The chances that the 1st person you develop an attraction towards being your lifelong soulmate are slim at best.
A man in prison who hurts children is that a grave risk of being harmed himself. It’s my understanding that a man who hurts women is viewed with a very different attitude in prison -why? People in prison are viewed by some as the rejects come of the dejects of society. I’ve even heard it said that many men in prison arevhaters of women. If this is true then I pose the obvious question “Why?’ We’ll be in a man myself, and having very mixed feelings towards the female of our species.. I think I can chime in somewhat on this topic. It’s the power women have over us – more to the point however, the misuse of power. To coin an old idiom of mine, women love having the power to sat ‘no” almost as much as they love hearing yes. The fact of the matter is, not a lot of women but a women are able to handle this power with grace and humility. They get carried away. Some go on a power or ego trip. And make no bones about it, many women have no compunction with regard to making the determination that [labeling] a man is worthy or unworthy, of her affections. People, men or women, when afforded multiple options, will have a tendency to take advantage of that position. Quite often selfishly, arrogantly. And this garbage about trying to pick an adequate partner to provide for you and your children… That line of thinking leaves a whole lot of people out in the cold… Is not very Christian like. There are two very separate realities tied at the hip here. Two sides with wants and needs, and a philosophy in separating the two; preventing one or the other from getting those needs met
My overspending is perhaps a consequence of the philosophy, Always give yourself something to look forward to.
Ralph Waite – His character in his movies never never seemed condescending, confrontational; Always peace bringing, and encouraging.
The things you learned in your childhood often get deluded by the things you learn later in life. The things you learn in life later often seem to become diluted by the things you learned earlier in life [diluted or more porent in both the above].