One never really can tell what’s going on behind a person’s eyes. One can never really tell if what’s coming out of their mouths is what’s really in their hearts. Oh sure, actions often tell the story but not entirely. How can we ever know then? Knowing that we’re all flawed. Knowing that most of us have been, will be a disappointment to God [some how, some way].

I heard a girl I once dated say “I don’t want some loser” [for a boyfriend]. Is this the way some women think? Just as some men view women as a conquest or a trophy? I’ve always said that men and women aren’t all that different even though some believe this not to be the case -some believe their counterpart is beneath them.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to let a vindictive person have the last word that way you do not walk away an enemy who is deserving of some sort of revenge. It’s best not to leave a wholly bad taste in the other person’s mouth -But rather a bitter sweet taste at worst.

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