You’re right about one thing, beneath the numerous excuses we human beings offer, the demands of Christianity are well beyond most people’s willingness.
Oftentimes, in order to get a lot out of people you have to give a lot. I believe that many of my relationships failed early on because because my ability to match people’s expectations was not there. Just to give some context on the subject, to get a lot from God you don’t have to give a lot to God, all you have to do is give what you have. And he is so loving and merciful that even then he will give HIS ALL when we fail at this. If you give your all to certain people, and it’s very little in their eyes, they will not give their all if they feel it is an unfair exchange. That’s mankind for you. THAT’S GOD FOR YOU!
There’s a difference between wanting someone and loving someone. SOMETIMES A VERY BIG ONE!