If you can’t trust that which created the universe to guide you in your own life who can you trust? By whatever name you choose to call it! This thing which created the universe has clearly chosen to remain apart of it, guiding and maintaining it. And since we are a part of that creation, it’s only reasonable to assume that our own existence is being guided and maintained by it that is to the extent we allow it since we as humans also have a free will which can to a certain extent, thwart that guidance, that maintenance. If this force can control* the vast laws, the vast heavenly bodies of the universe, surely it has the power to intercede in all human affairs. When a planet come when a star dies, or or otherwise seemingly meets an untimely end, is it because this power failed in its efforts, or because this power willed it so? Thus nullifying the notion of an untimely end. I’m doing this is so, it only stands to reason that is very same pattern eminates outward, or inward to our own human existence.**
If it is good it is God!
If it is bad it is not God!
If it is in error it is not God!
*Of non-human entities lacking in free-will.
** You take the best of all human traits in us human beings and multiply them times infinity and you have God! Is God aware? Are we?? Is God-loving in compassionate? Are we?
Watching the movie “The Angel of AUSCHWITZ” I was reminded of something many years ago
From the holocaust one might deduce that God:
•Abandoned the Jews
•Punished the jews
•Allowed mankind’s free-will as HE so often does
•From the 3rd one, God as HE so often does, takes satan’s attempts to defeat HIS plans and turns them into victory for HIMSELF and man by freeing/sparing numerous souls from eternal damnation through the death and suffering of millions of jews via expiation. I know 3 of those are right I’m not sure if all 4 of them are though. 3 of them came to me many years ago and then some time after that a 4th one -the idea of expiation. We’re talking 25 years ago or so. I do the best I can.