God should have won “THE NOBEL PRIZE” for “THE 12-STEP-PROGRAM” among numerous other things!

In the early days of AA they did not have alot of the things EE ENJOY TODAY -AND IT STILL WORKED FOR THEM!

Every Alcoholic who comes to the doors of AA -ARRIVES SICK! So how do they stay sober?

1. I believe God grants us a “Grace-period”;

2. It’s not where we’re at the keeps us sober, allows God to…. -IT’S WHERE WE ARE GOING -WHERE WE GO FROM THERE!

We all affect the world -BUT NOT ALL OF US MOVE IT!

•Trust in God can relieve a lot of stress.

•Trust not so much in outcomes in the here and now but trust in the final outcome outcome can also relieve a lot of stress.

The great thing about trusting and God-is that we don’t have to do it perfectly. Oftentimes we don’t even have to get it right with regard to what we’re trusting Him about Just trusting Him seems to go a hell of a long way -as far as actual outcomes are concerned!

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