To my way of thinking: 🤔 I would rather choose [redirect my attention to] a suffering of my own design! Is it Defiance [“Screw you life; you’ve held “the reigns” long enough!”]? Is it Ego? Is it Self-destruction? Is it “all the above”?
Some people “take charge” of their lives very early on. And some people “never do”! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
GOD doesn’t ask for much -and what HE does ask, is for our own good! So whata’ya say? 🤔
If we are to be even the least bit deserving of what GOD gives us, what GOD grants us… WE MUST be willing to accept it under the conditions HE specifies -it’s the least we can do -DON’T YOU THINK?
Sometimes a child is actually quick enough or astute enough to add something to his regime [knowingly/unknowingly-Consciously/unconsciously]; to become so proficient at that one thing through only one mere experience in his early life. My grandparents on my mother side ment the world to meet. Their family was comprised of people of the highest values, merit. The day they, and my Uncle Harry drove me down to Los Angeles to live with my grandmother on my father’s side… My Uncle Harry proposed a number of questions to test my intelligence 🤔 Questions involving basic reasoning along the lines of physics and math[?]. “If you have a bottle that is 2″ square, with an opening twice that; and it is raining; at what rate will the bottle fill?” “I thought about it for a moment, for a minute, when grandmother stated” “Oh, leave him alone Harry”. This was at 6 -going on my 7th birthday [December 1969-January 1970ish]. I wonder if this brief exercise in reasoning, so prevalent in me later in life -actually layed the foundation for making these these writings?
Our demeanor and our spirit are comprised of our mind and our heart? Only one inward; and one outward -expression!
Some people make their experiences in early life out to be much worse than they actually were! When you can begin to look back on your own life and realize that 🤔 That it wasn’t all bad, that it wasn’t so bad when you balance out the good… There’s something very magical in that moment!
The only excuse you need for doing a kind act; for making a [significant] sacrifice for another -IS LOVE! So, stop piddling around with all those other lame excuses to try and comfort yourself, or justify what you’ve given up [or lost]! 🤔
We should never be envious of anyone’s good fortune! Don’t you realize the difficulty of living on this plane of existence -And just how desperately in need we are of rooting for one another? I’ll say it again, we should never be envious of anyone’s good fortune -let alone those we presumably claim we love! 🤔
When something good happens to somebody on the job, do you complain to your boss that it’s unfair? You often feel that in the back of your mind since you are either unworthy, or unliked by your boss, or whatever other reasons simply will not be able to garner the same praise or recognition or affection that your coworker received -that the next best thing is to try and have that “special-treatment” towards your coworker retracted? How would you feel if the same was done to you? But if you had worked extra hard on a project that no one but you and your boss were aware of -and your coworkers tried to have the reward you were granted taken away? Can you say with certain -that you know everything that’s going on between your boss and your fellow coworkers? The thing to keep in mind here is not to take away from people who deserve something but to try and fight for what you deserve! Far too often we choose the negative rather than the positive! When something good is happening to somebody, don’t try to take that away from them!
We still don’t understand the universe. If we did, we wouldn’t be sifting through every aspect of it -to try and find individual answers! We would have “the answer”!
The general problem with people is quite elementarary “My dear Watson” -“duality”! We have the one side of us for when people treat us “one-way”; and we have the other side of us for when people treat us “another way”! JESUS -only had one side to HIM!
Some people are satisfied in their relationships and still cheat. Some people will not cheat in their relationships as long as they’re satisfied -but is that good enough? The place you want to be at is through-thick-and-thin -you will not cheat!
Some people give double points, even triple points for the things you do for them. Some give you point straight up. Others a 1/2 a point instead of a full point. Some a quarter point instead of a full point. And others, nothing at all. And finally, others will give you nothing but grief!
GOD not only rewards us for what we do, HE [unlike man] rewards our efforts in spite of [in standing up to] our own limitations as well.
FACEBOOK “People may not respect a doormat; but they definitely respect a person who can take a punch -and continue to be there for them! That particular trait seems to have a profound effect on alot of people!” JESUS!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
FACEBOOK “You can always tell who is in power -because things tend to bend their way. And right now the direction things seem to be bending in is with the government and with corporate America, not with the American public! You look at the 20th century and it wasn’t the case!”
FACEBOOK “You notice there are a lot more rich people in this country these days [and alot more people struggling*]? They get there by over-charging the public! There’s a directly proportional relationship between overcharging the public and excessive profits [how else do you get there????]! But some Americans seem to like the idea of having billionaires in this country! Some people seem to like the idea that our politicians live lavish lifestyles! Really? Additionally, when a company is buying up billion dollar companies, you know they’ve been overcharging you and me!” 🤷♂️🤷♀️
*At any given time, there’s a line drawn in a society such as ours where people are struggling and people are not struggling. I’m guessing that as that line goes up, and the number of people in the society that are struggling increases… The more profits are being sucked out of them -and the greater the number of people who are getting rich; or, the richer a few are getting! Remember, there’s only so much to go around! If we lived in a world of unlimited resources; The need to be charitable would be rendered pointless!
FACEBOOK “Telling the truth can be as risky as telling a joke -Perhaps even more so!”
FACEBOOK “The greatest orator, and spiritualist -to ever walk the Earth; spoke truth with love!”
FACEBOOK “Without good intentions -our failures would be mere failures!”
Egos don’t always come out when it comes to material objects or inanimate objects-but it did with me!
Some things we have to shrink down, and with other things we have to grow up! And with some things we have to shrink down karma and with other things we have to grow up!
People don’t generally hang out where they’re uncomfortable That includes inside or outside of themselves! People who are not comfortable with being happy tend to be unhappy People who are uncomfortable with being unhappy tend to be happy. And some people fight through it. And some people make a living out of being uncomfortable and performing just the same. It’s a real gift I suppose! I don’t know if too many EMT’s or doctors or nurses who are entirely comfortable with these taxing and stressful situations.
FACEBOOK “The only way you’re ever gonna get everything you want out of life -is to want [embrace, accept… -and turn to good…] everything life hands you!”FACEBOOK “The only way you’re ever gonna get everything you want out of life -is to want [embrace, accept… -and turn to good…] everything life hands you!”
FACEBOOK “I think most of the time people are willing to admit to an error provided it doesn’t cost them too much [punitively, materially, egotisticaly]. I think most of the time people who do things intentionally wrong, out of malice, will not admit it!”
FACEBOOK “How is it that things were flexible years ago; and now they’re not flexible -Isn’t flexibility a good thing? Companies used to be able rectify mistakes on their part; and now they’re saying they can’t! Why not? For one thing the inflexibility is to their advantage. Anytime somebody is inflexible personally; it’s usually because it’s gonna cost them something otherwise. Correct me if I’m wrong?” 🤷♂️🤷♀️ [set in their ways?]
FACEBOOK “There’s speaking up to get a particular outcome; and there’s speaking up for yourself irregardless -or even though you know it’s not going to do any good in so far as the outcome. JESUS knew it was futile to try and save Judas; but HE had to be who HE was; and HE had to do what HE needed to do regardless*! So, this answer’s the “age-old-question” “Should we do something even though we know we’re going to fail?” “If that’s who we are -then that’s who we need to keep being.” “And, 🤔 if that’s not who we are [right now] -but who we need to be -then maybe we should practice “this” more!”
*”The fish needed to be the fish; and the old man needed to be the old man!”
I tell you, be prepared for anything; and everything!
FACEBOOK “One of the greatest gifts GOD ever gave to man was -his ability to learn from his mistakes. To learn from failure and to learn from disappointment! But in a Modern-day-America where arrogance and entitlement are more-and-more “the order-of-the day” -man is not interested in these things; he’s interested in success, and winning, and prevailing!”
FACEBOOK “If JESUS knew the outcome; and did the right thing anyways…. Shouldn’t we who do not know the outcome; do the right thing period?”
Corporate America and the government used to fear Americans; but not anymore! What happens when people lose their fear? Not obeying the laws of the land are deeply embedded in fear [for many, and in increasing numbers I believe (or decreasing numbers of people fear consequences -because in many ways, those consequencesno longer exist -flailing social stigma; and an America that isn’t just divided, but breaking down into little groups here-and-there that have no real power to shape things or change things anymore)]. How many people obey laws because they have good values and how many people obey laws because they’re afraid of the consequences? That’s a huge question that needs answering! What percentage of people do the right thing because they have values and what percentage of the people do the right thing because they’re afraid not to? And when you have an individual or a society that no longer has the fear of not doing the right thing and does not have the proper values in place as well…. You end up with a free-for-all! Either values or consequences have to hold us accountable! But I don’t believe that a society can exist based on fear of consequences alone!
FACEBOOK “OUT TO LUNCH?” 🤷♂️🤷♀️ “WE cannot shape OUR country by being overworked, under-informed [or misinformed], and basically being made to feel helpless, and hopeless!” Besides: If the owner of a company is hardly there; eventually, it’s gonna start looking more and more like the company of the people who are there!”
FACEBOOK “What people absolutely dislike “is a person who dislikes people”.”
FACEBOOK “People’s denial is very different when they’re being accused of something they know is true; versus being accused of something they know is a lie!”
FACEBOOK “The people who people tend to want to draw near to -tend to have a warmth and a joy to them.”
FACEBOOK “Getting in touch with what really matters in life begins with thinking about what really matters in life*.”
*But just how do we become aware of something we’re unaware of? “It’s a little bit like learning how to dislike something [or someone] we really like.” Do you see the comparison? One a matter of awareness; the other a matter of willingness. Awareness & Willingness go hand-in-hand don’t you think!
There’s always a right move and a wrong move, even on the basketball court or football field for example.
FACEBOOK “It [often] comes down to what we’re familiar with, what we’re comfortable with, what we are worthy of!”
Awareness is (a mysterious) an incredible thing -we all seem to have it in varying degrees.
FACEBOOK “The more comfortable you get with being comfortable* -the healthier you are becoming!”
*AHEM -Not things we shouldn’t be comfortable with!
When people made a meager living… Things seemed more affordable to those who were poor. But since nobody wants to be poor anymore things; are less affordable! 🤷♂️🤷♀️ Trying to “undo” this attitude “takes discipline”. We’re used to seeing undisciplined people here and there; while the main core of society maintain its integrity. These outliers generally struggled to adopt the sort of discipline that could bring them into the mainstream. But now we have an entire generation that is undisciplined and lacking the sort of discipline that could bring them back to where their predecessors were.
“Analyze “E”verything “I”nstead “O”f [an attitude of “knowing it’s right there” will often precipitate(?), promote…].
Is the penalty too high for crime in this country? One thing is obvious; People who commit crimes, don’t want to accept “the consequences”. But what about people who don’t, are they any different? I was told “people are people” regardless of “the time” or “the place”! Most men “feel the need” to “justify their actions” -bullies for example develop an “get to them from now on before they get to me” Attitude. Weak? Sensitive people?
FACEBOOK “We’re like a bunch of fish now -chasing after a worm on a hook. We can’t go back to the old way. Sure we can! But it takes the sort of character and discipline you don’t have!”
FACEBOOK “Just give in to it -and you’ll see!” “Just give in to it -and you’ll see!”
Awareness and Openness
FACEBOOK “Keep your mind clear of “weaponry”; keep your relationship clear of “wounds”! Took me 45 minutes to work this one out! Initially -> “Keep your mind clear of “booby-traps”; keep your relationship clear of… 🤔
Most people have a window. Not of opportunity. But of “being this, or being that”. They, 🤔 we don’t tend to be “all over the spectrum -we’re generally at one end, or the other, but with a “window” to operate within. Some people however, appear to have an enormous window [of spectrum]. People who are highly-intelligent for example -tend to struggle [score poorly] in certain other areas (socially?). People who are good in “english” tend not to do so well in “math” I’ve noticed!
FACEBOOK “Some people try to get thru life looking for positive things outside of themselves; some people [actually] get thru life by making the choice [or simply have the gift] of being positive [they seem to carry their own light].”
FACEBOOK “We have to die; and we have to make a choice* [choose a side]. Oh goodness, you didn’t know there was “a side!” If there was “no side”, I think GOD would have given us an out! HE did make one exception perhaps “those who truly DO NOT KNOW ANY BETTER will be granted special considerations!”
*And of course, not making a choice -is a choice!
FACEBOOK “I see all kinds of things in the world -beautiful and tragical! Some people cannot, will not, look at both -and be happy! They’re looking for supreme-happiness! Realistically 🤔 life is JOY; life is SORROW! Trying to skew this was the whole point of addiction -wasn’t it???”
FACEBOOK “Bringing out the worst in people doesn’t excuse them or you! Regardless of what side of that coin you , or theyhappen to be on!” 👫 ☺
The thought of coming up with my own idea [concept] of GOD is frightening to me as an alcoholic with control issues, complete self-centeredness, and a closed mind*! My higher power today is the one that I started out with as a boy. My Higher-Power is the one in which millions of pages have been written about. 🤷♂️ Sometimes you gotta trust other people. Sometimes you gotta have faith in GOD working through other people.
*But it’s probably a great exercise in countering; and improving upon…
Your problem is you go places in your mind you shouldn’t – Places that affect your ability to function adequately in the world, and to interact satisfactorily with others; but maybe, just maybe -it is “the catalyst” of, for, “these writings”?
In Alcoholics Anonymous we choose “a GOD of our own understanding”!
FACEBOOK “Well, I think it makes sense -anything most of us are uncomfortable with, good or bad -we tend to draw away from”. If we are uncomfortable with being happy, we tend to take from the shelf of life [or focus on] things that create unhappiness. If we are uncomfortable with unhappiness -we tend to take from the shelf of life things that create happiness. The foundation of counseling authority is… and if not -should be… Is in various offices around the 🌎!” M&R 👫 ☺
FACEBOOK “Well, I think it makes sense -anything most of us are uncomfortable with, good or bad -we tend to draw away from”. If we are uncomfortable with being happy, we tend to take from the shelf of life [or focus on] things that create unhappiness. If we are uncomfortable with unhappiness -we tend to take from the shelf of life things that create happiness. The foundation of counseling, therapy is… and if not -should be… In various offices around the 🌎!” M&R 👫
Just because we don’t believe something exists on the other side of the world or across the street doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist does it? Same can be said of other things!”
“I was raised, by example, to communicate via “attack-mode”. M&R 👫
FACEBOOK “One of the things we must learn early on is to be happy [serene] in the face of life, not in running away from it.” M&R 👫
EDIT: “One of the things we must learn early on is: to be happy [serene] while facing life; not while running away from it!”
“Life is like a grocery store out there; People who are uncomfortable with being happy tend to reach for the negative things out there in life; Where is the people who are uncomfortable with being unhappy tend to reach for the positive things out there in life. Whatever people are uncomfortable with they tend to shy away from internally or externally! Of course there are some people who have that gift or that determination to challenge themselves in uncomfortable situations but how many of us are really like that? EMT’s doctors nurses…” M&R 👫 ☺
“Someone’s gotta be flexible, or adult about it. Corporate America isn’t real big these days on taking responsibility 4 their mistakes so; 🤔 that leaves us right?” M&R 👫 ☺
FACEBOOK “There’s always a right move and a wrong move; even on the basketball court and the football field [of life]. One lesson man refuses to learn -When to win and when to lose in order to achieve the ultimate goal! How many times do we fail at achieving the ultimate goal by trying to win every time to get there [it just doesn’t work apparently]? You have to lose some to win some! And I’m not just talking about material or physical victories -strictly!” NOBEL PRIZE????? Gotta be a law in there somewhere -Ha!
******“Is there anything wrong with bribing someone to do what they should be doing anyways -but aren’t? 🤔 I mean is it illegal? Any lawyers in the house? How about we start paying off a few politicians to do their job correctly [🤔 I thought we were paying them (off?) already]? 😂😂
The cable companies get money [from corporate-America] for the commercials they put on [correct*]; and then they get paid by us -to remove the commercials! lol
*And if that’s not the case; someone else, some where 🤔d*** sure is… 🥱 -playing both sides from the middle! 😆
Most people donate what they no longer want – Some people donate what they cherish most – Which do you think represents a true donation in every sense of “the word”?
If there is no GOD, then explain to me how human beings can FXN for years; even decades off of nothing even closely resembling proper nutrition? Try that with a car!
People draw from a number of areas in order to accomplish things in life. You probably wouldn’t believe some of the things people have relied upon in order to accenglish certain things in life, certain things throughout history!
There are things you can buy that go up in value and things that you can buy that go down in value. Try to have a balance.
Like a maze, instead of thinking about where you should go, think about where you need to go! Losing to win -remember?
How many of us tend to buy gifts for people we like? Why not buy a gift for someone you don’t like-you might get lucky! It’s 5050 don’t you think?
“Build each other up!”
When you ask GOD for good things he will generally Grant them! Provided it doesn’t have the potential to be harmful! Provided we don’t turn it into something harmful!
Can we heal a cut? No! “Only” assist in it getting better, rather than worse! Can we create a life?
Things go up but they don’t go down price wise. And when they’re supposed to come companies don’t drop them down as much as they should. Some company’s.
“Give it your all; even if something inside of you is telling you the other person isn’t! When we give “it” our all; we have done everything within our power to make GOD’S PLAN come to fruition [to not interfere with it anyways]. We have done our part -and that’s all GOD will ever ask of any of us”.
When one person abuses a privilege; we all lose! In fact, human beings are the ones responsible for why our government continues to put more and more restrictions and pause launch. In fact, human beings are the ones responsible for why our government continues to put more and more restrictions and laws on us! By “the juvenile behaviors” of a few! And, the public goes along with it. A country considered free that has more laws than any other country by double at minimum -is no free country at all!
Not everything everyone finds interesting -is interesting. Some things people find interesting -are actually extraordinary!
A lot of people go on eBay selling stuff saying it is an excellent condition. Does that mean it has been used very little or it has been used a lot but still looks great? Excellent condition to me implies both use and appearance not just appearance. But we all know human beings right…
A lot of friendships end or never even get started because we get disappointed. Ever stop to think maybe we’re not supposed to rely on people in that particular area? This person in that particular area? Or maybe we’re supposed to demonstrate to them how to act in that particularly. But if we brush them off… It’s an injustice. Anytime we are given an opportunity to be an example to another person who is weak or wanting in a particular area… we should make our selves available! Friendships or crossing paths with another person are not always about what’s in it for us -strange, or foreign as that may sound. 🤷♂️🤷♀️
GOD does not readily or severely punish people for doing things that are highly offensive to us -but not to HIM -GOT IT?
When somebody harms us, or those we love, we want retribution; When we harm somebody else, or their loved-ones, we want mercy! Always the double-standard!
We see two strangers fighting; while GOD sees two of HIS children fighting! If you found out a complete stranger molested your daughter what would your reaction be? If you found out one of your own children molested your daughter what would your reaction be? Of course some parents… Some parents don’t distinguish between a stranger and their own child in these cases [when it comes to “immorality]..
People want swift and often excessive punishments. GOD on the other hand -is just; and willing to wait for a man to repent.
FACEBOOK “It’s better to be the victim than the perpetrator! Why? Because of the particular side we happen to be on with GOD [that alone]! It’s better to be on GOD’S side and suffer than to be against GOD and make others suffer! This is sanity of the highest form! Of course that’s always “The $64,000 question”, is there a GOD? Why sacrifice, struggle, go against “the grain” if their isn’t? Well, here’s why – Aside from the fact that it’s better to believe in GOD and discover there isn’t one than to disbelieve in GOD and discover there is one – Doesn’t it feel better to do the right thing? Doesn’t it feel better when we help others and think of others rather than thinking only of ourselves?”
FACEBOOK “…but GOD never wanders off!” 🤔
FACEBOOK “GOD will wait 50 years on a man to come to a [single] realization -Some men won’t wait 5 minutes!” 😔
FACEBOOK “Man is interested in results -GOD is interested in effort [and intentions]!”
FACEBOOK “At this juncture, I think GOD’S even willing to accept -the right outcome for the wrong reason! The right effort for the wrong reason! Or is it -the wrong effort for the right reason? 🤔
CTMU [Chris Langan] The existence of GOD can be proven if GOD is properly defined in the first place! ABSOLUTELY!
Never initiate or bring a problem in do your relationships with other people. And when they do, try and de-escalate the situation and get into the solution as quickly as possible!
Seldom do good things come from “poor-decision-making”.
●AA is a spiritual program
● And AA works
● Then we must have a spirit!
● That means there’s more required of us than getting laid and stuffing our faces and…
They say it’s all about the journey not the destination -but after you’ve been doing it for a while you have to have an idea of at least the direction you’re headed in [what it looks like as you trek onward -surely the scenery is changing (for the better)🤷♂️]!
Some people have to work hard to get their heart-beat going. To get their wavelengths jumping up-and-down. And some of us have to work very hard to go flat-hyphen to have some sort of consistency within a certainAnd some of us have to work very hard to go flat-hyphen to have some sort of consistency within a certain framework of normalcy!
When you are finally willing to be at the bottom; it doesn’t bother you anymore how high others fly! When you are no longer in competition, or have an ax to grind “YOU CAN BE HAPPY FOR EVERYONE!” 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
If GOD knows everything about us and still loves us; then shouldn’t that tell us something? Tell us [who know little, or nothing about one another (or not even “everything about our ‘loved-ones’ for example)] how we should proceed? 🤷♀️🤷♂️
For some people happiness is literally a matter of “mind-over-matter”! Their lives are essentially good; but their minds are not!
A little known fact – “One of the surest ways to GOD” is 🤔thru living in the moment!
The counselor spoke of a “competetive-aspect” to we humans -but driving out on the road in traffic -REALLY????? Jobs -to the point of trying to ruin one another -REALLY????? 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
“Them that mind don’t matter; and them that matter don’t mind”.
Don’t worry HUN “win-to-win, lose-to-win”; 🤷♂️🤷♀️ as long as we have Faith! Remember the courtroom movie with Bruce Willis? “Act as if ye have Faith -and Faith will be given unto thee” [Paul Newman]. -David Mamet- M&R 👫
“Either way we win when “WE TRUST IN GOD”!” M&R 👫
It’s easy to trust in GOD when things are “going our way”! For many of us however, “our trust-curve” drops off dramatically when literally “put to the test”! What good is “TRUST THAT DISSIPATES” [had to look up spelling; definition -shrink, or vaporize] when needed most?
You don’t have to talk to people disrespectfully. Besides 🤔 – do you really believe “others” are the only ones you are disrespecting?
Unless you are pure; life is going to exact from you a price [tax you] -somewhere, somehow!
People do stupid things all the time 😏🤔
People often do what the want to do. We see the wreckage that ensues. Sometimes however, what people want to do is 🤔 “the right thing”; had they not converged, they probably would have done it!
Selfishness doesn’t cover every one of the 7-deadly-sins; Self-interest does.
The person with the most sobriety is THE ONE WITH THE MOST GOD IN THEM!
*****Alcoholics Anonymous is not for people who want it; it’s not for people who need it; it’s for people who do it!
Two of our greatest gifts are SERENITY & SANITY -anything that adversely effects those two things -GET RID OF!
The Alcoholic mind not only wants to scheme & scam others; The Alcoholic mind not only wants to scheme & scam me!
We created this world of an uneven playing field with the ruleschools favoring certain individuals… and then we complain because people are out illegally trying to level the playing field. What’s worse is that a lot of people who are creating this uneven playing field are are far more protected than those less responsible for creating it. But are they less responsible? A couple of million compared to the 7080 or 1A 150 million who sit back idle…
If you have “the inner-child; but your adult is weak; or malformed; or mal-nourished… 🤷♂️
it’s very hard for alot of people “not to respond positively” to kindness [or to differentiate between fake (motivated by personal gain) and sincere].
We’re supposed to give a shit about people more than things; more than our own possessions! It took me a few times (having given thought to) to finally agree with the law that you can’t shoot people while running off with your property!
Start getting that “old-feeling” like you can’t trust people anymore -so you “start building that wall”! “Things” in “everyday-life” can trigger that “early-inclination” or “tendency”! When “MAGGIE SAYS” You’re everything I always wanted in a partner” it goes against “just about everyone else’s “actions” [and attitudes] from the past*! It’s a hard climb “downhill” for you!
*People get rejected because “they don’t fit”. Funny thing about people, because they have “a brain” and “an ego” is that they sometimes have “a very funny notion” about who fits, and who doesn’t. For one thing, “SINCE WE’RE ALL HUMAN-BEINGS”… 🤔🤷♂️🤷♀️
“If I choose to walk out of this meeting; begin to see people as the enemy [once again]; retreat to my “fortress” then I am NO LONGER ABLE TO BE USEFUL TO OTHERS, NOR TO GOD!”
It was bound too happen; man’s ability, if not his propensity to:
■Stay busy [getting out of hand] in order to survive, 🤔 also works in order to thrive. Additionally;
■Stay busy in order to get away from the more difficult aspects of life -> “of humanity” [others, as well as our own]. “As long as we have “plenty of money” Who needs “growth”; who needs social and personal improvement -too much work, too much pain, and where others are concerned 😟 “NO guarantees*“👎
*That is often man’s “go-to-excuse”, “Why should I do “x”; if the other feller isn’t doing it?” And what we end up with with this sort of mentality is an epidemic of laps in personal responsibility; laps in personal integrity!
Whether we want to admit it or not, we let down the current generation by things “WE” set in motion decades earlier! Some look back when “their grandfather” could work and buy a home for grandmother. Now* [and it continues to get worse], two people working can’t afford a home. I joked with my counselor “pretty soon they’re going to have to put the dog to work to afford a house”!
*But you and I both know people are overworked, and overcharged for a number of reasons: Long ago during the feminist movement:
■Two earners means two tax-payers;
■Two earners means “we can raise the price on merchandise and/or sell twice as much product annually”;
■Two earners means there is no one to mind the store at home,so; 🤔 government, and corporate-america can have increasing influence on up-and-coming-generations [which they clearly have:
●Producing generation-after-generation of better consumers;
●Producing generation-after-generation of a people who pose less resistance to “STRONG-GOVERNMENT”! Which clearly is the case. But hey, why stop there? 🤔 And I’ll even throw in an example below;
●Life is either about competition, or about altruism! In a society that is more and more skewed towards the former rather than the latter… The gloves come off, all bets are off, look out for number one… And when AA society becomes more materialistic and feels the odds are increasingly stacked against… And I’ll add in one additional caveat, when values in that society begin to plunder<- [wrong word] “FALTER”, MAN* STARTS THINKING OF WAYS NOT ONLY TO SOAR ABOVE THE COMPETITION, BUT HOW TO “TRIP-THE-COMPETITION-UP” NOT ONLY FOR THEMSELVES [IF THEY STILL HAVE A FEW SCRUPLES LEFT], BUT THAT OF THEIR CHILDREN, AND THEIR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN [a thought from 20 some years ago: How many generations ahead does the average human being think? 2? 3? 4? Shakes his head! Pollution? Waste and greed of limited resources! Jeeeeeeez 🤷♂️🤔]! **You see, you may think we are “taking pot-shots” at select groups, or individuals; but the fact of the matter is that “just about everyone on this planet” is culpable*! Save for “The truly exploited and oppressed”!
*If you really want to screw over your enemy!!!!! Get him at his earliest point in development where he is weak, vulnerable, impressionable, and probably a few other things I can’t think of at the moment [instill helplessness, hopelessness… depression and stress- induced “addictions”]! 🤔 Once you have created a highly dysfunctional individual, they will become THEIR OWN CHILDREN’S “WORST ENEMY***”! 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ Ingenius???? Nah, SICK!!!! What we humans are, and what we have the potential to be[come] is often quite dispariting & disparaging!
**Anyone capable of “responsible action”, and fails to “take that action”! 🤷♀️🤷♂️
***Set off a “chain-reaction” [which we are in fact experiencing in America as we speak]! Ever greater gap between “the-haves and have-nots” ring any bells? Mental health issues through the roof which have created more jobs and less competition [of one kind atleast] in the workforce. And for many people, mental health means “BIG-BUSINESS****”!
****This business of of surviving, and thriving is even more inexusable, BASED UPON “THE MISFORTUNE OF OTHERS”… I mean when people start CREATING THESE SCENARIOS IN ORDER TO PROFIT… [Oh believe me, you look at history and people have done far worse]! You don’t think people in the high-tech business have inserted viruses into the public domain so that people can come to them to have those viruses removed? I saw a movie where the guy creates a problem; shows up to solve it -and ends up looking the hero -Scott Glenn? 🤔 Anyways, I’m tired, discouraged -enough about ALL THIS!!!! 😥
Worrying “lacks Faith” -A human-being when worrying -becomes weakened! A human-being who “lacks Faith” -is “highly-vulnerable”! 🤷♂️🤷♀️ “Weak & Vulnerable” [one or the other is bad enough] is a BAD PLACE TO BE!
I could never figure out why a company would want to sell something to somebody for less who’s gonna turn around and sell it for more! 🤔 Maybe it’s ethics? A need for us to work together in order to survive? Well, that seems to be “going-out-the-door” rather quickly in this country! You can’t have “HIGHER-PRINCIPLES” and “maximum-profits”! Atleast not to man’s “current way of thinking”. So what man is doing is “dismantling” many of the principles of “his predecessors”, so he can make “greater gains”!
“We can ALWAYS talk about our selves; but there is SO MUCH MORE to talk about!” 🤷♀️🤷♂️ THINK ABOUT IT 🤔 WE ARE “FREE TO TALK ABOUT ANYTHING” and yet, 🤔 so many of us can only think of talking about our selves! 🙄
FACEBOOK “I’m telling you, you people who are young, and poor, or broke [or not-so-much]; and envious of the rich! Many of them would give their entire fortune to have what you have -YOUTH! 🤷♂️ “You have options, they don’t!””🤔
Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today! Think about it!
If your [alcoholic/addict] mind insists on thinking of something -think about GOD! Pray for others!
People with “low self-esteem” versus people with “healthy esteem”. Let’s try it this way:
▪︎When my esteem is up I find myself questioning my worth or value;
▪︎ When my esteem is down I find myself not questioning my worth or value [but it’s very much a feeling, not just cognitive].
Ever think about the people from other eras [past or present], you, or I:
▪︎Share similarities with;
▪︎Could have really hit it off with;
▪︎Could have fallen in love with [mutually];
▪︎I wonder if those who were never able to find love in their own Era will find it in Heaven with perhaps someone from a different era?
It’s a good thing to study GOD’S LAWS [Bible] & man’s law’s!
You great books:
▪︎The Bible;
▪︎ The dictionary.
That’s what A MASTER IS: Someone who can do “that thing” you or I cannot do, extraordinarily well! For example, I can’t fathom knowing “precisely” where “the strings are” while playing the guitar [not hitting “the wrong string” [agterall, they are SO CLOSE TOGETHER]. 🤷♂️
Are you the type of person that whether your partner is overweight and loses weight, whether your partner has low self esteem and then manages to find good self esteem… they still want to be with you? Or are you the type of person people want to be with because they have low self esteem and feel as if nobody else would want them? 🤷♂️🤷♀️
A lot of people in this country have great ideas but they won’t share them with you online for example because they want to sell them and make money rather than help their fellow human beings. I’m all for making a living-but once you achieve that status, then what? You’re gonna keep on selling things as opposed to giving things away?
Can’t have it both ways:
▪︎ Ignore or even trample on GOD’S wishes, and;
▪︎ Have HIS blessings at the same time. 🤷♀️🤷♂️
* But ohhhh how some of us try! 😔
Without examples, without someone to teach us; We can take a very long time to learn! I DON’T THINK GOD INTENDED IT THAT WAY! BUT IT APPEARS WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TEACHERS; RUNNING OUT OF EXAMPLES!!!!
In GOD’S UNIVERSE there’s basically one way of doing things; but here on planet earth, there appears to be multiple ways of getting the job done -it has to be that way “for” man, otherwise he would rarely accomplish anything since he seldom gets thing right according to how “THE ALMIGHTY WOULD HAVE THEM DONE”. Additionally, on relationships, “there’s a difference between doing something wrong and not doing it the way “your partner would prefer things to be done”. Alot of people in “American culture” want all sunshine and rainbows -like “The best parts of a romantic novel!
Sometimes I think we take this matter of “carrying one’s own water” a bit too far. We try to make people who are not entirely responsible or able, entirely responsible or able! It’s also a very convenient philosophy for avoiding carrying your brother’s water when he is unable. WHY CAN’T WE JUST…
The system is designed; is supposed to be designed to serve man. But how often do we see the exact opposite? Those men who try to manipulate the system; to use it as a go-between in order to exploit their fellows? Now in order to make this work, they have to make their fellow man: either serve the system; or make him subordinate to it. Thus making him subordinate to the man on the other side of the system. WHY CAN’T WE JUST…
FACEBOOK “Your job is to be the best person you can be; and never mind about what other people are thinking; and never mind about what you think other people are thinking.”
If we don’t want people robbing from each other then don’t make material things the most important thing among that society. And don’t make a shift where there is a gap creating two very lopsided sectors of that society! Once again, we create our own problems. And the rich and powerful who are probably as much or more to blame, have a greater ability to protect themselves from the problem then do the weak and the poor. So their attitude is indifferent because they think they can have the best of both worlds. REMEMBER THIS: OFTEN TIMES, THE PEOPLE WITH THE PROBLEM; DON’T HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE CHANGE*. THE PEOPLE WITH THE POWER TO MAKE CHANGE, DON’T HAVE THE PROBLEM -THIS MUST CHANGE! ONE FINAL THOUGHT 🤔 IF IT WERE OTHERWISE: All the peoples of the world who have problems would be using whatever resources available to them to solve those problems -and the rich and the powerful and elite who are basking in excesses while the rest of the world struggle with the same old problems day-after-day -would be s*** out of luck; because then there would be no excess to bask in**!
*Like for example the people you talk to with customer servicall many of them don’t have the power to solve our problems, and the ones that do we never get to talk to. It’s a system that prevents problems from being solved at the expense of the company. W.A.B.O’.S.
**You, and I don’t know the half of what human beings are doing to each other in this planet
We the people pay taxes so when the shit hits the fan, the elite are the ones protected? People we don’t even like? REALLY?????
Would you trust a stranger with your wallet? Well how is it, how has it come to pass that we trust politicians with our very lives; with the lives of those we care most about; people we don’t even know, or trust, or like????
FACEBOOK “Once we give over our power through voting… it is very hard to change that which was put into place by giving over our power.”
FACEBOOK “We fire employees at fast food restaurants on the spot for far less than some of the things going on in Washington which take months and years to get rid of these idiots. In many cases we never get rid of them. Now we’re not talking about fast food here; we’re talking about people responsible for the lives of millions in many instances. Just what in the h*** is wrong with this picture? It’s more than just unfairness or injustice or a double standard -we are scared shitless to be leaderless. And another thing is that we know all too well our own frailty and our own limitations and our own flaws. Therefore we must have some inkling of our fellow man’s as well. I mean on a subconscious level we must be granting some degree of understanding to this whole miss that never seems to go away! But to the people on top show us the same?”
“Sometimes I wonder, why don’t we ever run out of sand? After millions of years of wind -surely it must have moved to another area? And what of erosion for millions of years -surely everything you would think would be laid flat, or filled-in by now lol? GOD!!!!!!”🤷♂️🤷♀️
Just because it happens to be true doesn’t mean we should say it. Yes it happens to be a lie…Sometimes what we think is a lie turns out being the truth!
Some people look great, but their body-chemistry is not -how shall we say 🤔 ideal! Toxic blood?
Competition brings prices down. So why wouldn’t businesses want to eliminate competition by cooperating between themselves -if not monopolizing?
Don’t waste your time and energy getting angry at the people who hurt the people you love, use your time and your energy comforting the people you love.
It’s not indifference that prevents GOD from acting, it’s strength! Strength combined with wisdom and love (atleast that’s our humanistic viewing capability)!
A movie for example has 2 values:
▪︎ It’s own, and;
▪︎That of the public’s value of it.
Entertainment is so successful in this country because a lot of people use it to run away.
I’ndividualistic: Man insists on being individual in his conduct and in his person. To the point where we cannot even be consistent with the 2 most important areas:
• How we treat each other, and;
• How we rear our children. M&R 👫
If we cannot even love someone else’s child… the foundation of all human connection!
Humans are so material, physical… too much! Comfort, safety.
What past tissues did your partner have in their relationships? Have they resolved their sexual issues they were abused?
There’s a difference between having the best you’ve ever had and having what you want-a lot of relationships start out Gray because they’re better than anything before, but then as the person begins to find themselves they realize this person isn’t everything they ever wanted.
Is it a good thing to be able to tell a partner everything about you and still be accepted? Let me replace that, is there a good thing to be able to tell a partner everything? Is it a good thing to have a partner you can tell everything too? Well I suppose that depends on what you “have” to tell them. Is it safe to say that a healthy person can only take so much? Or should only take so much?
Do the very best that you can buy your partner: If that’s good enough 👍🏻; If it’s not 🤷♂️🤷♀️ If your best isn’t good enough in your relationship then it wasn’t meant to be-but how many of us narrow give our best? How can we not do our best on the job for example, lose that job or get let go… and then say “Guess it wasn’t meant to be?”
People generally lie to avoid, and fake to get!
People often fake because either it takes too long to become the genuine-article; or they never will be. There’s so much lying and faking going on in this country. 2 reasons:
▪︎ We’re very judgemental of each other;
▪︎ Because unfortunately -it works*!
Why do politicians lie and manipulate? Because it works! Why do men* lie to women to get him in the sack? Because it works! In both cases “often”** because we want something for nothing. Something we should be doing for ourselves! So we set ourselves up. We are our own worst enemy.
*Men often lie because it’s the only way they can get anywhere. If [some] women were more accepting, and more humble… Men wouldn’t have to lie would they?
**Selfish and self-centered driven motives!
Once a person has become [been made] aware of something, they are changed forever [I remember 🤔 hearing this exact conversation as a little boy at my stepmom’s parents house -found it quite odd as they were very simple people; but sharp nonetheless].
One of the reasons society is so screwed up is that people don’t dare reveal their true selves; their true problems. We’re not only not a very open society; but we’re also a very judgmental one. We have problems we refuse to reveal, and; we judge others when we discover theirs! How screwed up is that! The 1st step in getting better is being honest with ourselves. The 2nd one is… [Sometimes] Opening up to others [which sometimes helps us with the 1st]. We fear, and rightfully so, losing our relationships, losing our friendships, losing our very livelihood by being open about who we really are. A society is not only measured by its attitude towards those in need [how it treats the weak, the vulnerable], but it’s attitude towards who one another truly are! 🤷♂️🤷♀️
Once a person has become [been made] aware; they are changed forever. Hollywood, the advent of video [acting, portraying on stage…TV, theatre, drama, movies, instructionals…] brings a whole slew/sleu of awareness’s to humanity. Many of those awarenesses are good. But in a society that is slow to change… Those awarenesses create issues among [its] people. People for example, watch a movie and they see certain attributes in an actor or character and then they turn around and look at their own partners* [often in utter disgust, disillusionment, disappointment]. A lot of people don’t even realize they’re being abused -who are in fact. Abuse can be very subtle! Very hard to catch! Especially when we want something to succeed so badly!
*And if our partners refuse to change**? Seeing that person in a different light day after day, week after week, year after year can wear on a person. It’s not just that people we are in partnership with are unhealthy [and the often startling awareness(es) that has/ve somehow been brought to light], it’s our immature, narrow/limited, self-serving, inexperienced mentality that is at issue as well!
**Part of the issue in our country is… as I disclosed to a friend of mine Dale a couple of years ago… “Character-building in this society does not seem to be a top priority.” If you bring awareness into a society that is unwilling [slow; say over generations] to change… PROBLEMS*** 🤷♂️🤷♀️
***Perhaps this is an even bigger cause of divorce in this country!
Sometimes people kissing a**, appealing to a person’s ego, or appealing to [needling on] some hidden underlying issue 🤔 -WORKS!
We think of exploiting someone in our lifetime so that we ourselves can enjoy the spoils. Now there are people who see this plan over the course of generations. A very interesting approach. Considering they themselves who initiated it won’t be alive to see the end result. This is actually somewhat spiritual in nature save for the exploitation part. As they say, “satan knows The Bible better than anyone.” 👹