At the end of the day, what a lot of women seek out when they are young versus what they end up with as they mature, is quite different.That’s it, the operative word is matured [more realistic?], their heads must come down out of the clouds and descend back to Earth. They start out looking for the best looking guy, the coolest guy… but in many instances end up with a regular guy because that’s the only way to attain stability and longevity in many instances. I’m no regular guy, never have been, probably never will be.
In certain circles among mankind you must sell yourself. Make yourself marketable. Whether it be financially, socio -economically, socially, personally…! You need to have some kind of a worth with regard to humanity. Being an incredible creation, a child of God alone in many people’s eyes isn’t gonna get it. And what of inspiring people to act, to evolve, to produce through acceptance and avoidance of criticism of peers? Where does that come into play? And what of us under achievers based upon this standard?
Many people get into relationships for many reasons other than love -the worst part of it at all is that in many instances they call it love. 😒
Is there an age that people haven’t died. Say, if you go by minutes?