverse] and is later found to be damaging -it is so hard to get rid of? Why is it when something [new] is introduced into our society, that makes people alot of money, and is later found to have a detrimental impact, is so hard to get rid of? People are opportunists; and life for many is perceived as “taking the good with the bad”! This is true with regard to GOD and HIS plan (“change-of-plan” after man took “a left-turn in the GARDEN OF EDEN”); which [NONETHELESS]: is; always has been; always will be; ULTIMATE GOOD [LEAD US TO SALVATION -IF WE STICK WITH IT]! When man plots a course on his own, he almost invariably ends up “in troubled-waters!” And finally, along with being an opportunist, man is a sadist and a masochist (just ask many of our children openly, honestly -about certain “childhood-experiences” 🤔)!” VOTING AND SPENDING MONEY [giving our monies to someone else]; I don’t think most people really understand “the gravity” [the science] of it all!
FACEBOOK “That’s often people’s problem… “we’re on the right track; 🤔 but then we start to think about it; we start to think about what it costs us!” GOD’S plan always costs! But anything in life does too! But the latter only leads us upwards! Understand?” 🤷♀️🤷♂️
FACEBOOK “We help each other with satan’s plan! We screw each other over; then we no longer want to have anything to do with each other; this leads to separation and alienation; which in-turn leads to “a weakening” of us both as a species; as well as opening us up individually for attack; for vulnerabilities to suggestion and to temptation! But man is a slow learner; as well as his own worst enemy! ARE WE LEARNING YET?”
How do we really feel about ourselves 🤔 and others?????
FACEBOOK “If money is power; then why are so many of us so willing (so eager) to give it away (give?)*? Because certain people in our society understand this! Two ways we rise above one another : 1) Make ourselves more (increase our own lot); 2) Make you less (deplete yours)! IT’S A SCIENCE! MANY MEN SEE THEMSELVES AS SCIENTISTS (TRY TO PLAY SCIENTISTS)!” 🤷♂️🤷♀️
*If we could get something without giving our money away we would -trust me (the majority of this new, unthinking generation** [who ironically enough 🤔 -are also HIGHLY UNTRUSTING])! Man tries it all the time in varying ways and degrees! Either for free or as close to it as possible! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
**I said it some 25 years ago “if we don’t start protecting our children; they’re gonna start protecting themselves -and we’re not gonna like the result!”
Everything has a beginning! So where for example did the women’s movement 1st begin [France]? Where for example did the hippie and rebellion movement of the sixties begin? Probably in the forties or fifties to be honest!
FACEBOOK “Do you understand what’s going on here? What the purpose of these writings is? It’s to turn man back around; to get him back on the right track; to help him recognize the fallacy behind his own reasoning; and satan’s deceit! There is no such thing as getting something for less [or nothing] -without being penalized! Initially everything was handed unto man. After man chose satan [over GOD], the laws changed! Everything now has a precise cost, cause-and-effect! That is if you do it according to how GOD’S laws currently work! If you try to “fool around with that”; you ultimately end up paying more; getting less; or both!”
Power begets power! I suspect Facebook was initially designed to be a good and benign idea. Whenever GOD plants an idea in the mind of a man -it’s always for a good purpose. But man as he so often does -has to start tinkering with things!
FACEBOOK “Why do certain things bother me -and not you? Why do you have certain flaws that I don’t -and vice versa? Two points here: Why can’t we all have no flaws; since our fellow man -seems to be able to do without ours; It seems to me that man has more of a need to have certain flaws rather than be relegated to it “without say so”. I mean honestly; explain to me how one man can do without a certain flaw and another man cannot? Apparently it’s not a requirement or a need right? Then it must be a choice! And a bonus: it seems to me man has to have some flaws [vices] to keep from going crazy; winding up “mental” as a result of being continually subject to “this (rather brutal) reality we call “life””! I think it’s a fair argument -that is… 🤔 when one chooses to live live apart from GOD; apart from HIS LAWS!” 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Some people will actually put up an argument -even though they’re wrong! So it only stands to reason… and I know this for a fact through observing certain individuals, including myself -some people will not bother to put up an argument even though what they are being accused of is wrong! Some people will not put up a fight even though they know they are right! My cousin used to say “right makes might”! “White is might; but Brown takes the Crown!”
It’s not that some people are necessarily weak; it’s just that they’re more sensitive! It’s not that some people are necessarily strong; it’s just that they’re more insensitive!
Do you know the right amount of exercise for you to stay exactly where you’re at?
Sometimes giving more while receiving less in return…. If we are patient in any given endeavor…. We actually end up receiving more in the form of something else! Something of even greater value and an even greater measure! That I think is one of the basic tenements of Christian philosophy!
Man’s thoughts stem primarily from 2 sources -GOD and satan! Any thoughts or comments?
Oftentimes, people will not do the right thing unless they’re forced to do it. That’s why we have so many laws because we have a society that lacks the highest moral fiber! In fact, you could argue that the lower the moral fiber, the higher the number of laws we require in our country! An inversely proportional or correlatively proportional relationship! I think the argument could be made for either signed Maggie!
Strength versus insensitivity! Jesus was sensitive but also strong! Many of us lack that strength so we default to insensitivity! Weakness versus sensitivity! Many of us are not weak but sensitive!
How many circumstances or situations in life are you bigger than? How many circumstances or situations in life are you smaller than? Man is either a victim of this dwelling place or he is the ruler of it! Most of us are a mixture! Uh -that would include me in the latter -most grouping! 😉
You know what the difference is largely between a man who is a slave to his environment” and a man who is the master of it -fear, or lack thereof! I think there’s another word or an additional word -but I suppose that will suffice for now! Confidence? Strength? Ability? Experience?
GOD will make it up to us. One thing HE doesn’t want is for us to feel unloved -or to be unloved!
When someone is doing their part in our circle, and another person is not… it’s unfair to ask the person that’s already doing their part to do more! To do more in order to compensate us!
You will often hear the question, “why do bad things happen to good people?” But you never hear, “why don’t bad things happen to bad people?”
How broad is your emotional and spiritual foundation? Just big enough for your own selfish plans and schemes? Did it ever occur to you to broaden it enough to include life and GOD’S plan of growth for you?
Much of my attitude throughout life has been characterized like this -I went through h*** in my childhood so why should I have to put up with the same things in adulthood that other people have to put up with who had a wonderful childhood? Why can’t it equal out? Or is it equaling out? I don’t know what people’s lives are like that have great lives growing up as children. 🤷♂️
If we fail to see the things GOD is doing for us in the face of life’s struggles, then we’re likely to run around with an attitude of feeling cheated. Because life MINUS GOD… feels extremely unfair! Whether it is or not [whether we deserve what we get; whether there’s a precise balance at work between… “Karma” as they say?]… is up for debate 🤷♂️🤷♀️ But if we refuse to acknowledge GOD’S existence altogether… Or fail to recognize the balance between the harshness of life and HIS love for us in the form of… In the form of various…
We may not be able to do anything about the people in the world who don’t love us, but with regards to GOD AND HIS INFINITE, ALWAYS PRESENT LOVE -LUCKILY WE DON’T HAVE TO!!!!!!
Not all people we encounter who display fear, or judgementalness [the things that are often “the root of undesirable” attitudes and behaviors] are bad people!
Too many people in this country think money is the solution to all their problems! All those people hoping to win the lottery…. many of which want the much needed power (money brings) given to them! Rather than, the greatest power of all we must work to reconnect with [not work for because GOD readily avails this to us along with all our needs -because HE is a good GOD] -power our self-will has, in many cases, cuts us off from!
Sometimes 🤔 through the power of choice, or will, we have to broaden our foundation [in the moment]; to accommodate things in life -often unexpected! Or perhaps it is best to work on simply having THE BROADEST POSSIBLE FOUNDATION -FROM THIS DAY FORTH! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
Would you rather receive from your family for helping them -OR FROM GOD?
If you were closed to certain people at a certain point in life, don’t expect them to automatically [readily] “be open to you” simply because you are now open. 🤷♀️🤷♂️
People who have hurt their partner, or anyone for that matter, often [by default, or to defend their ego] believe it is enough to simply cease their [repeated?] behavior(s) of the past [sweep the past under the rug]. I have even had people who have hurt me tell me “just let it go, it’s in the past” with having never having made reparations or restitution of any kind. 🤷♀️🤷♂️
When we are concerned about what other people are doing, we take away from our own focus and energy to do everything in our own power to contribute to that relationship! Just keep pouring it on on your end! Don’t worry about the rest!
You get what you fight for -sometimes! How come the blacks are moving ahead -but not the Latinos or the Orientals? What do we have to be proud of in this country? If you think about it, why the America didn’t give blacks anything, they had to fight for everything! What do we have to be proud of in this country? If you think about it, white- America didn’t give blacks anything, they had to fight for everything!
On migrants complaining about Mexicans coming over the border.Saw this in a movie baby. MEXICAN SAYS TO IRISHMAN “And what, your parents were Native American laughing my a** off?
How come you can’t taste anything when it’s too hot or too cold?
I had an Uncle that used to call me how come because I was always asking “how come”.
Should have seen it coming years ago-tickets for playoff games in sports going through the roof!
People don’t give much thought to aging when they’re young -even though they should! I mean their particular lifestyle that could affect their aging adversely.
It’s not that God can’t whip up a million dollars for you. Even God likes a challenge! It’s trying to get the stingiest of stingy to pride from theioffenders in doing some charitable act for another human being and edifying their soul and glorifying GOD HIMSELF!
Alot of relationships come down to how far you can go!
Not sure about this one? Nothing wrong with braggin’ -as long as you’re braggin’ on GOD!
I’m looking for exceptional [in myself]; In perhaps the 2nd hardest area humanity can face -human relationships! Unfortunately for me [for my family who needs me*], it appears I’m quite typical. Perhaps not even that! Michael Jordan once alluded to the philosophy that success comes through continual failure! I’m wondering though -how much complaining he did through the process LMAO
*My uncle made a comment one day “Sissy is the only one who has never asked us for anything”. I sensed in that comment something of a disappointment with the rest of us. Is perhaps even an annoyance in some cases. I didn’t think much beyond that. But in my own annoyance, the thought that comes to mind is this “Yeah, but how many times have she been down here to take you to the doctor?” I guess we all have our own [funny] ideas about what’s important! What defines character. With my Uncle, and I’ll throw in my aunt as well… clearly it’s not asking anything of them -or as little as possible [helping them, which they expect us to -is secondary]. Is it self-serving disguised as [what they deem meritorious] merit! What is really at the heart of that comment? Do they admire their daughter because she is self-sufficient. Or are they simply relieved that at least one of their kids -isn’t bothering them, burdening them? Not burdening someone is one thing! Helping to relieve their burden is something entirely different! One has accomplished the former; while another has accomplished the latter!
Should we give our partners everything they want? Should we give the people around us everything they want? Ideally, that’s what many people want (more-and-more these days; throughout history; throughout humanity and not just in these United States primarily?]! As I commented to Dale 3 years ago, “America is not a country in whom “character-building” is the top priority! HE JUST QUIPPED[?] AND SORTA CHUCKLED!
As you get older, you the child should be taking your parents out to dinner -and asking them what they need.
To some people a relationship is about you taking care of your business; and the people around you taking care of theirs. I was raised by my grandmother that the heart of a relationship is -what people do for one another!
The United States went from being the number one example of what a country should and could be -to what????
Having discussed this at length with my girlfriend… We had come to the conclusion that well it is important to look out for ourselves and protect ourselves from the world… We don’t want to venture into the “look out for number one” mentality either!
Some of the stuff people are coming up with and making millions off of is utterly ridiculous! A blade scraper for a blender? That doesn’t even look half as efficient as a plain old “spatula” for 1.99.
Learn to be efficient. Don’t erase all the letters on a misspelled word just the ones that you’re not going to use.
Some people feel they do enough for their partner and their partner has no right to ask for anything more. Some people are always willing to grow -and expand the horizons of their relationship and their own character! To listen to the more reasonable wants and needs of their own partner!
We don’t need new ideas -we need better one’s!
Having trouble “SUFFERING IN SILENCE” -well do the best you can; GOD always appreciates a sincere effort!
How we respond to life -IS EVERYTHING! How we respond in life -IS EVERYTHING!
Just as GOD mercifully provides shock to animals being devoured… HE MERCIFULLY provides me with a veneer of forgetfulness with regard to the pain that exists among many of these awarenesses!
On burdening others in our relationships. Some burdens bring us closer together and some burdens bring separation. But there’s an added dimension in all this – Some burdens which bring separation -should in fact bring us closer together [conversely…]. 😏🤔🤷♂️ But that’s humanity for you!
Never stop growing -and you will be the greatest beneficiary of all!
There is no higher return on your investment than in spiritual matters!
Some people may not think a smile or a glimmer of… some people may not think a smile on a face or a glimmer of hope on a tarnished spirit is much of a return for the things they have done, for the time they have taken with another human being… but it means everything to them probably -and to GOD as well! THE FORGOTTEN ONE’S? 🤷♂️🤷♀️
Man might have to [re]think more about the things he chooses to invest in! The things he seeks the returns on; as well as thereturns themselves he seeks! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
“Well at least I’m seeing progress -for the longest time it didn’t feel like it; or look like it!”
If you look at many of these writings they will not make sense because the microphone didn’t do its job! Which is precisely what satan wants! I’m terrible at proof reading and re reading and editing so there you have an!
If you can help it calm or don’t do anything in somebody’s car like trying to tell them how to keep the temperature or adjust the seat when you know somebody else sits in it. Try to remain as small as possible in as many situations as possible!
I think a lot of us are confused? LoL
I was told by my cousin many years ago that a lot of people think the lower you set the AC in your car the less gas it uses-falls !
We all have a limit! Pushing beyond it takes time, effort, patience with ourselves! 🤔 and KNOW-HOW?
The more we resist or postpone] “those two vital components required to pull us “back from the brink” [an indication of just how “disdainful” these things concepts are to we human-beings], the more we will be required of us as we as a species continues to plummet downward!
Some things should not be “about the money” -like medicine!! ke medicine! But man, recognizing the urgency of this field [along with the field of law (these are vasic needs, not luxuries)] -has decided to exploit that urgency! Along with others they have convinced [certain] people to add to “that list” which really are of no urgency whatsoever when you really think about it! 🤔
Gloves-another barrier [we see this in medicine -no more HUMAN-TOUCH??] Rubbers -another barrier? I had enough emotional one’s; I wasn’t about to voluntarily add anymore! The most capable of the human abilities is generally physical! Most people are capable [culpable] of engaging jn a physical relationship [sexual] but as you climb the ladder [the numbers begin to drop-off*].
*The higher we humans seek to climb; the more the numbers begin to dwindle -why? Olympic level performance for example!
Imagine an Olympic athlete on 4 hours of sleep; or eating donuts and coffee; or training an hour a day?
Even GOD wants somethiing!
Stay focused on “the mission”.
If you could only join “the things” going on at opposite ends of “the spectrum” that have as a common denominator ‘X’ you would be sooooo angry! Angry at what people are trying to get away with or to get around GOD’S sense of justice, what’s best for ourselves, what’s best for each other if only we would be willing to concur [for the benefit of our kind as a whole]. This oweson gets this much for only doing this much… this person gets away with “y” over here, while this person doesn’t get away with “Y”. Or, and I really love this, sometimes people don’t get away with “x” over here, but other people get away with “Y” over there [unbeknownst -in another city or country]! Something far less people are held accountable for while something far worse others are not! Humanity is all over the place with regards to consistency, and fairness versus preferential treatment versus awareness versus common-sense versus scruples! Bottom line, we don’t know what we’re doing; and even when we do, we often prefer to do it our way -rather than the right way!
Man wants to leave His mark; in order to do yhis; he must change something; bring his own idea[s] to the fore. Sometimes he steals ideas from others [and applies them where they are unknown to others elsewhere]. Sometimes, if he is in a position [of power to do so], he makes changes his predecesors put in place -Even though those changes are to be proven detrimental! Even though those changes are clearly inferior!
Sanity is everything -what is a person God if they don’t have their sanity?
I think a lot of poor, uneducated people are scared! I also think a lot of rich, educated people are as well!
JESUS wouldn’t have said anything! How many times have I’ve done things that Jesus would have never done? How many hundreds or thousands of times? Think about that!
I should use myself more as the example rather than coming across as looking down on humanity! GOD knows I am a very good representative of humanity’s weaknesses and issues!
When somebody offers from a selection, never take the best for yourself! Besides, they may be thinking…
Now that “faking” has become so technologically feasible…-what can we believe?
Companies don’t pay for things, customers do!!!! Including screw-ups! Renting a lavish building…. lighting… Must be nice to have a business that the public is required to “bail-out” if something goes wrong. i.e. chickens, beef, banks…
People are adaptable, and sometimes that is a good thing, sometimes not!
There’s far too many things in the world that require our attention to be thinking, worrying so much about ourselves! 🤔
THE NEWS: We go from possible aliens in lake Huron and South Carolina being shot down, to the financial reports of the day lol We’ve been hearing these things for so long and not even news anymore!
Some people “offer” only “after they have recieved”!
Right and wrong aside come Russia can’t knock out a little country like the Ukraine? Makes you wonder? War means money… The longer it drags out the more money! Just like the NBA finals going 7 instead of 4!?
Don’t you just hate it when something somebody does works the s*** outta you and then somebody else comes along and says oh that’s not a big deal lol Does it make you feel small question make you feel like wanting to rise above it? Rise above the thing that wrote to I mean? Including the earthquake brought about by what the person commented on. LoL
Some people are meticulous about their own needs but oblivious about others! What I mean to say is their interest is cued completely one way!
That’s just what we need, muscles without working! Losing weight without working!
Limitations and Challenges/Limitations vs Challenges! It seems to me that life is always filled with having to give things up; make way for what other people want or need! But not everyone is interested in playing by those rules when it’s their turn to sacrifice! Just how small of a space in a room full of people or even one, are you willing or able to occupy based upon reasonable or unreasonable circumstances? Well that’s a very good question! Sometimes you have 2 people in the room who need a lot of room. Sometimes you have 2 people in a room you don’t care about how much room the other person requires. Sometimes you have 2 people in the room who don’t need a lot of room. Sometimes you have 2 people who care very much how much room the other person requires. Sometimes it’s 1 person 1 way and another person the other way -usually! Relationships don’t last when they involve 2 people unwilling to budge! Usually there’s at least one person who is willing to budge! I guess the only time I get to think entirely of myself is when I’m with myself!*
*What percentage of people, what percent of the time do you suppose are trying to get around other people and what they want so they can get what they want? Everybody in this country is being raised to get; 🤔 because America has become “the gettin’ place”! 🔐 and 🔑! A nation filled with things to get; only works with a nation filled with people bred to get! Only stands to reason you need a nation full of people “materialistic enough” to buy it all!
If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough!
We all have to make a choice; and in doing so choose aside!
Man has issues with delayed consequences and takes issue with delayed gratification.
In order for something like this to work they have to… A company comes in on a major buying and selling website and offers one year insurance for 44.99. Of course the only way this works is if the main website company doesn’t offer to begin with which some might argue they should. They delete something so that somebody can come in and exploit it. Possibly intentionally?
Company’s sure seized the opportunity during covid to negate a long standing…. For consumers. Bedding companies, underwear and so forth; no one wants to take returns. That is a huge advantage for the companies; and a huge disadvantage for consumers. And this argument about people not wanting to buy beds that someone with covered men have slept in his b*******. I’ll buy one. You just spray it down with disinfectant. I mean how many people are sleeping directly on a mattress come on? As far as the hygiene goes, it’s no different than it’s been throughout the history of business! Nonsense! “Man “the exploiter”!
“Harmful” is ‘the word’ you want to avoid in your relationships!
Take a year, atleast 6 months off from your relationships, and see if you still feel “the same” or “stronger” -the results my surprise you!
“Do your best; and see where it goes!” 🤷♀️❤🤷♂️
One of the earliest writings that came to me was that any relationship can only go as long as it has acceptance as its foundation. I’m changing the wording a little here. Let me try it in the original form: A relationship when acceptance ends… Nope, not it either. Two people set out on a road together; but once they reach a fork in that road that cannot be overcome… They can even travel two roads, as long as they do not venture too far from each other. Some relationships however, 🤔 seem to be able to survive just about anything. But anyways; Relationships tend to end when one or both people encounter something along the way that can no longer be tolerated or accepted. It seems to me that the odds are against long term relationships because as time goes on, as a relationship evolves; and encounters new and different territory… it only stands to reason that sooner or later you’re going to run into something that is unacceptable to you, or the other person. When this happens, at the relationship more-often-than-not ends! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
Sometimes naming something diminishes its meaning. Diminishes our understanding of it. Giving ourselves a name for what we are for example!
Life often seems just a little bit ahead of us! A little more than we are willing or able to bare. A little more than we are able to deal with based upon where we are @@ that given moment in our lives!
Think of a sphere or the Solar System with the orbit of the planets around the sun.
●There are the things you started out knowing
● There are the things you didn’t know but eventually learned
Scratch that!
● There are the things we can do from the start -seemingly
● There are the things we cannot do, but eventually we learn to do them
● And then there are those things we want to do that will forever remain beyond our abilities!
● And finally, those things which will forever remain beyond our willingness
When your feelings about a relationship begin to change, is it because of you or is it because of them? I don’t think enough people know the difference. I don’t think enough people really give significant thought to this. I think most of the time we think it’s the other person. But it’s almost always about the way WE feel! We stop feeling a certain way for either reason and it’s time to move on.
FACEBOOK “Some people care: as long as it doesn’t cost them anything!”
You search long enough, you’ll find some truth’s!
Put together a company that competes with another bigger company, and they’ll buy you out for millions -and you retire. AMERICAN WAY BABY! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
A resentment is a conscious or subconscious attempt to continue to punish someone who is no longer guilty of an offense!
About half the people in this country running around p***** off – are ungrateful!
Many people wonder why God doesn’t let them win the lottery. The answer to that is that most of the people playing it don’t really need it. And the other part of that answer is that it would do more harm than good. But here’s a little known fact that many people refuse to recognize…. God will not Grant us something however much good it has with it-if it is going to do one single bit of harm however small!
Have you done anything wrong in your relationship? Then what are you afraid of?
I always ask myself have you heard anyone? Have you had any intentions to harm another human being whether you have actually done it or not -whether you were successful in acting out…‽ Then you have nothing to worry about or to feel ungrateful for!
There are different reasons for saying things about people that sound critical or judgmental. Not all of them are in fact based upon being critical or judgmental. Or perhaps it is safer to say that they are critical but not judgmental. Clint Walker in his Western movies was not a man to go around judging people but he could be critical of their behavior. What would a Western be without some critique of one’s fellow man lol
“Everything has to go thru so much process; takes forever to get anything done!” AUNT NIN
The Republicans and Democrats do nothing but tear each other down! Which wouldn’t be so bad if it was sincere, if not valid. But, you switch places, and their attitudes completely do “an about face”!
When GOD introduces a miracle man wants to tear it to shreds to determine some other reason!
90% is all one can expect from their partner!
Trying to get a female in to “THE PRESIDENCY” for what????? Tell me; for what????
When you feel jealous of others good-fortune, DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF -IT’S AN INDICATION YOU NEED THAT!
Think about all this power being used to generate money and what it could do to generate God’s principles and message!
With the advent of social media and global reporting, now maybe the people in this country can begin to recognize just how fortunate we really are!
Even if you accept a token of gratitude from others, God under certain circumstances will give you HIS blessing nonetheless!
We want guns out of the hands of [disturbed] people; 🤔 but what about the mental illness that’s left? That’s OK as long as they don’t have a gun!
So many different people creating so many different languages has to be a sign of God! It would take a genius to do something like that! A particular kind of genius. How could there be one in every country?
Alot of people get animals when they’re puppies -and forget about then when the grow up -AUNT NIN
There are all kinds of geniuses -but not necessarily viewed [or appreciated] equally by the public!0
Don’t just do the right thing; do the kind thing! 👍🏻
Maybe there’s nothing wrong, maybe you’re just getting out of your groove and your element into a new and exciting way of life and doing things! Sometimes when we do things in a new and better way, it can feel very uncomfortable-almost as if we’re doing something wrong!
You can use a compliment for example to build-up your ego or your esteem-worth.
Hyperactive body… it only stands to reason there’s such a thing as a hyperactive brain!
Every dynamic has 2 sides to it. For example, there are a lot of people with issues running around in our society today. A lot of people like that idea because for one thing it makes the medical community a lot of money. The other thing is that it weakens the society and makes it vulnerable. But the flip side of it is that a certain number of people are creating problems for society. In some cases they pick up a gun and do mass shootings among other things. But while certain people are benefiting from this, others are suffering! This begs the question, is a why these things are not changing?But the one side of the population is suffering as a result? Because another side, a more powerful side is Ben a fitting? We want to take the guns out of these sick people’s hands, but we don’t wanna make them better because a certain part of the population would then lose money! We simply have to put a stop to this insanity!
The way to cover all your bases and life is to be grateful for everything GOD gives you and grateful for everything GOD doesn’t give you! Why? BECAUSE HE KNOWS!!!
Can you look into the heart of another man? Can you see the future? GOD CAN!!! So why wouldn’t you rely on HIM! You rely on the camera at 2000′ of depth in the ocean!
Old news! I think this came to me 25 years ago along with about 75% of the current writings. There was such an influx early on. Between 90/91 [can’t seem to remember] -1999]. Realistically, they have been coming steadily for 32 years to date. And today is the day after Valentine’s Day 2023. My best guess is around August of 1991; but it could have been August 1990. So, 🤔 here we are once again. Nowadays, man seems more and more content in this country to get what he can out of his fellow human-being! Get what he can out of his fellow human being rather than create a bond of brotherhood between himself and those around him! You can’t have it both ways! This, I am very sure of -about 25 years ago what came to me was that if we do not take care of our children; they are going to start taking care of themselves -and the previous generation is not gonna like one bit what they are seeing, let alone getting for having let down your children; and your children’s children! 🤷♂️🤷♀️ You want to be a selfish generation, then suffer for it; you want to believe the lies the government and other authorities are telling you because it’s beneficial to them, and in some cases, convenient for you, then suffer for it; and watch your children (and their children) suffer as well! *When we act stingy with one another it creates an environment of fear and resentment. This atmosphere becomes rampant! Remember the movie it’s a wonderful life? Remember the 2 possible futures? The 2 possible futures based on a man’s decision to act one way or another?
People either want things, accept things, or reject things! There’s really nothing else! [Most] People are pretty set regarding this! People either accept things [either out of courtesy (but not interested at all), or didn’t think about it before)]; go after things they (think) they really want; or reject things. Man is notorious for getting confused between what he wants and what he needs. Man is notorious for getting confused about what he needs and what he thinks he needs! Man, not only manipulates others, he manipulates himself (and not necessarily in that order)! Looking at the world and history, man is clearly confused about what he wants, needs, and should reject! Mankind sort of lives between GOD’S perfect plan and satan’s… He doesn’t want perfection; but he doesn’t want to spend an eternity damned either!
If you want to know the future; look at the past! A wise man once told me -some 20 year ago?
You don’t have to have an expectation of something, GOD has endowed every man with the (inalienable) right to meet his own needs; or have his own needs met!
Just like some material things don’t fit and it’s no reflection on better or worse.. It’s the same thing with human relationships!
One major key to relationships is don’t plant a seed of resentment or hurt in them if you can possibly avoid your! Just one by itself could lead to a minor mood or retaliation issue-thus setting off a pattern or chain reaction between the 2 of you that builds!
All-too-often, it comes down to the way we feel not what is right!
Which is better? To be better than someone in the present? Better than someone in the future?
Is it better to make all your mistakes in the beginning of life when you have nothing to lose -rather than at the end of life when you accrue so much and stand to lose it?
It’s better to be a sinner in the beginning and a Saint in the end that way you can go to Heaven. Some people start out being saints and then in the being centers..
So if we cannot come to a resolution, then our only recourse, our only two options are violence or acceptance
Candy bar stolen escalation two philosophies 🤔 let it go; the other, Accountability at all costs!
Practice letting things go!
Unless it’s a threat to society we have to pay for our own Justice! Is that right the legal system does not pay for individual. Even though all of our taxes pay for all avenues were areas of the legal system.
You have to remember that the cop or the judge don’t know who’s lying and who’s telling the truth even though you do. And the people who don’t know what happened are the ones with the power instead of you who do know what happens.
I have a lot to learn! Scratch that-I have a lot to apply!
The human approach versus the spiritual approach:
Calm down or I understand how you’re feeling
Listening and saying nothing and letting them bent. Saying I can’t even begin to understand how you are feeling. Or, I don’t blame you for being upset I would feel exactly the same way! See the difference between a human approach and a spiritual principled approach? Human principles based on fear and the need to control versus spiritual principles of acceptance end of empathy and comforting. Comforting versus appeasing. Allowing a person freedom versus manipulating them. Human beings love their individuality. Now tell me something, is that why there is such a wide or broad spectrum of knowledge in the professional field in dealing with various situations instead of a set standard? I understand that there are standards in many professional settings but why is it that so many human beings view from that standard and basically have their own individual approach ? Why is it with regard to the above situation when someone is angry that we have so many so called professionals with so many different approaches other than the one that is the standard in that organization! And the answer to that is that human beings love their individuality! Their freedom to express and act individually! There’s at least a basic standard on child rearing at this point in history I believe And how close are we as individual parents in this country to following that standard than we were a 1000 years ago? When there wasn’t even a standard! Again, people love their individuality! Even if it’s wrong or damaging to the most sacred thing we hold dear-our children and our future! People spend thousands of dollars on an education but how much do we spend on being educated on how to raise our children properly?
More and more nowadays people are out for all they can get from their fellow human being; Rather than show an interest in the brotherhood of their fellow human being. You can’t have a both ways! When we are stingy and greedy we bring fear and resentment and separation between one another. Whereas when we are giving and compassionate, we bring a sense of relief, trust, and wanting to draw closer to one another! R&M 👫👫
Remember I was telling you about the ways in which state and tries to dupe mankind? And how ignorant and skewed our thinking is? OK – Man has been asking the question for centuries as to whether or not there is an intelligence in the universe, and intelligence behind it all! t’s the stupidest question one could ever ask if you think about it. What is the universe if not intelligence? The smartest people throughout history are just scratching the surface running their brains at maximum RPM just to try and figure out the simplest of things in our universe! Anyone care to rethink that question!
IT’S GOOD to remain on your toes, maintain “that slight nervousness” about you with regard to your relationship throughout the entirety of IT’S existence!
Most people cannot compart mentalize their feelings. Most people’s hearts do not work that way. The solution of life tends to form their emotional self which they in turn bring with them in their approach to life more or less. I mean there’s some of that but for the most part people are emotionally sloppy I guess.
What if we choose not to react to not being spitually sound? Is that even possible?
People who are struggling in life and not on medication must be even more vigilant about their spiritual upkeep.. I don’t do well with that.
Given what people are dealing with, given the structure of modern-day American society… More and more people feel the need to medicate! That should tell us something! But try telling that to the drug dealers and alcohol companies and prescription growth drug companies.. And everybody selling anything to anyone in need of some relief.
It’s a terrible thing to go through life not feeling good enough. But how many of us contribute to that individual’s feelings? As long as there are so called “cliques”, there will be people who feel “unwanted”. Where is the chasm between the norms of society and spiritual principles? If you dissect the norms of humanity, I think you will find them wanting and lacking! Grounded in ignorance and ofselfish motives! And they used to tell me in counseling that social norms…! I was told in counseling, I must try and aspire to reach that level? Not a very lofty goal in my estimation -but a start.
When you have a society that basically gives in to man’s unbridled cell… But we are saying now we’re continually new things need to be furnished in order to continue to get money from the masses… It’s a never ending cycle! Any one want to challenge that! Man is also fast running away from himself and looking to discover what’s out there in the universe! You can only go in 2 directions: Inward and outward! The key to life is to go inward 1st. I cannot even believe with my own 2 eyes when I am seeing! When you are able to sit back and see society and all its sickness… you have not only a rarerror insight but also a powerful one! So many people in this country living for the next something-but not from GOD, but from man! IT’S A SICKNESS!
How many negative encounters in society with human beings does the typical person have to have before they begin to see humanity as a whole as a threat? Remember what I said earlier about human beings lacking the ability to comport mentalize. How many times does a woman have to be hurt by one man or how many men does a woman have to be hurt by before she begins to see all men as a threat? Interesting question Don’t you think? Don’t you think?
Is there anything wrong with doing things for people -and only wanting love and return?
My family works like this don’t ask us for anything we don’t ask you for anything. But now that my aunt and Uncle are elderly and needs something guess what -I’m doing something for them but they have the same attitude as before.I think my aunt and Uncle also have years of penta presentment Towards me, towards my part of the family, towards humanity and general!
☆☆☆☆☆I have 2 things going against me: both parents who were attics and alcoholics and died in their disease; And I’m not on any medication; Only spiritual medication should I choose to partake of it!
If you have to vent to your partner sometimes it’s best to keep these people you’re talking about anonymous so that if by chance they meet there’s no hard feelings. No pre judgment. No judgment at all actually. I made this mistake month my former girlfriend. About my family no less perit’s not a good thing when your girlfriend meets her family and she’s already resentful of them.
If people spend thousands of dollars on these hyperbolic chambers and underwater think tanks and stimulus deprivation rooms… and they do in fact work! Then what is always ever increasing bombardment doing to us and our mental and emotional and spiritual state? How is it affecting our ability to make sound judgments and decisions? It seems to me that it’s pretty evident That it’s affecting these things pretty badly! Think about how much time and energy and money we spend throwing back into the system. Is the system serving us or are we serving it? This on going rat race of going to work and then giving the money back the money back… living paycheck to paycheck while certain people get rich off of this cycle; off of us! The very people many of us loathe, we are supporting!
People’s expectations of their relationships quite often change.. And if you don’t change along with them -you are probably out! We see this quite often with people as they go from being immature in their relationship to maturing more and more. But who’s right or wrong in all of this? Surely all these relationships that are failing in our society cannot be a good thing. So where’s the issue? They tell me expectations of others is not a good thing. But constant growth personally and in your relationship is!
Dishonesty is a lack of faith in GOD!
We have to keep the sweet on our relationship clean at all times! THATS 1/2 THE KEY!!!!
What was America like when people were more united in this country? Well for one thing small government. People were more trusting. More willing to help one another. More fulfilled; less needy; less materialistic; fewer mental-healtg issues.
The greatest fear of those in power is the uniting of those they rule over! But we see in this country is a breaking down of unity among those being ruled! You want to know the future-look at the past!
Phones ate a distraction -or didn’t you know that? People have been heading more and more in the direction of “running away from life, from life’s problems” for quite some time now! There’s money 💰 to be made in that; as well as a decided advantage!
Tell me some people don’t really think this way ź The more drug addicted, alcoholic, mentally ill people there are out there, the less competition for their own spawn!
If we couldn’t cut it in the garden of Eden and how the h*** are we gonna do out here? If we couldn’t keep from taking the 1st drink how are we gonna keep from taking the 2nd drink after we’ve had the 1st one?
The more we expose ourselves to “TRUTH” the more of GOD’S GRACE we will need as well!
WE L@@K out of curiosity and vulnerability! No curiosity, no feeling of vulnerability, NO [NEED TO] L@@K! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
Take away the phones and people will start talking to each other again! Keep them in place and everything will remain as it is! Until, the next level anyways! The next wave!
HONEY with MINT!!!
You could have one weakness in your character; but a strength to counter it. Low self esteem that would normally lead to anxiety, and feelings of depression, worry about what others think of you… butt ☝ you also happen to have so.ething in your make up to neutralize theze effects of thatow self esteem!
Youre wearing down your batteries!
If ignorance is bliss; then what is “hyper-awareness’?
TEFLON-back versus spiny-back reversed! Alcoholics?
What’s the difference between a normal person who gets ignored and someone with “a-god-complex”?
The higher the stakes, the fewer people who can stand “the pressure”!
A sick mind cannot fix a sick mind; and a mind filled with “the world” cannot adequately contend with it!
So, if people who lived in poverty in childhood tend to go through life worrying about their finances even after being successful; how does growing up with many extras in life affect the person’s attitude towards finances and other things throughout the remainder of their life?
That’s the thing about having a free-floating-personality! No consistency! No stability!
If the problem is small -dont make it bigger! If the problem is BIG -address it as quickly as possible!
That’s the problem with having a job as a writer focusing on the world’s problems…
Better get used to it -doing things with lil or nothing in return from people, little or no gratitude, next to giving one’s life for another, is perhaps the highest honor… way of honoring GOD’S WILL!
Determining early on whether life is favorable to you or not and doing so accurately is a very important thing! A lot of people have it better than they might realize and they think life sucks! Life has it out for them!
Second week in a row -my days are off; VERY TELLING? BUT ABOUT WHAT?
FACEBOOK “Some people CAN make a decision; others can only try; but they will fail [because it’s not in them -not where they’re at].”
FACEBOOK “So many people out there who either:
1)Want what they want, or;
2)Are trying to protect themselves, or;
I think my personality is controlled by my mind. If you can believe that. Kind of seems to be one of the more effective selections. Thoughtfulness. Politeness. Not from instinct. Not even from a naturally ingrained developmental standpoint early on.
“Are we not more than [just] fish in a pond; waiting for the next hook; with the latest worm; to get dropped into “the stream of life”? WE ARE DEVO!
FACEBOOK “It’s not enough to ask somebody to remove something, to put a halt to something…. No, we have to sue them! WE MUST START TEACHING PEOPLE TO PLACE LESS VALUE ON MONETARY THINGS; AND MORE VALUE ON “HIGHER-PRINCIPLES”!”
FACEBOOK “Thieves and Moths and Politicians too 🤔 Stop making clothes out of the things moths enjoy. Stop rewarding crooked politicians with the things they desire most. Stop giving so much value to the things in life that in turn [exceed actual value and] make thieves want to steal them [from you, grom me…]!” 🤷♂️🤷♀️ YOU CANNOT STEAL “A PRINCIPLE” -BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHEN A PERSON HAS PRINCIPLES, THEY DO NOT WANT TO STEAL! WHICH IS THE GREATEAST ASSURANCE OF ALL!!!!
Two very telling keys to love calling GOD loves us because of who he is and because of what we are -not because of who we are!
Some people are unhappy either way!
Between the way people are and my high intellect, I can’t seem to find peace!
“Don’t worry about a thing, you’re doing great; It’s the rest of the world that’s f***** up -well that’s what keeps worrying me! 😆
🤔 I think I just figured out something, I was somewhat spoiled as a child so I think I myself am pretty liberal with my own money when it comes to spending it on myself and helping others. Remember the point above about how people who tend to grow up in poverty spend the remainder of their lives being extremely cruel and even stingy? Will there you have at exclamation poiat least that’s one example.
When it appears that people are on the verge of letting us down, it’s an opportunity for us to think of them in that situation in the best possible light -not the worst one.
GOD says the worst thing you can do to a human being is be kind to them in every way -even though they don’t treat you that kind. And when they lose you, it’s the worst feeling in the world for all but the most hardened and emotionless people!
FACEBOOK “Life, with all its challenge’s -is but a grain of sand in an ocean of GOD’S love!“❤❤
I think i’m afraid of putting myself in a position required [vulnerability -not 💰 but my ❤] to have a relationship with someone [which it is so important to never let your feelings race ahead of trust -but when you have been lonely and desperate -I know it’s hard Rick!]
If you can’t get love from others and you won’t accept GOD’S love… 🤷♂️🤷♀️
FACEBOOK “Every reaction says something about us! Are we paying attention?”
FACEBOOK “GOD doesn’t have to give; and I don’t have to give!”
FACEBOOK A Grandmother’s love: “One of the earmarks of love is that people want to give more than get more from those they love. When love is not involved, this is generally not the case!”
FACEBOOK “If you have no intention of giving; you probably shouldn’t accept.”
Some of the worst of the worst own houses; and some of the best of the best can’t afford them -this says alot about our species; if not our world! GOD?
There are 2 kinds of faith in human relationships: Faith in others and their abilities; Faith in you and your abilities. Both tend to… but not equally, generally speaking.
If ignorance is bliss; then what is hyper-awareness? If people have been seeking solitude to get centered, and to clear their minds; then what is the state or condition of the average American constantly being bombarded?
Think highly of others; not poorly!
Life’s hard enough without us making it harder for our selves!
How to be prepared for everything!
GOD wants to encourage our faith not discouraged! And in as many cases as possible call when we show faith in GOD… GOD is very pleased and wants to both encourage, and reward!
TRUST should surpass feelings in any relations. And at any given point throughout the relationship.
*Man historically, has learned how to exploit certain situations [not all of them yet]; but why stop there? As man grows [as he was created to do?], and begins to gain in confidence, and in this case “lose-ground morally”; How shall I put this, 🤔 he begins to ask himself such questions as “why should I wait around to exploit certain situations that come around “only so often”?” Why not “create these situations” [or scenarios @ will] and thus “exploit them @ will”?**
**An atmosphere of fear is always presented with an opportunity to exploit the individual or the masses! This is in fact quite an ancient and well-understood fact throughout history – Scattering a herd of animals; Introducing fear and discombobulation… It’s a very basic but effective example of exploiting an opportunity created by the predator itself!
Man doesn’t tend to be a giver under the “Capatalist-sun”! Not our best system to operate under in terms of “the propagation of charity and brotherly-love”!
Wherever possible, a man certainly wants to avoid issue or resentment over a given outcome or situation. At said, he most certainly does not want to develop an issue or a resemblance over something that has not in fact happened -except in his mind!
FACEBOOK “Most human beings are flawed on their best day! Most human beings are flawed even when trying to do good! So, when we find ourselves amidst an individual or group of individuals who are not necessarily trying to do good -along with the added fact that human beings are basically flawed-creatures… [it creates a “double-flaw” of sorts]?” 🤷♂️🤷♀️
FACEBOOK “Wherever man happens to be in his evolution, without a “positive-effort” instilled in him [his spawn as well], wherever he is at; ensuing generations will continue to take up where he left off, this spiraling downwards (of course not everyone is spiraling downwards -in their own estimation as long as they continue to remain above their fellows -“SICK”) [two ways of gaining advantage over your fellows: rising above them; causing them to spiraling downwards; or preferably both]!”
FACEBOOK “Why are we not progressing in certain areas? As if in fact, we are regressing? Well, man has problems in certain areas he refuses to overcome. Additionally, knowledge is power, man often likes to interfere with the “natural evolution of his fellows” in an attempt to gain ‘an advantage’. And finally, man loves to interfere with evolution in order to “make a name for himself”, or to “suit his own fancy”. This I would term “Man, the selfish creature” or “Man, the twisted creature”.”
FACEBOOK “We humans are not perfect. When… Well I suppose it depends on what we’re looking for. This is a bit cumbersome but I’ll try to relay it just the same. When embarking upon a relationship with another human being who is as stated above -flawed as we all are. It’s important that that individual have at their basic core -a goodness to them. Or ar the very least “the desire to be good”. Or at the very least “the potential “desire to be good””. Now then, how shall I put this; GOD doesn’t require us to be good; Otherwise all bets would be off with 90% of the population. But I think at the very least -HE is looking for either “the desire to be good” or “the potential desire to be good” innate in most individuals!”
“Passive-aggressive” what an unsophisticated approach! The ability or even the willingness to communicate in a diplomatic fashion under the most taxing of circumstances… When we have resentment towards people it is so difficult to be diplomatic. To show panache.
Another thing in reverse-betting is that you don’t risk the lower tier only to have y, our team end up losing in the final tier! Because then you end up losing money and you endip without the final objective intact! If you bet against your team and they win and you lose money… That’s great! But if you lose money and they fail to make it to the ultimate goal then you’ve garnered a loss-loss scenario. It’s best to bet on the final-game-only… So that when you bet against your team, if they win you win, if they lose you win, and that’s the end of it!
FACEBOOK “I, like most human beings, have a vested in entertaining a particular discussion or addressing a particular issue. When this vested interest is removed however, the possibilities are endless -become infinite rather than finite!”
FACEBOOK “I, like most people need help seeing the forest from the trees; as well as the trees from the forest! Man cannot reach his full potential individually -Nor can he come up with solutions to all his problems without a collective effort –And the same holds true for “The actual implementation of these solutions” which eventually lead to “a resolution”! Therefore, why so often does man insist on “taking-on-life” HALF-COCKED so-to-speak? 🤔 Well, among other things, competition rather than cooperation! Competition can be a very good thing! Unfortunately, man often lacks the insight regarding when to compete and when to cooperate [or simply refuses -as is so often the case (it’s his continual shortcoming]!”
FACEBOOK “Oftentimes, man’s interest, or primary goal: is not harmony, or even success; but destruction [failure through destruction -success through failure -WOW]!”
FACEBOOK “We want to avoid the definition [or the materialization “of the definition”] of the term “harmful” in our relationships!” But not at “any and all costs”! 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Consumption of alcohol, the pursuit of its effects, comes at a price -self-induced “poisoning”. Poisoning in “small doses”!
FACEBOOK “Success strictly for the pursuit of success itself -is no sucess all! I think about couples and alcoholics anonwho seemingly have healthy relationships. I want to be one of those people. I want to be able to say say I also have a healthy relationship. But it can’t be in and of itself success. There has to be substance behind it! Love!”
FACEBOOK “Think about what the world is like without love [the areas that lack it significantly -go on, you can do it]! And then ask yourself “Why would you or anybody else -ever want to bring less of it; rather than more of it into the world?” 🤔 Is it because we’re not thinking straight? Rather, is it because man in his narrow and selfish thinking; is only interested in creating love in his own personal [hand-picked] little worlds -here and there!”
FACEBOOK “Exaggerating something or seeing it in its extreme form is often necessary for we human-beings to grasp it more fully!”
If light is a particle -then where does it go when the room turns dark after the light is turned off?
FACEBOOK “First they make these spy phones so you can take the battery out and they can’t spy lol [dumb]. Then the following year or two later, they make them so that the battery can’t be taken out. It doesn’t make any sense to the consumer. Unless you’re trying to spy on them! I remember Ana seeing a commercial with a woman vacuuming and her new TV had a camera and she could see herself on that tv. But they pulled that commercial rather quickly and you never saw it again.”*
*Remember the man who said “give me liberty or give me death?” Modern day Americans seem to be more content with “go ahead and take away some of my freedoms -that I may be a bit more safe!” #1 The right to privacy #2 A government accountable to “the people!” #3 Once you set up a system that makes the masses vulnerable… All that needs to happen is to have the wrong person slip in and take charge of that mechanism or machine that has been put in place! All that needs to happen is to have the wrong person slip in and take charge of that mechanism or machine [or philosophy] that has been put into place! “AND DON’T GIVE ME ANY OF THAT SHIT ABOUT “YOUR CHILDREN”; I’m quite certain that the men who stood by this philosophy had children as well! In fact, a big part of the reason for this philosophy was to protect their children from the very thing we believe we’re being protected by today [Haven’t you heard the saying, man is both corruptible and changeable at the same time? You don’t sell your soul to satan in order to protect yourself from a man]. Jesus Christ, what is it gonna take for man to stay on track generation after generation after generation! We forget about the lessons from the past and we repeat the same mistakes over and over! I’m sure there’s a philosophy in there somewhere -I’ve heard of before LMAO Human beings need constant reminding about the lessons of the past! Some human-beings, and with great zeal I might add 🤔 -are hoping, or helping us to forget those lessons; so that they can exploit us!
Wishing anything less than absolute success: the absolute best for those around you; those you are closest to and love -is no good!
If we don’t want people robbing from each other then don’t make material things the most important thing among that society. And don’t make a shift where there is a gap creating two very lopsided sectors of that society! Once again, we create our own problems. And the rich and powerful were probably as much or more to blame have a greater ability to protect themselves from the problem then do the weak and poor. So they’re attitude as indifferent because they think they can have the best of both worlds.
FACEBOOK “Didn’t the people who wrote the Constitution [CERTAINLY THEIR CHILDREN & THEIR GRANDCHILDREN] -What? 🤔 We think we know more about the mindset of the these people from glancing, from glossing over [in some cases] a piece of paper -the mere foundation of perhaps the greatest society in man’s history, to date- by a few twisted people who themselves happen to come along a couple hundred years later with their own twisted agendas?… Weren’t they [our Founding-Fathers] around when the Lord’s prayer; and the Ten-Commandments; and statues of various religious figures were placed in places of government? Considered protectors of these institutions! Both they and these representations of The Christian-Faith -considered protectors of these institutions?” 🤔🤔🤔 JESUS CHRIST!!!!! THINK! THINK! THINK!
FACEBOOK “Can anybody see a correlation between the direction we’re heading in [in this country] -and the demise [sudden and rapid decline] our world is experiencing??? “KNOW GOD -KNOW PEACE! NO GOD -NO PEACE!””
Alcoholics, and some men; 🤔 are notorious for taking a magnifying glass and using either side to suit them!
There are plenty of people out there that we think would be good for us as partners. But GOD knows who would be the very best! Man could have the best possible partner that GOD led them to -and yet in his own mind, looking into another pasteur, say to himself “that would be better!” GOD’S ways are not our ways!
“The truth shall set us free -but it may hurt like h*** [@ first]!” Neil
“This program [AA] may hurt you -but it will never harm you!” Neil
FACEBOOK “If you approach people with your own welfare and your own interest in mind -you are liable to receive a somewhat unwelcome response at the very least! But if you approach people with their own welfare in mind [dual-interest] -even with your own interest in tact -you are liable to receive a luke-warm, if not semi-appreciative response at the very least! Anger de-escalation! When people in the store for example or over the phone with customer service for example show no interest in your issue -but only bring their own concerns to the fore – It tends to escalate a person’s anger. However, when in a similar situation you encounter a person who at the very least shows concern for your own concerns and welfare… It tends to de-escalate your anger does it not?”*
*Telling people you understand when you really don’t semi: telling people to calm down when their angry as well -doesn’t work for a lot of people! Listening quietly does in many cases! All some people want is to be heard!** Additionally, relating to people [supporting them] who are angry by telling them “UfI was in your position, I would be angry as well” also can be effective in de-escalating their anger or frustration(s). Thank You Magpie ❤
**When somebody comes to me with an issue nowadays, the first thing I ask them is this: Are you just wanting to be listened to; or are you seeking my input?
I wouldn’t say that the weak cannot help the week -but I will say it is often the case -the weak attempting to help the weak! Because the strong are often living in another part of town so to speak! Literally, and figuratively. When GOD made us, HE offered everything to us that HE knew we needed, I’m including things inside of us that would allow us collectively to face life together and be victorious! But mankind, with all the challenges life presents, and in spite of GOD’S wisdom, has chosen a different path -often leading to failure [or defeat if you will]! He leaves the weak behind in many instances. He also has his own ideas about what victory entails -He often buys into the notion that the life he himself has created [without GOD’S help so he thinks, nor his fellows so he thinks], is a Victorious one! How many of us can say that we achieve the life we achieved with no participation or help from our fellow human-beings or from GOD whatsoever!? How many of us believe we can have victory over life when God-ordained that man is to only have victory over life with God’s help and with the help of his fellow human beings in the form of unity and brotherhood of man? It just isn’t so! Whatever life you think you have built for yourself on your own which appears to be Victorious -is only a sham-life! It’s like the person who goes through life picking and choosing who he will love while disregarding the rest of his fellows -real love [inside of us] JUST DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY! 💔 So whatever you think you’re giving to “a select few”… you might want to think again!
Instead of men and women seeing themselves as an intricate part, two parts of a puzzle that need each other… We only see what… check that… we use what GOD-created as a beautiful mystery designed to help us to solve problems and provide us with companionship… We tend to see our differences in such a way as to only lead to conflict rather than harmony and benefit [opportunities for: growth; problem-resolution [where our own limitations end… where we ourselves are weak; our partner is perhaps strong; and visa-versa (if we have chosen a partner according to GOD’S will and wisdom); companionship; more balanced off-spring]!
Sometimes experiences we have had, we think 🤔 later prompt us to overreact; are in fact raising us, our attitudes… to the level where they/we should be to begin with! Where they should have been all along [🤔we are right where we’re supposed to be @ any given time?]. We have an experience over here, and we bring the residual effects of that experience experience over there. Isn’t that the way I’m supposed to work? Are we not at all times a product of all our experiences? Unless of course you choose to use that experience in a negative way in a situation over there! Experiences are designed to make us better not worse! Better not worse with the challenges that lie ahead! If man would only operate according to how GOD intended us to!
“I was raised to keep people away come and not draw them close to me!”If we know delayed consequences don’t work and delayed gratification is unwanted by man….
If we know delayed consequences don’t work and delayed gratification if something man wants nothing to do with… Then explain to me why…
Reverse psychology: Teaching [conditioning] people that the right way doesn’t work [is essentially the wrong way] because the world is backwards [without informing them the latter of course]! In the town where I live and where alcoholism and addiction and abuse and neglect are so prevalent… towards the women… it’s the norm… A man who is kind and honest and gentle and loving, is not greeted well. Finds out rathervquickly that his character is something they are not comfortable with. When children are not being taught as is the case now… or by example being shown the wrong way… it can work to their advantage when facing God! Since God is a just God, he does not punish people for not knowing right from wrong!
Child support and children, a couple of things I ran into that were problematic with the system: For one thing we don’t demand that parents work to raise their children and support them! For another thing we don’t keep tabs on how much money is being spent in the home on the children-my father spent a total of negative $100 a month on me every month in support.
What’s the opposite of retaliation? In terms of achieving the opposite result? The opposite result in a similar situation which calls for retaliation!
Depending on how often you clean something it will either continue to get cleaner or continue to get dirtier. Thoroughness matters as well!
The more I tell myself not to be afraid the more afraid I become!
Once the order has been sent from the brain to a particular part of the body it’s too late isn’t it?
Which is responsible for more human achievement, fear or lack of fear? Fear or courage?
FACEBOOK “Some people are here to be served; most to serve. You find out pretty early on, which you have “been brought here for”! When we recognize our place, and follow through on it, it saves us and others -a lot of problems! For the longest time… “I”… refused to accept “my place”. Still not entirely sure about it. [certainly don’t care for it*]” 🤔
*I have to remember though, “the physical world” and “the spiritual world” are like two pyramids that are “mirror-opposites”. Most people want to be a part of the Pyramid where they are on top -not at the bottom. It’s a little bit confusing. Confusing as to which one is right side up and the other is upside down. In the spiritual Pyramid, the last shall be 1st and the 1st shall be last – That being said, is the Pyramid right side up or right side down? Well I suppose it goes like this -in the physical world the spiritual Pyramid appears upside down. In the spiritual world the physical Pyramid appears upside down. So, 🤔 from this we take: What man often views as “the top” GOD often views as the bottom. Another way of looking at it is this: In “man’s world” -there is the most and the least. In “the spiritual world” everything is equally significant; however seemingly big or small [but man always wants “THE BIG”].
*You say we make our own fate? They’re fate in the traditional sense is nonsense? Some of the smartest people in the world, are the most successful. And some of the not smartest people in the world, are the most successful? They buck the odds. But is that what it is? Some of the smartest people in the world come as hard as they try, can only amass nominal success! It just doesn’t make any sense; unless you look at it from the standpoint that it’s fate.
Some people will not do anything charitable -unless it’s big. They’ll cut a million dollar check; but they won’t go to the soup line and serve soup (beneath them?]. They’ll even cut a million dollar check as long as it’s tax deductible. Some people dream of doing big things; but they can’t even do the most humble (simplest] of things -really??? Very telling! Probably most of the most successful people in life [(certainly the most rounded (and grounded?)] started somewhere close to the bottom-thinking about it!
2 things man must always contend with: His [excessive] appetites; His [flailing/fleeting] sense of worth. Is this a system of checks and balances? [Or] Does man purposely instill in his fellow man “A SENSE OF UNWORTHINESS” [i.e. in his spawn -at an early age] in order to have a “competetive-edge”? Two ways man gains superiority over his fellow man: work to surpass others; work to thwart the progress of those around him.
Thank you for answering my prayer dear LORD 🙏🏻; for I had forgotten in a split 2nd this following writing which was a spinner from the above: If you really want to screw over your enemy get him before hes even been born! I utero? Ironically enough, or rather interestingly enough, it either doesn’t seem feasible, or 🤔 it simply isn’t necessary*. If you can produce a generation of highly dysfunctional individuals… They will do the work for you; in screwing over the next generation royally! Thus, giving you and your children “a significant competitive-edge”!
*Some people become so enamored with 💰; 💰, and the power it holds on this plane! Way beyond most people’s… MONEY IS THEIR GOD! 🤷♂️ The way the story goes is GOD should be the most important thing in your life! Therefore, 🤔 whether your “in the game or not” (because it’s a law and 🤔 last time I checked -none of us is exempt “from the law!”), whatever happens to be the most important thing “to you” is, “for all intense and purposes” (is there a more “impending* -“intensive purpose”” in/to life?) “YOUR GOD” -agree with it or not; like it or not!
*Had to look up 🤔
Does fear* put others at an advantage or at a disadvantage? How bout anger? Fighting a man who’s filled with anger or even rage can be a daunting task [but not to the man who is prepared for it].
*Do most people excel or underachieve [had to look up “opposite” of excel -sorry (didn’t feel like fumbling for a bit with it)] based upon fear?
☆☆☆☆☆Remember, 🤔 be prepared for anything! [With a few simple (basic) principles].
Do you know exactly what you need to do in order to stay it’s your exact weight and health? It came to me the other day-another way of looking at this is follow a precise exercise regime and you will reach a precise level and maintain it more or less by following the exact regime consistently. Only GOD can precisely… Just about everything involving man fluctuates -however slightly.
* Is man that diabolical and calculating with regard to his fellow man? No! Man is that diabolical and calculating with regard to achieving his own ends! Man just happens to be one of those obstacles in the way -by his way of thinking. Because everybody more or less wants the same thing out of life! Setting up a dysfunctional generasian is the beginning of a chain reaction of ensuing generations change when people are overworked, lacking in self knowledge, lacking in perspective, carrying within themselves a sense of helplessness and hopelessness with regard to making any significant change in their lives.
Some people get put into a situation where they are clearly unfamiliar and therefore their skills are weak. But they very quickly learn and strengthen in those areas where their skills are neat -must be nice!
Playing the victim is all well and fine -perhaps when you are single. A lot of things may in fact seem fine when you are single. But when you have a partner they are watching you. For one thing they have an entirely different perspective or bandage point. Another thing is that people are always looking to get a good deal -not a bad one! Not that there’s not some merit in a bad one – JESUS took on all kinds of bad deals -and gained merit after merit after merit [Glory in HIS case]!
“You know how many opportunities I’ve had in life personally and on the job and how did the world to communicate to people with diplomacy and wisdom and gentleness? Situations were people were hurtful or thoughtless? And you know how many of those opportunities have actually seized upon? Practically none of them! I either lashed out come or later in life get my mouth shut. Was it ego? Was it pride? Was it resentmentfulness? Was it self-preservation or self-interest? Was it aloofness? Was it discouragement? Was it ignorance? Was it fear?
People pulling up stakes and leaving seems to be a more and more common thing with relationships-people are becoming less and less monogamous minded in terms of sticking it out for the Long Haul! So,🤔 when our expectations don’t meet reality -even if that reality happens to be unrealistic or enhealthy… guess it doesn’t matter grom a certain perspective -You had an unreal expectations nonetheless! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
■■■■■ It takes humility to talk, and to listen a certain way. It takes humility to talk and to listen under certain circumstances. Clint Walker
“Go by the facts only “STAY-IN-THE-NOW!”; and nothing more!” And emotionally -you will be closer than ever to being aligned!
People who are mature have all sorts of advantages over people who are immature! When people are are facing people… when people who are mature are facing or being challenged by people who are immature…. The advantage definitely goes to the “more mature person!” In most cases*!
*Except maybe when it comes to 🤔 [a physical altercation]!
Don’t let life alter your Attitude or your Serenity! I suppose what I’m speaking of is composure? Attitude and Serenity equal composure? Composure I suppose is external; but what comprises it are: Attitude [state of the mind] and Serenity [state of the ❤]!
People don’t like to be wrong; even when they should be happy to be wrong [from movie “SULLY”]!
Many of us truly value life [the one “we’re given”, and actual “human-life” and “human-tragedy -whenever it should strike [do we really FEEL…] on the level [@ the “depth”] we should???? NOT ME!!!! 😔 [“incidentally, this emoji popped up @ end of sentence”].
How many Americans in this country are equipped to survive -should the parameters of civilization break down?
2 choices in life:
▪︎What we focus on and give power to; which in turn affects our “COMPOSURE” [our “Attitude” -the state of our minds; our “Serenity“ -the state of our 💕].
▪︎Whether to bring out “the (very) best” in those around us; or, 🤔 “the (very) worst”! 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Until you raise a child you’ll never come full circle. Until you forgive your parents you’ll never go full circle.
People, certain people will try to provoke us into ruining “the relationship”. They themselves either cannot do it. Or, in their own minds, can not allow themselves to be responsible -directly! How many times do people side-step? Instead of dealing with difficulties directly; we deal with them indirectly, or inappropriately [neurosis?]. Like when I have “fear” in my relationships -instead of confronting it [myself; my own…], or approaching the individual i’m in a relationship with about it; I do “sabotage”.
In any given situation we can only go to one extreme or the other -right? WRONG! We can also choose to off shoot in an entirely different direction [avoidance maybe?].