Relationships must continually have new life breathed into them.. Many relationships that could and should survive do not because of this lacking of… Many relationships that should not survive, in fact do simply because people have this innate or learned ability to keep something going long after it has died. Like carrying around a dead mouse in your pocket.

It’s a terrible thing to reach the end of one’s life and come to the realization that she still haven’t gotten the most important things right.

I went over to my aunt and Uncle’s house to do a little work, and they had the Dominic black trial going. Looking into the faces of many of those people on television I thought to myself these people are fulfilling a need within themselves by doing what they’re doing. They need it to stay busy to feel a part of to feel important to feel a sense of worth. Anytime we do something calm or whatever happens to be based on a need being fulfilled within us, we run the risk in the moment of tainting our position, we run the risk in the bigger picture sir of perpetual perpetuating something that otherwise we or society as a whole would be better without.*

It is appropriate to refuse an offer when to do so is offensive period of period it is wise to refuse an offer when it is not. This this is the parameter we should use it is and not taking advantage of people, is pokama not helping them to form an adverse opinion of ourselves or the human race as a whole. By using this rule we can undo some of the damage our fell of human beings have done, and with regards to the reputation of the human race as well.

* People needing to feed their families. Care for their medical needs and so forth…………… but the wonderful thing about Jesus is that if he had any need whatsoever, it was the need to help us. In the end I suppose that’s the only safe need there is. Pure need.

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