Some people have a higher power they tell what to do.
The only suggestion is that it be a power greater than yourself and, a power that can solve your problem.
When I started out, god was a piece of paper with a lime drawn down the middle -on the top,, one side read “what god is” and the other side “what God isn’t”. Today…well, I ended up with the same God my grandmother introduced me to.
Bill W. stated, “We realize we know very little… More will be revealed…” Today… let me say this, several years ago I told a friend who maybe had 3-4 years sober at the time. I told her “I’m no longer interested in a god of my own understanding nor liking, nor choosing,, nor wishing… (because Alcoholics Anonymous specifically states that the problem of the alcoholic centers in the mind)… I’m interested in seeing God as He is, not as I would have Him be!”